

How To Get Traffic To Your Website | Increase Website Traffic 2019 | Digital Marketing | Simplilearn
22 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video on how you can get traffic to your website, we focus on the many ways you can do so. First off, we talk about why it's so important to bring traffic to your website. Following this, we take an in-depth look at some methods like:

1) Paid advertising 03:03
2) Promoting your site on social media 05:06
3) Guest blogging 07:17
4) Interviewing industry thought leaders 09:22
5) Making sure your website is responsive 10:18
6) Build a brand community 12:22
7) Be active on social media 14:35
8) Perform DEO 15:27
9) Build backlinks 18:33
10) Perform internal linking 20:42
11) Target long tail keywords 23:28
12) Focus on email marketing 26:15
13) Host webinars 30:57

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Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#HowToGetTrafficToYourWebsite #HowToIncreaseTrafficToYourWebsite #SEO #SEOTutorialForBeginners #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Get-Traffic-To-Your-Website-6O14SVVarUM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Complete SEO Guide For 2019 | SEO Guide 2019 | SEO Guide For Beginners | SEO Tutorial | Simplilearn
16 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video on "SEO Guide 2019", Matt Bailey, bestselling author, and SEO expert explains a few important topics like keyword research and search trends, SEO-friendly copywriting, content optimization, website & landing page optimization, and content trends.

Google Data Studio | Google Data Studio Tutorial 2019 | Google Data Studio Dashboard | Simplilearn
13 vistas · 5 años hace

Data Studio provides exclusive analytics capabilities compared to the free beta version. It integrates data from different sources in order to monitor, manage, and share dashboards such as reports, charts, etc. across the organization.

Email Marketing | Email Marketing Tutorial | What Is Email Marketing & How Does It Work
24 vistas · 5 años hace

This email marketing tutorial will help you understand what is email marketing, how to set up an email marketing campaign, benefits of email marketing, what is A/B testing, how to automate emails, types of email campaigns, how to engage with new users and we will also look into demo on creating an email campaign using MailChimp.

Facebook Advertising Tips & Strategies 2019 | Facebook Advertising Tips |
19 vistas · 5 años hace

This Facebook advertising tips and strategies tutorial will help you understand the top 25 Facebook marketing techniques that can help every individual to grow their business and gain more traffic with less effort.

7 مواصفات للمدير الناجح!! سهل مهدي
13 vistas · 5 años hace

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سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني


التسويق الإلكتروني للشركات!! سهل مهدي
14 vistas · 5 años hace

فيه هذه الحلقة جاوبت على أسئلة بعض المتابعين عن كيفية إستهداف الشركات في التسويق الإلكتروني وماهي أقوى الأدوات والأكثر فاعلية في إستهدافهم, أيضا تكلمت عن نمو التجارة الإلكترونية مقارنة بالتجارة التقليدية, حلقة أعتقد أنها الأفضل إلى الأن, لا تفوتكم!!

روابط التواصل معي:
سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني

#التجارة_الإلكترونية #التسويق_الالكتروني #تسويق #اسأل_سهل

أهمية التشبيك وبناء العلاقات في العمل Networking. سهل مهدي
4 vistas · 5 años hace

موضوعنا اليوم عن أصول التشبيك وفن بناء العلاقات..

روابط التواصل معي:
سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني

#أسهل_مع_سهل #العلاقات #التشبيك

كيفية انشاء متجر الكتروني احترافي خطوة بخطوة I سهل مهدي
6 vistas · 5 años hace

لفتح متجرك على سلة إضغط على الرابط:

لزيارة موقع ايمان هود:

شكر خاص لمخرج الحلقة الأخ أحمد عمر:
حسابه على الانستجرام
حسابه على السناب:

روابط التواصل معي:
سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني

#أسهل_مع_سهل #التجارة_الالكتروني #انشاء_متجر

الحياة الوردية في ريادة الأعمال والعمل الحر!! سهل مهدي
5 vistas · 5 años hace

في هذه الحلقة تكلمت عن حقيقة ريادة الأعمال ومتى يجب أن تترك وظيفتك لأجل بناء شركة أحلامك.

رابط حلقة لا تضيع وقتك في وظيفة أو عمل لاتحبه I الفريلانسرز وزيادة الدخل :

روابط التواصل معي:
سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني

#اسأل_سهل #ريادة_الأعمال #العمل_الحر

التسويق عبر الانستقرام واستراتيجيات زيادة المبيعات والوصول I سهل مهدي
7 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق عبر الانستقرام له طرق واستراتيجيات كثيرة جدا.. استطعنا في هذا الفيديو تغطية البعض منها وان شاء الله سيكون لنا جلسة أخرى لطرج طرق واستراتيجيات أكثر عن هذا التطبيق وكيف تستطيع زياة مبيعاتك والوصل لشريحتك المستهدفة.

رابط دورة التجارة الالكترونية عبر الانستجرام:

روابط التواصل معي:
سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني

البداية والتسويق في الانستقرام
#اسأل_سهل #التسويق_الالكتروني #الانستقرام

تجربتي في التحدث امام الكاميرا | التسويق الالكتروني بالمحتوى
2 vistas · 5 años hace

الفيديو يعتبر من اقوى استراتيجيات التسويق الالكتروني بالمحتوى ، لكن يواجه معظم الاشخاص الخوف من التحدث امام الكاميرا ، او التحدث امام الجمهور بشكل عام ، في هذا الفيديو اشرح تجربتي في التخلص من الخوف امام الكاميرا واكتساب الثقة في مواجهة الكاميرا .

بامكانك الاشتراك مباشرة في القناة من هنا : http://bit.ly/AhmedAbdEldaymYTC

صفحتي الرسمية على فيسبوك : https://www.facebook.com/AhmedAbdEldaym84

حسابي على انستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/abdeldaym

للتواصل المباشر : a.abdeldaym@hotmail.com

هل يفضل التسويق الالكتروني على كل وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي  ؟ | Social Media Marketing
4 vistas · 5 años hace

يسألني الكثيرين هل يجب التواجد على كل منصات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة لبداية التسويق الالكتروني لمشروعي او النشاط التجاري الخاص بي ؟ ، قد تدفع مميزات التسويق الالكتروني الكثيرين لبداية صفحات وحسابات على مختلف انواع السوشيال ميديا حتى ولو لم تتناسب مع طبيعة نشاطه التجاري او مشروعه ، مما قد يوقعهم في كثير من الاحيان لعدم الانتظام في نشر المحتوى على تلك المنصات ، وفي هذا الفيديو نشرح 6 خطوات لاختيار افضل منصات التواصل الاجتماعي التي تتناسب مع نشاطك التجاري .

بامكانك الاشتراك مباشرة في القناة من هنا : http://bit.ly/AhmedAbdEldaymYTC

صفحتي الرسمية على فيسبوك : https://www.facebook.com/AhmedAbdEldaym84

حسابي على انستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/abdeldaym

فيديو كيفية صياغة رسالة تسويقية احترافية : https://youtu.be/uUOn9eXnKdY

فيديو التحيزات المعرفية لفهم سيكلوجية المستهلك : https://youtu.be/EzfZmMR-S2c

استهداف اصحاب الدخل المرتفع على فيسبوك : https://youtu.be/C_gii1Myr_Y

للتواصل المباشر : a.abdeldaym@hotmail.com

اساسيات المحتوي التسويقي Content Marketing - افضل طرق التسويق الالكتروني!
7 vistas · 5 años hace

المحتوي التسويقي هو محتوي مفيد ومستهدف العملاء المهتمين بمجال تخصص البيزنس
هدف المحتوي هو جذب انتباه الجمهور وتعريفهم بالبيزنس وزياده انتشار العلامه التجاريه ومن ثم ينعكس ذلك علي زياده المبيعات وتحقق ارباح اكثر

يجب ان يكون المحتوي مفيد ويوجه العملاء نحو خطوات الشراء وليس مجرد محتوي عادي للقراءه

التسويق بالمحتوي هو افضل اساليب التسويق والدعايه الالكترونيه واسهلها علي الاطلاق
لانه لايحتاج الي خبرات تسويقيه ولكن فقط الي علم واحتراف تخصص مجال عملك
وايضا سهل في تسويقه لان عملائك هم من سيساعدوك في التسويق وسرعه الانتشار

كثير من مجالات العمل لاتصلح للاعلانات التجاريه المباشره او التسويق عبر الشبكات الاجتماعيه مثل الفيسبوك ولكن مع المحتوي التسويقي فهو يصلح لاي مجال عمل مهما كان
ولكنه ينجح بشكل اكثر وخصوصا مع المنتجات الثمينه او عندما يحصل حاله ركود او اكتفاء للسوق

التسويق بالمحتوي او المحتوي التسويقي Content Marketing


مقدم الفيديو: ابراهيم الشربيني

تابعونا للمزيد وللاستفسارات علي جروب الفيسبوك:

التسويق الالكتروني بالواتساب مع حنان جمعه
5 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق الالكتروني باستخدام تطبيق الواتس اب مع حنان جمعه من لايف جروب مسوقاتي
لتحميل كتابة افضل 65 وسيلة للربح من النت
للحصول على اسطوانة التسويق الالكتروني
للحصول على اسطوانة دورة سيو للمبتدئين
لمتابعة جديد الفيديوهات عن التصميم والتسويق الالكتروني والربح من النت وغيرها من الفيديوهات التعليمية اضغط اشتراك للقناة من خلال الرابط

لمتابعة جديد المقالات التسويقية انضم للموقع
لمتابعة جديد اخبار التسويق اضغط لايك لصفحة الفيس
لتحميل كتب خاصة بالتسويق والربح من النت انضم للجروب
لمتابعة فيديوهات تعليم الربح من النت اشترك بقناة اليوتيوب
حسابي الشخصى على الفيسبوك
تابع اذاعة حكاوي مسوقين
#التسويق_الالكتروني #الربح_من_النت

خطة تسويق الكتروني بسيطة تساوي اكثر من 100 الف دولار
24 vistas · 5 años hace

احترف #التسويقـالالكتروني دورات تدريبيه كامله في التسويق الالكتروني

ابدا الان و انشئ متجرك الاكتروني https://www.expandcart.com

لو اخبرتك انك ستربح اكثر من 100 الف دولار في العام الاول اذا التزمت بكتابة مقاله واحده كل اسبوع، و اكثر من نصف مليون دولار في العام الثاني.

رابط المقاله http://expandcart.info/2xdu7w8

سلسلة الفيديوهات من صفر الي 100 الف دولار https://youtu.be/9U_Rv2uW--0

تواصل معي #تابعني



موقعي الشخصي

كورس التسويق الالكتروني الكامل | تعلم التسويق الالكتروني خطوه بخطوه
7 vistas · 5 años hace

*** رابط الكورس علي موقع يوديمي

كورس التسويق الالكتروني الكامل علي موقع يوديمي تعلك كيف يمكنك انشاء موقع الكتروني خطوه بخصوه و كيف يمكنك انشاء متجر الكتروني علي اكسباند كارت خطوه بخطوه.

ثم تعلم اساليب التسويق الالكتروني بشكل احترافي بامثله عمليه و بشرح خطوه بخطوه من البدايه ستتعلم كيف يمكنك عمل حملات الاعلان المموله علي فيسبوك و انستجرام بشكل احترافي و بشكل كامل.
ستتعلم كيف يمكنك انشاء الحملات الاعلانيه علي جوجل ادوردس بشكل احترافي و خطوه بخطوه

ستتعلم كيف يمكنك تحسين ترتيب ظهور اي موقع في نتائج محرك البحث حتي يظهر في النتيجه الاولي و المزيد

العرض في الرابط اعلاه لتفره محدوده فسارع و ابدا الكورس الان .


**موقعي الخاص بدورات التسويق الالكتروني و التجارة الالكترونية **

ياسر سليم
Yasser Seleem

التسويق الالكتروني كيف يضاعف ارباح نشاطك التجاري | 7 اسباب تجعل التسويق الالكتروني الافضل
41 vistas · 5 años hace

للمزيد تفضل بزيارة الموقع الرسمي من هنا : https://www.abdeldaym.com/
يشرفني تواصلكم معي ومتابعتي على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي المختلفة :

قبل بداية التسويق الالكتروني على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي | عشرة قواعد هامة | Social Media Marketing
4 vistas · 5 años hace

للمزيد تفضل بزيارة الموقع الرسمي من هنا : https://www.abdeldaym.com/
صفحتي الرسمية على فيسبوك : https://www.facebook.com/AhmedAbdEldaym84
حسابي على انستجرام : https://www.instagram.com/abdeldaym

للتواصل المباشر : a.abdeldaym@hotmail.com

معداتي التي استخدمها : Equipment we use

Souq : http://bit.ly/samsonUSBMic
Amazon : http://amzn.to/2iDFmsI

Microphone Stand

Pop Filter

soft box:


Jumia : https://goo.gl/aMtbTX
Souq : https://goo.gl/Kjokoq
Amazon : http://amzn.to/2yNPanL

Good recommended neck MIC:
Jumia : https://goo.gl/Y3n2Yy
Souq : https://goo.gl/4bjqSu
Amazon : http://amzn.to/2gEx8Mw

Camera :
Amazon : http://amzn.to/2yStvwL

خدعة التسويق الالكتروني
4 vistas · 5 años hace

انتشرت في الاونة الاخيرة عمليان نصب واحتيال كثيرة تحت مسمي الترويج او التسويق الالكتروني, عن طريق شراء متابعين أو مشاهدات يوتيوب أو الترويج لحسابات تويتر وانستغرام بأساليب غير شرعيه.
وهذا ما أشاركه معكم اليوم. وأتمني منكم الدعم بمشاركة الفيديو حتي تعم الفائدة.
شاهد أيضآ :
اساسيات التسويق الالكتروني : https://youtu.be/ccg3LmDhksY
عشرة أشياء يمكن تسويقها علي الانترنت : https://youtu.be/iRmp0H8LO2w
Host and Creator – Abo_Yousif Elmasry
Subscribe to Other Channel : https://goo.gl/IJON9A
الكاميرا التي أستخدمها في تصوير الفلوجات : https://goo.gl/KNnnfa
My Camera; https://goo.gl/4cRjdm
My Best MICROPHONE; https://goo.gl/cEkn8p
My Best WIDE LENS; https://goo.gl/tQoVFd
My CPU; https://goo.gl/NRjH5E
WEBSITE: http://www.Matrix219.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Matrix219ts
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/Matrix219
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Matrix219
GOOGLE PLUS: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Matrix219
FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Matrix219
CONTACT: info@Matrix219.com
قناة ماتريكس219 هي قناة تهتم بـ" #الربح من الانترنت - #التسويق الالكتروني - الهندسة الاجتماعية - أمن المعلومات - الهكر الأخلاقي - الربح من #اليوتيوب - مهارات اليوتيوب - التدوين التقني" نشارك معكم خلالها تجارب أو خبرات في صورة فلوج تقني من وقت لآخر.

افكار مشاريع | مشروع التسويق الإلكتروني
19 vistas · 5 años hace

لتحميل ملف نموذج العمل الخاص بالحلقة :

ادوات التصوير التى استخدمها :-

كاميرا :
موبايل هواوي GR5
رابط الشراء : https://souq.link/2LxXxxY

مايكروفون :
رابط الشراء : https://souq.link/2JdduY7

ترايبود (حامل كاميرا)
رابط الشراء : https://souq.link/2vLqE65

الإضاءة :
Soft Box : https://souq.link/2E9tvun

الكروما الخضراء :

follow :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Mohamed.Zidan321
Instgram : https://www.instagram.com/mohamed_zidan10/

افضل اساليب الترويج والتسويق للشركات الصغيرة
7 vistas · 5 años hace

مجموعة من النصائح والارشادات الخاصة بالترويج والتسويق للشركات الصغيرة.

كورس التسويق الاليكترونى | المحاضرة الأولى | التسويق على موقع الفيس بوك
20 vistas · 5 años hace

شاهد أيضاً
نقدم لكم أقوى عروض التسويق الالكتروني فى دول الخليج ( معنا ستكون فى القمة )

El Zatoona - 9  - الموسم الثاني - تلخيص قوانين التسويق الإثنين و عشرون - Laws of Marketing - ج 1
7 vistas · 5 años hace

El Zatoona - 9 - الموسم الثاني - تلخيص قوانين التسويق الإثنين و عشرون - Laws of Marketing - ج 1
الحلقة رقم ( 9 ) للموسم الثاني مع برنامج الزتونة اللي فيها كتاب ( قوانين التسويق الـ 22- the 22 immutable laws of marketing ) .
متنساش تشوف حلقة Contagious :
لخدمة توصيل الكتب : https://goo.gl/forms/85Rx2zBm2Fo2PjqK2
عشان تكون شريك في البرنامج و تساعده : https://www.patreon.com/elzatoona
متنساش تشوف باقي الكُتب من هنا : http://bit.ly/2zo6JN5

اشترك في القناة الرسمية لــ #الزتونه : http://bit.ly/ElZatoona
الزتونة برنامج اسبوعي تلخيص كتب جديدة في أقل من 10 دقائق، لو انت معندكش وقت للقراءة أو مش بتحب القراءة تابعني كل يوم جمعة عشان تعرف كتاب جديد.
الزتونة تلخيص كتب .. إعداد وتقديم: مايكل راشد

Follow on:

El Zatoona - 25 - ازاي تبيع اي حاجة لاي حد - تلخيص كتاب "مُعدي Contagious" ..
5 vistas · 5 años hace

El Zatoona - 25 - ازاي تبيع اي حاجة لاي حد - تلخيص كتاب "مُعدي Contagious"
الحلقة رقم 25 مع الزتونة اللي فيها تلخيص كتاب التسويق الشهير:
مُعدي-- Contagious .
لخدمة توصيل الكتب : https://goo.gl/forms/85Rx2zBm2Fo2PjqK2
عشان تكون شريك في البرنامج و تساعده : https://www.patreon.com/elzatoona
متنساش تشوف باقي الكُتب من هنا : http://bit.ly/2zo6JN5
Music :
thank to
Mumford & Sons Inspired by Hyde - Free Instrumentals https://soundcloud.com/davidhydemusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators https://youtu.be/5shSBRjyeiI

اشترك في القناة الرسمية لــ #الزتونه : http://bit.ly/ElZatoona
الزتونة برنامج اسبوعي تلخيص كتب جديدة في أقل من 10 دقائق، لو انت معندكش وقت للقراءة أو مش بتحب القراءة تابعني كل يوم جمعة عشان تعرف كتاب جديد.
الزتونة تلخيص كتب .. إعداد وتقديم: مايكل راشد

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هذه الحلقة برعاية : Shof3qar

شرح كيفية عمل اعلانات الفيسبوك لمنتجاتك بطريقة احترافية لتحقيق مبيعات ضخمة
10 vistas · 5 años hace

في هذا الفيديو نشرح كيفية عمل اعلانات الفيسبوك باكثر الطرق احترافية لتحقيق مبيعات ضخمة لمنتجاتك

انشئ متجرك الالكتروني الان


شرح طريقة عمل اعلان ممول ( ترويج ) لمقطع فيديو على اليوتيوب
7 vistas · 5 años hace

شاهد أيضاً
نقدم لكم أقوى عروض التسويق الالكتروني فى دول الخليج ( معنا ستكون فى القمة )

أحسن طريقة تعمل بيها اعلان فيسبوك مالوش حل - نتائج مضمونة 100%
7 vistas · 5 años hace

الطريقة اللى موجودة فى الفيديو هى أفضل طريقة أنا شخصياً جربتها فى انشاء حملات اعلانية على فيسبوك فى الفترة الأخيرة أقل تكلفة نتائج مضمونة لانك ممكن تتنبأ بالنتائج قبل حتى تفعيل الحملة تابع الفيديو وشيره لغيرك عشان يستفيد
شاهد أيضاً
نقدم لكم أقوى عروض التسويق الالكتروني فى دول الخليج ( معنا ستكون فى القمة )

محاضرة التسويق بالمحتوى وصناعة الهوية الرقمية
21 vistas · 5 años hace

محاضرة التسويق بالمحتوى وصناعة الهوية الرقمية. قدمها د.سيف السويدي

تسويق المحتوى.... DXN / أ.كمال الدوسري
110 vistas · 5 años hace

Membership code:149005800

كيف تصبح مسوق إلكتروني ناجح (2) I سهل مهدي
17 vistas · 5 años hace

روابط لدورات مجانية:
١- احصل على شهادة اعتماد من جوجل على جوجل ادوردز:

٢- كيف تطلق حملات ترويجية على الفيسبوك:

٣- اكاديمية تويتر:

روابط الكتب:
1- contagious:
2- made to stick
3- استدراتيجية المحيط الازرق:

المجلة العلمية:

روابط التواصل معي:
سناب شات:




الموقع الالكتروني
#تسويق_الكتروني #تسويق #اسأل_سهل

Mohammed El Majzoub - Rad E3tibar 2k17 | محمد المجذوب - رد اعتبار
14 vistas · 5 años hace

Artist: Mohammed El Majzoub | محمد المجذوب
Title: Rad E3tibar | رد اعتبار
Lyricist: Amr Tayam | كلمات: عمرو تيام
Composer: Ghareeb & Amr Tayam | الحان: غريب و عمرو تيام
Music Arrangement: Tarek Abdelgaber | توزيع: طارق عبد الجابر
Clarinet: Hüseyin Demirçe | كلارينت: حسين ديميرتشي
Guitar: Sherif Fahey | جيتار: شريف فهمي
Vocal Recording: Anwar Mikkawi | تسجيل صوت: انور مكاوي
Mixing & Mastering: Yasser Anwar | ميكساج و ماسترينج: م ياسر انور

Photo Session: Mahmoud Ramzy | جلسة تصوير: محمود رمزي
Graphic Design: Hamada Farouk | جرافيك ديزاين: حمادة فاروق
Video Editing and GFX: Mahmoud Sabry | مونتاج و جرافيكس: محمود صبري

Digital Distribution: iMedia | توزيع ديجيتال: اي ميديا

Produced by:
Jamal Yassine
Arabica Music

شرح عمل اسبونسر انستقرام تحويل الحساب تجاري
35 vistas · 5 años hace

بهذا الفيديو سوف نشرح لكم طريقه تحويل حسابك الانستقرام الى تجاري
وشرح عمل اعلانات الانستقرام ( اسبونسر )
يجب توفر
حساب انستقرام
حساب فيس بوك
بطاقه بنك ( فيزا كارد او ماستر كارد ) او حساب بي بال
لاي استفسار
يرجى التواصل معنا في حسابتنا في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
Instagram - twitter - Facebook - SnapChat - linked - Website - WhatsApp
صوت وشرح : محمد العتيبي

طرق تجعل حساب الانستجرام التجاري متميز جداً
18 vistas · 5 años hace

إذا عجبتكم هذي السلسلة بسوي أشياء أكثر على مواقع تواصل أجتماعي مختلفة بعد

أنشر و حط لايك بلاش ترة
للأعلان والاستفسار:

Please watch: "تصوير منتجاتك بالايفون بإحترافية"

الشطارة في التجارة .. التجارة من خلال الانستغرام
26 vistas · 5 años hace

استمع للمزيد على إذاعة الشارقة:

الشطارة في التجارة .. التجارة من خلال الانستغرام

المتعة والفائدة ، والربح والفكر الصحيح في التجارة ، كلها أداوات للشطارة ، هزاع المنصوري يطل عليكم ببرنامجه المعهود ، ويتنافس معكم في براعته وشطارته ، مع الشطارة في التجارة كل خميس في الثامنة والنصف مساء.

اشترك في القناة الرسمية لإذاعة الشارقة Subscribe:
تابعنا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي:

كيف تنشئ حملة اعلانية ناجحة على الفيس بوك أ/ حنان جمعه| لايف جروب للتسويق
63 vistas · 5 años hace

لقراءة المقال كامل عن عناصر نجاح الحملة الاعلانية على الفيسبوك اضغط الرابط
لمتابعة الفيديو الاول لطريقة تفعيل الفيزا وكوبون الفيس بوك
لمتابعة جديد المقالات التسويقية انضم للموقع
لمتابعة جديد اخبار التسويق اضغط لايك لصفحة الفيس
لتحميل كتب خاصة بالتسويق والربح من النت انضم للجروب
لمتابعة فيديوهات تعليم الربح من النت اشترك بقناة اليوتيوب
حسابي الشخصى على الفيسبوك
تابع اذاعة حكاوي مسوقين

Social Media Marketing         التسويق لمواقع التواصل الإجتماعي (مترجم) ٬
6 vistas · 5 años hace

أحجز الان في دوره شبكات عبر الأجتماعيه : http://ht.ly/ZY53i

للترجمة باللغة العربية إضغط علي CC في مشغل الڤيديو أمامك

نتحدث في هذه الحلقة عن "التسويق لمواقع التواصل الإجتماعي" بالتركيز علي المواضيع التالية:

١ - إنتشار مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
٢- إستراتيچيات وخطط عمل مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
٣ - قنوات السوشيال ميديا الشهيرة
٤- معايير التحكم والنجاح

In this video we speak about Social Media Marketing (SMM), Highlighting the following topics:

1- Social Media Reach
2- Social Media strategy & planning
3-Social Media Channels
4- KPIs

التسويق الإلكتروني  24B016 || الأسبوع 1 - المحاضرة
7 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق الإلكتروني 24B016 || الأسبوع 1 - المحاضرة

التسويق الإلكتروني  2016 || الأسبوع 1 - المحاضرة 4A
9 vistas · 5 años hace

2016 || الأسبوع 1 - المحاضرة 4A

التسويق الإلكتروني  2016 || الأسبوع 1 - المحاضرة 2
7 vistas · 5 años hace


التسويق الإلكتروني  2016 || الأسبوع 1 - المحاضرة 1
6 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق الإلكتروني 2016

كيف تصنع محتوى تسويقي ممتاز ؟ تعلم ديجيتال ماركتنج  مع محمد عزيز - المحاضرة السابعة
10 vistas · 5 años hace

محتوى الفيديو:
نستعرض النقاط الأهم لصناعة محتوى تسوبقي فعال
ستة نقاط يجب مراعاتها عند البدء في صناعة المحتوى التسويقي
نتعرض لما يُعرف بالتسويق باستخدام المحتوى و أهم ما يجب مراعاته

الدورة التدريبية كاملة في الديجيتال ماركتينج، تبدأ معك بتعلم قواعد التسويق التقليدي مروراً بتفاصيل التسويق الإلكتروني الحديثة حتى تصل للمستوى المؤهل لسوق العمل
المُحاضر: محمد عزيز
مُحاضر معتمد قدَم محاضرات لدى العديد من الجامعات الدولية بفروعها بالوطن العربي
لديه خبرة أكثر من ١٢ عام بمجال الجرافيكس
قام بإنشاء و إدارة قسم التسويق الرقمي لشركة كيا للسيارات بإحدى دول الخليج العربي
له عدد من الدورات التدريبية المسجلة على يوتيوب و فيسبوك تحت عنوان #بدون_تعقيد
يعمل حالياً كمُحاضر للتسويق الرقمي (ديچيتال ماركتينج) متنقلاً بين دول الخليج العربي

محتوى الدورة التدريبية
1. Traditional VS Digital Marketing
2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marketing Generations
3. Marketing MIX
4. AIDA Theory
5. Buyer Persona
6. Golden Circle
7. Content Creation key concepts
8. Goals vs Objectives
9. Strategies vs Tactics
10. Unique Selling Proposition
11. Content marketing
12. Social Media marketing
13. e-mail marketing
14. Mobile marketing
15. affiliate marketing
16. Search Engine marketing
17. Search Engine optimization
18. Display Advertising
19. Analytics

تابعوني على فيسبوك

المحاضرة الخامسة - الاستهداف و تحليل الجمهور - تعلم ديجيتال ماركتنج من الألف للياء مع محمد عزيز
3 vistas · 5 años hace

محتوى الفيديو:
كيفية اختيار و استهداف الجمهور و شرائح العملاء المحتملين، و أهمية عمل ما يسمى بالــ
Buyer Persona
للوصول لأقصى دقة في عمليات استهداف الجمهور
الدورة التدريبية كاملة في الديجيتال ماركتينج، تبدأ معك بتعلم قواعد التسويق التقليدي مروراً بتفاصيل التسويق الإلكتروني الحديثة حتى تصل للمستوى المؤهل لسوق العمل
المُحاضر: محمد عزيز
مُحاضر معتمد قدَم محاضرات لدى العديد من الجامعات الدولية بفروعها بالوطن العربي
لديه خبرة أكثر من ١٢ عام بمجال الجرافيكس
قام بإنشاء و إدارة قسم التسويق الرقمي لشركة كيا للسيارات بإحدى دول الخليج العربي
له عدد من الدورات التدريبية المسجلة على يوتيوب و فيسبوك تحت عنوان #بدون_تعقيد
يعمل حالياً كمُحاضر للتسويق الرقمي (ديچيتال ماركتينج) متنقلاً بين دول الخليج العربي

محتوى الدورة التدريبية
1. Traditional VS Digital Marketing
2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marketing Generations
3. Marketing MIX
4. AIDA Theory
5. Buyer Persona
6. Golden Circle
7. Content Creation key concepts
8. Goals vs Objectives
9. Strategies vs Tactics
10. Unique Selling Proposition
11. Content marketing
12. Social Media marketing
13. e-mail marketing
14. Mobile marketing
15. affiliate marketing
16. Search Engine marketing
17. Search Engine optimization
18. Display Advertising
19. Analytics

تابعوني على فيسبوك

الألف للياء مع محمد عزيز
12 vistas · 5 años hace

محتوى الفيديو:

المحاضرة الثالثة - مراحل تطور العملية التسويقية - تعلم ديجيتال ماركتنج من الألف للياء مع محمد عزيز
6 vistas · 5 años hace

محتوى الفيديو:
يستعرض الفيديو أهم مراحل تطور علم التسويق و أهم مراحل تغير طرق الإعلان و التواصل مع
كما يحتوي الفيديو على
شرح مُفصل و سريع للمزيج التسويقي و كيفية استخدامه في إنشاء خطة تسويقية ناجحة، مع استعراض لأهم تطور نماذج المزيج التسويقي
Marketing Mix 4Ps, 7Ps
الدورة التدريبية كاملة في الديجيتال ماركتينج، تبدأ معك بتعلم قواعد التسويق التقليدي مروراً بتفاصيل التسويق الإلكتروني الحديثة حتى تصل للمستوى المؤهل لسوق العمل
المُحاضر: محمد عزيز
مُحاضر معتمد قدَم محاضرات لدى العديد من الجامعات الدولية بفروعها بالوطن العربي
لديه خبرة أكثر من ١٢ عام بمجال الجرافيكس
قام بإنشاء و إدارة قسم التسويق الرقمي لشركة كيا للسيارات بإحدى دول الخليج العربي
له عدد من الدورات التدريبية المسجلة على يوتيوب و فيسبوك تحت عنوان #بدون_تعقيد
يعمل حالياً كمُحاضر للتسويق الرقمي (ديچيتال ماركتينج) متنقلاً بين دول الخليج العربي

محتوى الدورة التدريبية
1. Traditional VS Digital Marketing
2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marketing Generations
3. Marketing MIX
4. AIDA Theory
5. Buyer Persona
6. Golden Circle
7. Content Creation key concepts
8. Goals vs Objectives
9. Strategies vs Tactics
10. Unique Selling Proposition
11. Content marketing
12. Social Media marketing
13. e-mail marketing
14. Mobile marketing
15. affiliate marketing
16. Search Engine marketing
17. Search Engine optimization
18. Display Advertising
19. Analytics

تابعوني على فيسبوك

المحاضرة الأولى - شرح المحتوى التدريبي - تعلم ديجيتال ماركتنج من الألف للياء مع محمد عزيز -
9 vistas · 5 años hace

محتوى الفيديو:
شرح و سرد لجميع عناوين و محتويات المحاضرات الخاصة بالدورة التدريبية مع شرح أهمية كل منها و استخداماتها
الدورة التدريبية كاملة في الديجيتال ماركتينج، تبدأ معك بتعلم قواعد التسويق التقليدي مروراً بتفاصيل التسويق الإلكتروني الحديثة حتى تصل للمستوى المؤهل لسوق العمل
المُحاضر: محمد عزيز
مُحاضر معتمد قدَم محاضرات لدى العديد من الجامعات الدولية بفروعها بالوطن العربي
لديه خبرة أكثر من ١٢ عام بمجال الجرافيكس
قام بإنشاء و إدارة قسم التسويق الرقمي لشركة كيا للسيارات بإحدى دول الخليج العربي
له عدد من الدورات التدريبية المسجلة على يوتيوب و فيسبوك تحت عنوان #بدون_تعقيد
يعمل حالياً كمُحاضر للتسويق الرقمي (ديچيتال ماركتينج) متنقلاً بين دول الخليج العربي

محتوى الدورة التدريبية
1. Traditional VS Digital Marketing
2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marketing Generations
3. Marketing MIX
4. AIDA Theory
5. Buyer Persona
6. Golden Circle
7. Content Creation key concepts
8. Goals vs Objectives
9. Strategies vs Tactics
10. Unique Selling Proposition
11. Content marketing
12. Social Media marketing
13. e-mail marketing
14. Mobile marketing
15. affiliate marketing
16. Search Engine marketing
17. Search Engine optimization
18. Display Advertising
19. Analytics

تابعوني على فيسبوك

كيف يعرف الأطفال التسويق
12 vistas · 5 años hace

كيف يعرف الأطفال التسويق

Why Employees Get Fired from Marketing Jobs
8 vistas · 5 años hace

Why Employees Get Fired from Marketing Jobs

A Video Content Marketing Strategy for Business
9 vistas · 5 años hace

A Video Content Marketing Strategy for Business

Marketing minute 4C
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Marketing minute 4C

Holistic Marketing
14 vistas · 5 años hace

Holistic Marketing

10 Laws of social media marketing
16 vistas · 5 años hace

10 Laws of social media marketing

Coca cola drinkable Advertising
17 vistas · 5 años hace

Coca cola drinkable Advertising

30 vistas · 5 años hace


Philip Kotler
16 vistas · 5 años hace

Philip Kotler

أهمية دراسة سلوك المستهلكين -
8 vistas · 5 años hace

فيديو يوضح أهمية دراسة سلوك المستهلكين في التسويق.

موقع الجائزة: www.pmaward.co
تويتر: https://twitter.com/PM_Award
إنستاقرام: https://www.instagram.com/pm_award/

What does a marketing manager do
8 vistas · 5 años hace


'Share A Coke' campaign
41 vistas · 5 años hace

'Share A Coke' campaign

What is Marketing Management
18 vistas · 5 años hace

What is Marketing Management

MSc in Marketing Management
13 vistas · 5 años hace

MSc in Marketing Management

إنشاء شركة لخدمات مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي - أنستغرام - فيسبوك - جدولة المنشورات
23 vistas · 5 años hace

سلام شباب، الفيديو الذي نال أكبر تصويت على أخر ستوري في الأنستغرام، هوإنشاء شركة لخدمات التواصل الاجتماعي، في هدا الفيديو أخبرتك عن طريقة لم يتم مشاركتها في الويب العربي لربح من خدمات مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، كفيسبوك وأنستغرام و ....
لا تنسو مشاركة الفيديو مع أصدقائكم.

SaiUnes مدونة

============ تابعوني على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي ============
أنستغرام : https://www.instagram.com/saiunes

فيس بوك: https://www.facebook.com/SaiUnes
حساب فيسبوك الشخصي:

=========== ============ ===========

موقع إستضافة نايم شيب

روابط السكريبتات
المرجو عدم شراء السكريبت الأن لأن المطور الخاص به قام ببعض التحديتات. المهم سأقوم بدورة إحترافية بخصوص الموضوع


دروس في التسويق الالكتروني من خبرة مؤسس شبكة أبونواف
5 vistas · 5 años hace

مؤسس شبكة ابونواف أ.سعد الخضيري يشارك خلاصة خبرته في 11 سنة عن التسويق الالكتروني مفيد لمهتمي التسويق الالكتروني والتجارة الالكترونية


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خدماتنا الإعلانية:

الربح من الانترنت بأفضل الطرق | انشاء وكالة اعلانية سوشل ميديا
25 vistas · 5 años hace

سوشيال ميديا ماركتنع
انشاء وكالة اعلانية
الاعلانات عن طريق الفيسبوك والانستغرام واليوتيوب
مجال من أهم المجالات المطروحة في الوقت الحالي تتميز بعدم محدودية الدخل والحرية في القيام بالأعمال بعيدا عن القيود المكانية والزمانية بشكل كبير جدا بالاضافة الى قلة المتطلبات الخاصة بهذا العمل للبدء به
يعتبر مجال السوشيال ميديا ماركتنغ من أهم المجالات التي يسعى خلفها من يملك رأس مال متواضع
للقيام بخدمات إعلانية تلعب دورا كبيرا بمساعدة الأعمال التجارية الأخرى ومن هنا جائت قوة هذا المجال والذي يعتبر من أهم المجالات في الوقت الحالي
في هذا الدرس نتناول الدروس الثاني من مميزات مجال السوشيال ميديا ماركتنغ وسلبياته وماهي احتياجات هذا العمل

التسويق على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي- مقدمة1
9 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي-

سلسة من الفيديوهات القصيرة التي تشرح اساسيات تسويق وإدارة منصات التواصل الاجتماعي.
:SocialMedia account
- https://www.facebook.com/Hassan.Mr91

إعرف أكتر عن "أسرار النجاح على السوشيال ميديا" - مع محمد إسماعيل
8 vistas · 5 años hace

ندوة بعنوان "أسرار النجاح على السوشيال ميديا" مع المدرب محمد إسماعيل - مارس 2019

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وأخيراً .. علم التسويق ببساطة وسهولة رهيبة لنجاح عملك الحر بدون تعقيد ! مهند بهنسي
9 vistas · 5 años hace

سوف تكتشف التسويق كما لم تعرفه من قبل ببساطة وسهولة ويسر بدون تعقيد ومصطلحات كثيرة سوف تندهش مما سوف تسمعه و ربما تذوب عشقاً في هذا العلم !

يمكنك دراسة مئات الكتب والدورات لتعلم التسويق .. لكن من الجنون أن تتعلم هذا العلم من خلال معلومة واحدة فقط .. أنا أطلق عليها أغلى معلومة في التسويق أو القاعدة الذهبية في التسويق وسوف تعرف لماذا في نهاية الفيديو!

للتعرف على دورة الفاكين وورك ( كن صادقا واحترم الناس ) : https://bit.ly/2xYpjwz
للاشتراك في دورة أكسجين المشاريع ( الاقناع بشكل لا يمكن رفضه): https://bit.ly/2FdcUrJ

https://t.me/mohannadbahnasy لينك قناة التليجرام
http://bit.ly/2cQjnJ1 رابط الحساب على الفيس بوك
http://bit.ly/2tDVeet رابط الصفحة على الفيس بوك
http://bit.ly/1ZNEtbi رابط حسابي على تويتر
http://bit.ly/1ME56NR رابط المدونة الخاصة بي للمزيد من المقالات التسويقية الحصرية
التواصل من خلال الواتس آب : 00201113489797

التسويق على الإنستقرام و الفيس بوك  - Social media marketing
6 vistas · 5 años hace

في هذا الفيديو شرح لإسترتيجيات مهمة للتسويق على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي بنجاح

#تسويق الكترونى

Social media marketing
تسويق على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
حملة تسويق الكتروني
تسويق الكتروني
خطة تسويق الكتروني
استراتيجيات التسويق الالكتروني
افضل شركات التسويق الالكتروني
التسويق الالكترونى باستخدام الفيس بوك
التسويق الالكتروني الناجح
التسويق الالكتروني
التسويق الالكتروني عبر الفيس بوك
التسويق الالكتروني عبر الإنستقرام
التسويق الالكتروني عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

تبي مشروع تجاري ناجح ونجاحه مذهل استمع للمستشار التجاري نبيل النور
24 vistas · 5 años hace

للإعلانات والاشتراك في رسائل الواتس اب وإضافة الفيديوهات في قناة وسع صدرك تواصل عبرواتس اب
أو البريد

أكسجين المشاريع - أعظم اكتشاف في علم التسويق
7 vistas · 5 años hace

‘‘ أكسجين المشاريع ‘‘
أغرب ما سوف تسمعه عن المشاريع وسوف تقول في خاطرك
لم أكن أعتقد أن هذا الشئ موجود!
سوف يصيبك الذهول حرفياً ..
ده رأي أي حد شاف الفيديو دا , مشاهدة ممتعة ومفيدة .

للحصول على كورس اكسجين المشاريع حتى باب بيتك تواصل على واتس آب 00201113489797

http://bit.ly/2cQjnJ1 رابط الحساب على الفيس بوك
http://bit.ly/2tDVeet رابط الصفحة على الفيس بوك
http://bit.ly/1ZNEtbi رابط حسابي على تويتر
http://bit.ly/1ME56NR رابط المدونة الخاصة بي للمزيد من المقالات التسويقية
التواصل من خلال الواتس آب : 00201113489797

التسويق عبر الانستقرام - نصائح هامة جداً (مع وسيلة إعلانية عجيبة وحصرية) في 2019
3 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق عبر الانستقرام - نصائح هامة جداً ووسيلة إعلانية عجيبة في 2019
كما قلت في أول الفيديو، هذا فيديو طويل فلو كان معك وقت لمشاهدته كله أهلاً بك، أما لو كنت تريد الوصول للخلاصة فقم بمراسلتي لأرسل لك الوسيلة العجيبة التي تكلمت عنها في نهاية الفيديو (ستراسلني على واتساب بضغطة زر دون أن تحفظ الرقم بهاتفك):
أو قم بالتواصل عبر هذا الرقم 00962790278237
في هذا الفيديو عن التسويق عبر الانستقرام ، قدمت لكم بعض النصائح الهامة جداً مع النصيحة الأخيرة التي تتعلق بالطريقة الأخيرة، وهي طريقة المنشن، التي تستعير المتابعين من منافسيك مؤقتاً ليروا إعلانك .. لو لم تكن ترغب بمراسلتي على واتساب يمكنك أن تقرأ من هنا مباشرة بعض التفاصيل :
اه صح : اسمي حسن الحلبي ، وهذا فيديو جديد أقدمه لكم في قناتي، والتي أضع فيها نصائح بشكل عام، إما في الحياة أحياناً أو في العمل والدراسة والتشجيع والتحفيز، وطبعاً التسويق الإلكتروني والسوشال ميديا .. أنا شخص أؤمن بضرورة العمل، أهم من الإيمان بالنفس والذات والشغف وكل هذا الكلام .. العمل والفعل هو أهم شيء، لذا أكرر في فيديوهاتي -التي أنشرها في عدة أماكن- هذه النصيحة بالذات بأشكال وألوان متعددة ^_^

هذا موقعي الذي أقدم فيه أنا وفريقي عدد من خدمات التسويق الإلكتروني : www.Zawwd.com
حسابي في فيسبوك لو كنت مهتماً بقراءة قصص رعب : https://www.facebook.com/hasanhalaby2012
مجموعة العمل الحر والعمل عبر الانترنت في فيسبوك : https://www.facebook.com/groups/OnlinersTeam
حسابي في انستقرام (أنصحك بشدة) : https://www.instagram.com/hasanalhalaby/
حسابي في سنابشات (لليوميات) : https://www.snapchat.com/add/hasan.alhalaby
حسابي في لينكد إن : https://www.linkedin.com/in/hasanalhalaby/
صفحتي في ويكيبيديا : https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/....%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%86_%
موقعي الشخصي : www.hasanalhalaby.com
أحد أهم المواقع بالنسبة لي : http://www.ted.com
كلمات مفتاحية :
تسويق إلكتروني , التسويق الإلكتروني , وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي , حساب انستقرام للبيع , زيادة متابعين انستقرام ، التسويق عبر الانستقرام ، اسعار اعلانات الانستقرام , التسويق عن طريق الانستقرام ، التسويق على الانستقرام ، التسويق عبر انستقرام ، كيف اسوق عبر الانستقرام ، كيف اسوق منتجاتي عبر الانستقرام ، اعلانات الانستا ، طريقة التسويق عبر الانستقرام ، اعلانات انستقرام ، التسويق عبر الانستجرام ، اعلانات الانستغرام ، تسويق منتجات الانستجرام ، كيفية التسويق عبر الانستقرام ، التسوق عبر الانستقرام ، خدمات التسويق عبر انستقرام ، اسعار اعلانات الانستقرام 2018 ، التسوق عبر الانترنت ، التسويق عـلى انستقرام 2019 ، التسويق عبر اليوتيوب ، التسويق على انستغرام ، التسويق في الانستقرام ، تسويق الكتروني عبرالجوال ، برنامج للتسويق عبر الجوال ، برنامج للتسويق عبر الشبكات الاجتماعية ، بيع متابعين الانستقرام ، تجارة عن طريق الانستقرام ، تسويـق انستقرام 2019 ، سعر الاعلان في انستقرام ، طريقة الاعلان في الانستقرام ، طريقة الاعلان في انستقرام 2019 ، كيفـية التسويق عبر الانترنت 2019 ، متابعين انستقرام ، متابعين انستقرام اندرويد ، متابعين انستقرام ايفون ، متابعين انستقرام جلبريك ، متابعين انستقرام عرب ، دعاية الانستقرام ، اعلانات انستقرام المدفوعة ، كيف اعلن في الانستقرام ، كيف اعلن في انستقرام

التحليل و القياس على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
4 vistas · 5 años hace

محاضرة سريعة عن أهم أدوات و مؤشرات القياس لقنوات التواصل الاجتماعي للمدرب و المستشار حاتم كاملي

خطوات مهمة قبل تنفيذ مشروع تكنيلوجي (تطبيق) من الناحية التجارية و الفنية
9 vistas · 5 años hace

شرح لخوات ما قبل تنفيذ مشروع تطبيق بمشاركة الخبير التكنلوجي ناصر المطوع
Snap: Sultan.Q80
Snap: Nasserb37

تطبيقات الجوال | تخطيط وتسويق قبل التنفيذ
خمسة طرق نفسية تساعدك في تسويق مشروعك بشكل قوي جداً | بدر الفوزان
أفضل النماذج لعمل خطة تسويق رقمي خاصة لمشروعك مع حاتم كاملي
33 vistas · 5 años hace

أفضل النماذج لعمل خطة تسويق رقمي خاصة لمشروعك مع

الحملات الاعلانية على قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي و الانترنت
5 vistas · 5 años hace

محاضرة عن أهم قنوات الاعلان الرقمي و كيفية التخطيط للحملات الاعلانية و الترويج عبر الانترنت للمدرب و المستشار حاتم كاملي

كيف تبني استراتيجية التسويق على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي
7 vistas · 5 años hace

محاضرة عن كيفية بناء خطط و استراتيجيات للتسويق عبر قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي للمدرب و المستشار حاتم كاملي

التسويق الالكتروني وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي- نصائح لأصحاب الأعمال
13 vistas · 5 años hace

لخدمات واستشارات التسويق الالكتروني والتسويق عبر السوشال ميديا وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي ارسلي
لي ايميل. يسعدني التحدث معك وبحث سبل لمساعدتك. تواصل معي على الرابط أدناه

Email: nima@nimaeusman.com
Instagram: @nimaeusman
Snapchat: @nimaeusman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nimaeusman/

كل ما يخص SEO وكيف تكون متخصص سيو ؟
32 vistas · 5 años hace

كل ما يخص SEO وكيف تكون متخصص سيو ؟ وما هو السيو ؟ وكيفية اشهار المواقع ؟ وكيفية تصدر نتائج البحث ؟ سنتعرف علي اسرار السيو وقواعد السيو . وكيف تكون متخصص سيو او SEO Specialist .
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تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
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Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
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قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

كورس التسويق الالكتروني  | المحاضره #7 | إنشئ متجرك الالكتروني علي اكسباند كارت 2
17 vistas · 5 años hace

سنتعرف في هذا الدرس : كيف نقوم بإنشاء متجر الكتروني علي منصة اكسباند كارت بطريقة سهله الجزء الثاني والاخير . كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف ستتعرف في هذا الكورس علي الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات الحديثه التي يستخدمها المحترفين من حول العالم لنجاح حملاتهم التسويقيه . ستتعلم ايضا في كورس التسويق الالكتروني كيف تنشئ موقع علي منصة ورد بريس وما هو السيو وكيف تقوم بإنشاء اعلانات علي جوجل ادورد بغرض البحث او الاستهداف .
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تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
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بعض الدروس من الممكن الأستفاده منها :
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #1
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #2
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #3
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #4
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #5
كورس التسويق الالكتروني | المحاضره #6 | إنشئ متجرك الالكتروني علي اكسباند كارت 1
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Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
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قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

كورس التسويق الالكتروني  | المحاضره #5 | تثبيت الورد بريس
23 vistas · 5 años hace

دقيقة بدء الشرح العملي : 3:36
سنقوم في هذه المحاضره بتثبيت الورد بريس علي الاستضافه التي سبق وان قمنا بحجزها . كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف ستتعرف في هذا الكورس علي الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات الحديثه التي يستخدمها المحترفين من حول العالم لنجاح حملاتهم التسويقيه . ستتعلم ايضا في كورس التسويق الالكتروني كيف تنشئ موقع علي منصة ورد بريس وما هو السيو وكيف تقوم بإنشاء اعلانات علي جوجل ادورد بغرض البحث او الاستهداف .
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تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
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بعض الدروس من الممكن الأستفاده منها :
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #1
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #2
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #3
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #4
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Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
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قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

كورس التسويق الالكتروني  | المحاضره #4 | ربط الدومين بالاستضافه
6 vistas · 5 años hace

سنقوم في هذه المحاضره بربط الاستضافه التي حجزناها بالدومين الذي حجزناه في كورس التسويق الالكتروني . .كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف ستتعرف في هذا الكورس علي الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات الحديثه التي يستخدمها المحترفين من حول العالم لنجاح حملاتهم التسويقيه . ستتعلم ايضا في كورس التسويق الالكتروني كيف تنشئ موقع علي منصة ورد بريس وما هو السيو وكيف تقوم بإنشاء اعلانات علي جوجل ادورد بغرض البحث او الاستهداف .
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تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
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بعض الدروس من الممكن الأستفاده منها :
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #1
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #2
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #3
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Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
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قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

كورس التسويق الالكتروني  | المحاضره #3 | حجز الاستضافه مجانا
6 vistas · 5 años hace

سنقوم في هذه المحاضره بحجز الهوست بطريقه مجانيه .كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف ستتعرف في هذا الكورس علي الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات الحديثه التي يستخدمها المحترفين من حول العالم لنجاح حملاتهم التسويقيه . ستتعلم ايضا في كورس التسويق الالكتروني كيف تنشئ موقع علي منصة ورد بريس وما هو السيو وكيف تقوم بإنشاء اعلانات علي جوجل ادورد بغرض البحث او الاستهداف .
موقع حجز الهوست : https://ae.000webhost.com
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تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
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بعض الدروس من الممكن الأستفاده منها :
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #1
كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف | المحاضره #2
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Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
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قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

كورس التسويق الالكتروني  | المحاضره #2 | حجز الدومين مجانا
6 vistas · 5 años hace

كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف ستتعرف في هذا الكورس علي الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات الحديثه التي يستخدمها المحترفين من حول العالم لنجاح حملاتهم التسويقيه . ستتعلم ايضا في كورس التسويق الالكتروني كيف تنشئ موقع علي منصة ورد بريس وما هو السيو وكيف تقوم بإنشاء اعلانات علي جوجل ادورد بغرض البحث او الاستهداف .
موقع حجز الدومين : freenom.com
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تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
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بعض الدروس من الممكن الأستفاده منها :

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Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬
قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

كورس التسويق الالكتروني  | المحاضره #1 | المقدمه
32 vistas · 5 años hace

كورس التسويق الالكتروني من البداية الي الأحتراف ستتعرف في هذا الكورس علي الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات الحديثه التي يستخدمها المحترفين من حول العالم لنجاح حملاتهم التسويقيه . ستتعلم ايضا في كورس التسويق الالكتروني كيف تنشئ موقع علي منصة ورد بريس وما هو السيو وكيف تقوم بإنشاء اعلانات علي جوجل ادورد بغرض البحث او الاستهداف .
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬
تابعنا علي :
موقعنا الرسمي | https://goo.gl/QjU6qf
قناتنا علي اليوتيوب | https://goo.gl/lrEn54
صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك | https://goo.gl/YmFW1X
قناتنا علي اليو ناو | https://goo.gl/qZ57Ui
صفحتنا علي الأنستجرام | https://goo.gl/nD9tbY
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬
Who i am :
My name is Khaled Saber Seboneat3alem Founder, Content Creator & SEO Specialist, Lives in Egypt. also I'm.
سيبوني أتعلم - Copyright Sebone At3alem
Channel. All rights reserved ©
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬
قناة سيبوني أتعلم تهتم ب التسويق الالكتروني و بتعليم الربح من الانترنت وبلوجر والصيانه الحاسوب (الهارد وير ) وتقديم دورات في التصميم .

مقدمة لدورة الربح من تسويق عروض الCpa (الربح من الانترنت)
6 vistas · 5 años hace

هل يمكنكم ايصال هذا الفيديو الى 50 لايك ؟ هيا عائلة المستفيد للمعلوميات

كيفية انشاء حملة اعلانية من خلال الفيسبوك ادز لتسويق التيشرتات Tesspring
13 vistas · 5 años hace

كيفية انشاء حملة اعلانية من خلال الفيسبوك اذر لتسويق التيشرتات Tesspring
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* بعض الروابط المهمة *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**
رابط قناتي الثانية :
رابط الصفحة الجديدة على الفيسبوك :
رابط الدرس السابق :
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*لا تنسى مشاركة الفيديو مع اصدقائك *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

كيفية عمل حملة اعلانية ناجحة على الفيسبوك ادز لتسويق تيشرتات الTeespring نصائح ذهبية
6 vistas · 5 años hace

كيفية عمل حملة اعلانية ناجحة على الفيسبوك ادز لتسويق تيشرتات الTeespring نصائح ذهبية
*-*-*-**اذا اعجبك الفيديو لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله *-*-*-*-**-
تحميل المفكرة : http://bit.ly/2wHPWmw
رابط قائمة الربح من مجال التيسبرينغ :
قناتي الثانية :
*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الصلاة على النبي عليه افضل الصلاة واتم التسليم *-*-***-*-*

نموذج رسالة تسويقية للربح من بيع تيشرتات موقع teespring الربح من التسويق الاكتروني الجزء الثاني
28 vistas · 5 años hace

اعتذر جدا عن ضعف الشرح ذلك راجع للمرض دعواتكم بالشفاء
نموذج الرسالة الخاصة بتسويق تيشرتات موقع teespring بالبريد الالكتروني الجزء الثاني
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
رابط موقع التيسبرينغ :
رابط موقع انشاء الرسالة :
*-*-*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله *-*-*-*--*-**

نموذج الرسالة الخاصة بتسويق تيشرتات موقع teespring الربح من التسويق عبر الايميل الجزء الاول
10 vistas · 5 años hace

اعتذر جدا عن ضعف الشرح وذلك راجع لمرض دعواتكم بالشفاء يارب *-*-*شكرا*---*
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-الروابط *-*-*-*-*-**-**-*-*-*
رابط موقع teespring : https://teespring.com
روابط المواقع الخاصة بالفحص :
1- https://www.mail-tester.com/
2- https://glockapps.com/spam-testing/
3- http://www.isnotspam.com/
روابط المواقع المقدمة من الاخ خالد شكرا لك :
http://mailkitchen.com 20,000 Emails per month
http://mailrelay.com/en/pricing 15,000 Emails per month
http://www.mailgun.com/pricing 10,000 Emails per month
https://www.vtiger.com/campaigns-pricing/ 10,000 Emails per month
http://enflyer.com/email-marketing/pricing 10,000 Emails per month
https://jangomail.com/pricing/ 10,000 Emails per month
https://www.sendinblue.com/pricing/ 9,000 Emails per month
https://www.mailjet.com/pricing_v3 6,000 Emails per month
https://sendpulse.com/prices 2,500 Emails per month
https://www.ininbox.com/pricing.html 2,000 Emails per month
http://campayn.com/pricing 2,000 Emails per month
http://mailchimp.com/pricing/ 2,000 Emails per month
http://www.benchmarkemail.com/Register 2,000 Emails per month
http://www.targethero.com 1,000 Emails per month
http://www.ymlp.com 1,000 Emails per month
http://www.bee4mail.com 1,000 Emails per month
https://sentopia.net 1,000 Emails per month
http://www.verticalresponse.com/pricing 1,000 Emails per month

تجربة ارسال رسالة عبر برنامج sendblaster الى الانبوكس مجانا -الربح من التسويق الاكتروني-
6 vistas · 5 años hace

تجربة ارسال رسالة عبر برنامج sendblaster الى الانبوكس مجانا -الربح من التسويق الاكتروني-
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**
رابط موقع الحصول على smtp : http://sendgrid.com/
رابط شرح برنامج لارسال :
رابط قناتي الثانية :
*-*-*-**-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*- لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد *-*-***

ارجوا ان يكون الفيديو قد اعجبكم

كيفية انشاء ايميل احترافي يتجاوز فلاتر السبام بسهولة من الالف الى الياء -الربح من التسويق الاكتروني-
14 vistas · 5 años hace

كيفية انشاء ايميل احترافي يتجاوز فلاتر السبام بسهولة من الاف الى الياء -الربح من التسويق الاكتروني-
ارجوا ان يكون الفيديو قد اعجبكم لا تنسى اللايك اخي ومشاركة الفيديو *-*-*-*-*
رابط موقع : https://sendgrid.com
رابط الدرس السابق :
رابط قناتي الثانية :
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله *-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-

احصل على smtp يرسل 40 الف ايميل الى الانبوكس مجانا -الربح من التسويق الاكتروني-
5 vistas · 5 años hace

حضر نفسك للفيديو القادم واحضر كاس من الشاي او قهورة هههه لانه سيستغرق 40 دقيقة شرح
*-*-**-*-**-*المهم الروابط *-*-*-*-*-**-*--**
رابط موقع : https://sendgrid.com
رابط الدرس السابق :
رابط قناتي الثانية :
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله *-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-

برنامج لاستخراج اكثر من 1000 ايميل من الفيسبوك خلال 5 دقائق مجانا استخراج داتا الفيسبوك
11 vistas · 5 años hace

برنامج لاستخراج 1000 ايميل من الفيسبوك خلال 5 دقائق مجانا اشتخراج داتا الفيسبوك
*-*-*-*-*-*-*لا تنسى اللايك ونشر المقطع *-*-*-*-*-*-**-
اعتذر لم استطع رفعه على موقع رفع
حمل فيديو الفيديو الخاص بتثبيت البرنامج : http://bit.ly/2Nt6rtb
رابط تحميل البرنامج : http://bit.ly/2MFvrkc
رابط الموقع الاصلي للبرنامج :
قناتي الثانية :
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-

برنامج محتكر ثمنه 138$ مجانا لكم لارسال الاف الايميلات والربح من التسويق الاكتروني -email marketing
16 vistas · 5 años hace

برنامج محتكر ثمنه 138$ مجانا لكم لارسال الاف الايميلات والربح من التسويق الاكتروني
رابط تحميل البرنامج : http://bit.ly/2LoNSV7
رابط فيديو الخاص بتثبيت البرنامج : https://dai.ly/x6sl1hc
الايميل الخاص بي للتواصل :
*-*-*-*--*-*-*لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد وكذا مشاركة الفيديو *-*-*- *-*-*-*

برنامج مدفوع لارسال الاف الايميلات المستهدفة لكم مجانا للربح من التسويق الالكتروني
10 vistas · 5 años hace

برنامج مدفوع لارسال الاف الايميلات المستهدفة لكم مجان للربح من التسويق لااكتروني
*********-*-*-*-*الروابط -*-*-*-*-*-*-*
لقدتم تعديل رابط التحميل اعتذر عن المشكل :
1- http://bit.ly/2o7q6DG

رابط قناتي الثانية :
*-*-*لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله *-*-*-***-*-*-

كيفية استخراج الاف الايميلات المستهدفة بدون برامج للربح من التسويق الاكتروني و الCPA
25 vistas · 5 años hace

كيفية استخراج الاف الايميلات المستهدفة بدون برامج للربح من التسويق الاكتروني و الCPA
*-*-*-*-*الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
رابط الكود : http://bit.ly/2wnl2Pr
رابط موقع استخراج الايملات من النص :
رابط موقع فحص الايميلات :
*-*-*-* لا تنسى مشاركة الفيديو مع اصدقائك والاشتراك في القناة *-*-*--*

اقوى اداة مدفوعة لاستخراج ايميلات من الفيسبوك لكم مجانا -email marketing-
8 vistas · 5 años hace

اقوى اداة مدفوعة لاستخراج ايميلات من الفيسبوك لكم مجانا -email marketing-
*-*-*-**لاتنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد **-**-*-*-**-
رابط الاداة : http://bit.ly/2nXRCn6
رابط قناتي الثانية :
**-*-*-*-*-*-**لايك + شاير *-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*

دورة الربح من بيع التيشرتات Teespring t-shirt : كيفية اضافة الديزاين والمعلومات الاضافية للتيشرت
57 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة الربح من بيع التيشرتات Teespring t-shirt : كيفية اضافة الديزاين والمعلومات الى التيشرت
*-*-*-**-*-*-*-* الروابط -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-*
رابط موقع بيع الييشرتات : https://teespring.com
رابط موقع الحصول على افكار الديزاين : http://zazzle.com
قناتي الثانية : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCSca5wGBHMdts6rMG
*-*-*-*-عيدكم مبارك وكل عام وانتم بخير *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

استراتيجية محتكرة للحصول على افكار تيشرتات مربحة مجانا في مجال الربح من Tesspring
4 vistas · 5 años hace

استراتيجية محتكرة للحصول على افكار تيشرتات مربحة مجانا في مجال الربح من tesspring (الربح من الانترنت)
-*-*-*-*-*-*-** الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
موقع الحصول على اوقات المناسبات :
1- http://bit.ly/2Mqtng4
2- http://bit.ly/2OLlxdu
موقع الحصول على المؤشرات :
1- https://trends.google.com
موقع الحصول على افكار التيشرتات :
**-*-*-*-*لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة -*-*-*--*-***-**-*

كيفية الحصول على اقمصة t-shirt مربحة 100% مجانا في مجال الربح من بيع التيشرتات الجزء1 (Teespring)
4 vistas · 5 años hace

كيفية الحصول اقمصة t-shirt مربحة 100% مجانا في مجال الربح من بيع التيشرتات الجزء1 (Teespring)
تكلملة الدرس ستكون بعد قليل
-*-*-*-*-*-*الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*
رابط الموقع : http://bit.ly/2MoAoxY
المواقع الاخرى ساقدمها بعد قليل في الفيديو القادم
*-*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد *-*-*-*-**-***-*-*-*-

دورة الربح من مجال بيع التيشرتات Tesspring T-shirt الجزء الثاني الربح من الانترنت
10 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة الربح من مجال بيع التيشرتات Tesspring T-shirt الجزء الثاني
-*-*-*-*-*-*الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-****--*
رابط الموقع : http://bit.ly/2OIDlWH
رابط قناتي الثانية :
*--*-*-*لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد -*-*-*-*-

استراتيجية تسويق المنتوجات من خلال تطبيق الانستغرام -الربح من التسويق الاكتروني-
3 vistas · 5 años hace

استراتيجية تسويق المنتوجات من خلال تطبيق الانستغرام -الربح من التوسيق الاكتروني-
من خلال فيديو اليوم سنتعرف على احدى الطرق المتبعة في الربح من التسويق الاكتروني
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*الروابط في التدوينة -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
رابط شرح موقع amitad :
رابط قناتي الثانية :
رابط صفحة الفاشن الخاصة بي :

افضل موقعين للحصول على عروض الCPA الحصرية مجانا -الربح من الانترنت -
6 vistas · 5 años hace

افضل موقعين للحصول على عروض الCPA الحصرية مجانا -الربح من الانترنت -
-*-*-*-*-**-*-*** الروابط في التدوينة -*-*-***-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
لانتسى التعليق في التدوينة من اجل مساعدتنا في الارتقاء في محركات البحث
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-رابط قناتي الثانية *-*-*-**-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
رابط صفحة الانستغرام :
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة *-*-*-*-*-*-**-**-*-

احسن مواقع الAffiliate وCpa التي يمكنك العمل معها للربح من الانترنت
12 vistas · 5 años hace

احسن مواقع الAffiliate وCpa التي يمكنك العمل معها للربح من الانترنت
-*-**-**-*-*-*-الراوبط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*
رابط الفيديو الخاص بشرح الموقعين :
-*-*-*-**-*-*- رابط قناتي الثانية -*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
رابط صفحتي على الانستغرام
*-*-*-*-*لا تنسى وضع تعليقك حول الموضوع -*-*-*-***-*-*---*-

كيفية الربح من التسويق الالكتروني والCPA عبر الانستغرام الجزء الاول -Instagram
7 vistas · 5 años hace

كيفية الربح من التسويق الاكتورني والCPA عبر الانستغرام -Instagram
في هدا الفيديو ستتعرف على مقدمة نظرية شاملة مع شرح بعض الخصائص
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*الروابط *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-**-*
رابط قناتي الثانية :
رابط صفحة الانستغرام :
*-*-*-*--**-*-*-*-*لا تنسى وضع رايك حول البث المباشر -*-*-*-*-*-*-**-**-*-*-*

مقدمة لدورة كيف تصبح انفلونسر -عودة القناة - شكرا لكم
17 vistas · 5 años hace

رابط القناة الجديدة :
رابط صفحة الانستغرام :
رابط صفحة الفاشن :
لا تنسى التعليق على الفيديو لاني انتظره بشدة وشكرا

دورة التسويق الاكتروني : اهم الطرق المستعملة لارسال الايميلات المستهدفة (الربح من الانترنت)
5 vistas · 5 años hace

انتظروا شرح الموقع بالكامل في الفيديو القادم ان شاء الله
رابط الموقع : http://www.nizarpro.ml/2018/03/blog-post.html
دورة التسويق الاكتروني : اهم الطرق المستعملة لارسال الايميلات المستهدفة (الربح من الانترنت)
في هذا الفيديو البسيط سنتعرف على اهم الكرق التي يمكن استعمالها لارسال الايميلات بطريقة مجانية وفي الدرس القاجم باذن الله سنتعرف على الموقع المشروح بشكل افضل
*-*-*-*-*-*-لا تنسوا الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

اقوى ثلات نيتشات للربح من التسويق الاكتروني -الربح من الانترنت-
9 vistas · 5 años hace

جميع الراوبط في التدوينة :
لاتنسى الاشتراك + لايك + تعليق
اقوى ثلات نيتشات للربح من التسويق الاكتروني -الربح من الانترنت- من خلال هذا الفيديو ان شاء الله سنتمك من معرفة اهم النيتشات التي يمكنك العمل عليها من اجل تحقيق اراح جيدة وجيدة جدا في بيع منتجاتك الخاصة بهذا النيش

كيفية جمع قائمة بريدية مستهدفة للربح من التسويق الاكتروني عبر الايميل| email marketing
10 vistas · 5 años hace

ربط الموضوع مع الروابط :

رابط الفيديو الخاص بالبايبال :
كيفية جمع قائمة بريدية مستهدفة للربح من التسويق الاكتروني عبر الايميل| email marketing من خلال هذا الفيديو ان شاء الله ستكون قادرا على الحصول على العديد من الايميلات المستهدفة للترويج لمنتوجاتك عبر مواقع التسويق التي تعطيك المنتوجات

ماهي اهم الشركات لبدأ الربح من التسويق الالكتروني للمبتدئين -الربح من الانترنت-
5 vistas · 5 años hace

جميع الروابط المذكورة تجدونها في التدوينة:
ماهي اهم الشركات لبدا الربح من التسويق الالكتروني للمبتدئين -الربح من الانترنت-
في هذا الفيديو ان شاء الله سنتعرف على اهم الشركات التي تساعدك في البدا من الرح من التسويق الاكتروني كذلك ستتعرف على المزيد من المعلومات حول الدروس المقبلة باذن الله
-*-*-*-*-لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد -*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-*

دورة التسويق الالكترونيI ماهي اهم الطرق المدفوعة للتسويق الالكتروني- الجزء الثالث
5 vistas · 5 años hace

رابط التدوينة الخاصة بهذا الفيديو :
رابط المقالة السابقة :
دورة التسويق الالكترونيI ماهي الطرق المدفوعة للتسويق الالكتروني- الجزء الثالث
في هذا الفيديو البسيط للغاية سنتعرف على اهم الطرق المدفوعة للتسويق الاكتروني
وفي الدرس القادم ان شاء الله سنبدا في الدروس التطبيقية للتسويق الاكتروني عبر الايميل

دورة التسويق الالكترونيI ماهي الطرق المجانية والمدفوعة للتسويق الالكتروني- الجزء الثاني
4 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة التسويق الالكترونيI ماهي الطرق المجانية والمدفوعة للتسويق الالكتروني- الجزء الثاني ،في هذا الفيديو ان شاء الله سنتعرف معا على بقية النقاط من الدرس السابق وكذلك اهم المعلومات حول التسويق الاكتروني بالايميلات و المنتديات
وستكون هنا شروحات تطبيقية حول هذه النقاط ان شاء الله
المهم اليكم روابط مهمة ارجو ان تمرو عليها :
رابط المقالة : http://www.nizarpro.ml/2018/02/i.html
رابط الدرس السابق :
-*-*--* لا تنسى اللايك والاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله ---*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

دورة التسويق الاكتروني I كيف ابدأ وماهي اقسام التسويق الاكتروني واهم الفروقات -الجزء الاول
4 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة التسويق الاكتروني I كيف ابدا وماهي اقسام التسويق الاكتروني -الجزء الاول ، سنفهم معا اخوتي اخواتي من خلال هذه الدروس المتواضعة التسويق الاكتروني اقسامه انواعه واهم نقاطه التي يمكنك من خلالها التميز والبدا في الربح من الانترنت كذلك اخي العزيز ستفهم ماهي اهم الفروقات بين مجالات التسويق الاكتروني وCPA والطرق المهمة والاساسية في التسويق الاكتروني ، من خلال هده الدورة المتواضغة ستخرج بافكار ومفاهيم لم تكن تعرفها من قبل يمكنك متابعة اهم المقالات حول التسوق الاكتروني من خلال الموقع الخاص بالقناة
====تدوينة متواضعة تشرح لكم الدرس بشكل افضل =============
====لا تنسى الاشتراك في القناة للمزيد ان شاء الله من الشروحات ========

التشغيل الآلي للتسويق - Marketing Automation
16 vistas · 5 años hace

التشغيل الآلي للتسويق يعد باختصار تقنية أساسية تتيح العديد من أساليب التسويق الحديثة، مثل: خلق الطلب، تحديد جودة الفرص البيعية وتقسيمها، متابعة الفرص البيعية، وتطويرها لتتحول لمبيعات، إضافة إلى قياس عائد الاستثمار التسويقي.
هذا الكورس يتناول مقدمة وتعريف عن التشغيل الآلي للتسويق وخلق الطلب، الاستراتيچية وإدارة دورة الشراء، التخطيط لإدارة الفرص البيعية، التنسيق بين التسويق والمبيعات، التحليل ومعايير القياس.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

التسويق عبر الموبايل - Mobile Marketing
13 vistas · 5 años hace

غيرت الهواتف المحمولة والهواتف الذكية من سلوك المستخدمين إلى الأبد وأصبحت عنصرا رئيسيا في نمط الحياة المعاصر ، كما أنها مكنت الشركات من استحداث فرص جديدة غير مستغلة. ومن أجل تعلم قواعد اللعبة الجديدة فأنت تحتاج ببساطة لدراسة التسويق للهواتف الذكية.

هذه الدورة التدريبية تتناول اتجاهات الهواتف المحمولة والمستخدمين، الفرص التسويقية، فهم سلوك المستخدمين، خدمات الإعلان المرتبطة بالمواقع الجغرافية، بناء الاستراتيچية، إعداد الويبسايت للموبايل، إعداد إعلانات قنوات الديچيتال للهواتف المحمولة، إعداد محركات البحث للهواتف المحمولة، التجارة الإلكترونية عن طريق الهواتف المحمولة، الإتجاهات الجديدة والمستقبلية.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

التسويق بالمحتوى - Content Marketing
7 vistas · 5 años hace

يتناول هذا الكورس شرحاً لأسلوب التسويق الأهم على الإطلاق، من خلال المحتوى المتميز الموجه لشرائح العملاء المستهدفة. وذلك بهدف الجذب والاستحواذ على هذه الشرائح وتحويلهم لعملاء دائمين بشكل يضمن ربحية الشركات.
يتطرق الكورس إلى: تعريف التسويق عن طريق المحتوى، إنشاء محتوى هادف، قنوات نشر المحتوى، الشخصيات المؤثرة ومجتمعات الإنترنت، إعداد المحتوى للبحث، إعداد خطة المحتوى.

تسويق البريد الالكتروني - Email Marketing
4 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني هو أداة مهمة للغاية لمنظومة عمل التسويق الإلكتروني ككل، وتعكس الإحصائيات والتقارير أهمية هذه الأداة وفعاليتها وأفضل عائد للإستثمار.
يوضح الكورس تاريخ التسويق عن طريق البريد الالكتروني وتطوره، جمع وتقسيم وادارة قواعد البيانات، مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية، اعداد وتصميم حملة بريد الكتروني، والعديد من التفاصيل الهامة.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

E-commerce Course - كورس التجارة الالكترونية
19 vistas · 5 años hace

التجارة الإلكترونية في حالة تصاعد مبهر، تحقق مبيعات سنوية بحجم ٣.٥ تريليون دولار في سنة ٢٠١٩ ومتوقع وصولها لمبيعات سنوية بقيمة ٥ تريليون دولار في عام ٢٠٢١. سلوك العملاء أيضاً في حالة تحول من تجارة التجزئة التقليدية إلى الشراء من الإنترنت، التجارة الإلكترونية أصبحت واقع مؤثر لا يملك المسوقين رفاهية تجاهله أو عدم دراسته.
في هذه الدورة التدريبية نتناول المشهد العالمي ومنظومة عمل التجارة الالكترونية، المخاطر وإعتبارات الأمن، بناء منصة التجارة الإلكترونية، إدارة العلاقة مع العملاء، التخطيط لإكتساب وتحويل العملاء، إدارة العمليات والتشغيل، توريد السلع والخدمات بالنظام اوتوماتيكي، أنظمة الدفع، إدارة التغييرات المستمرة.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

كورس البحث المدفوع من جوجل - Google Paid Search
13 vistas · 5 años hace

البحث المدفوع من جوجل، واحد من أهم أدوات التسويق الإلكتروني ويتصدر حجم الإنفاق الإعلاني في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، وتأتي أهميته من أهمية محرك البحث جوجل في حياة المستخدمين. وترتبط أهميته أيضا بالتحول من التجارة التقليدية إلى التجارة الإلكترونية.
في هذه الدورة التدريبية نتناول نماذج البحث المدفوع، الأهداف، إعداد حملات البحث المدفوع، إدارة الحملات الإعلانية، تقييم أداء الإعلانات، أدوات متطورة.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

تسويق الاعلانات المصورة - Display Marketing
15 vistas · 5 años hace

توضح هذه الدورة التدريبية المزايا والتحديات التي تواجه إعلانات الديسپلاي، منظومة عمل الديسپلاي وكيفية عملها، أنواع ونماذج إعلانات الديسپلاي، التسويق عن طريق الڤيديو، التخطيط وإستهداف العملاء، إدارة ميزانية الحملات الإعلانية، متابعة أداء الحملات الإعلانية، إعادة الإستهداف وإعادة التسويق.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

ادارة قنوات السوشيال ميديا
12 vistas · 5 años hace

يعد التسويق على قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي أحد الأدوات الرئيسية في عصر الإنترنت الذي نعيشه. ومن خلال هذا الكورس، سوف تتعرف على أساسيات إدارة السوشيال ميديا بشكل احترافي، وسوف تتعلم كل ما يتعلق بعمليات التحليل وإعداد التقارير. وسوف يقدم لك هذا الكورس معلومات حول قناة السوشيال ميديا الأنسب لشركتك أوعلامتك التجارية، وعن كيفية التواصل مع جمهورك بناءً على ذلك، وكيفية جذب أكبر عدد من الجمهور. ويتضمن الكورس كذلك أمثلة لخطط وسائل تواصل اجتماعي لمساعدتك في إعداد خطة مناسبة لك.
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

اعداد محركات البحث SEO
21 vistas · 5 años hace

تعتبر "إمكانية العثور على" المحتوى عاملاً رئيسيًا. محركات البحث هي الأدوات الأساسية التي يستخدمها الأشخاص للعثور على المعلومات على الانترنت. ستوضح هذه الدورة طريقة عمل محركات البحث، وكيفية إدخال عملية تحسين وترتيب النتائج
لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق هذا الرابط:

التسويق لتطبيقات الهواتف الذكية
17 vistas · 5 años hace

كورس ال marketing for applications
بنفخر إننا الكيان التدريبي الوحيد في العالم اللي بيقدم هذا الكورس أو التخصص
الكورس بتيجي أهميته من أهمية تطبيقات الهواتف الذكية في حياة المستخدمين النهارده
كم التطبيقات الضخم والمتعدد والمتنوع،
إعتماد المستخدمين بشكل متزايد على التطبيقات،
إعتماد الشركات على التطبيقات في اجتذاب فرص جديدة،
حجم المبيعات والدخل اللي بيتحقق عن طريق التطبيقات،
كل دي عناصر حنتكلم عنها في الكورس ده

لمشاهدة الكورس عن طريق الرابط:
وفي خصم ٥٠٪ لنهاية شهر أغسطس

كورس الإعلانات على السوشيال ميديا
46 vistas · 5 años hace

هل تريد أن تحترف مجال الإعلانات على وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي؟
في هذه الدورة التدريبية ستتعلم خطوة بخطوة لتعرف كيف تقوم بعمل إعلاناتك على وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي، وسيكون دليلك لتحدد الاستراتيجية والميزانية الأنسب لتحقيق أفضل النتائج!

*استفد بخصم قيمته 50% بمناسبة عيد الأضحى حتى نهاية أغسطس، عند استخدامك كود الخصم: almentorِAdha19
سجّل الآن عبر الرابط:

مقدمة في التسويق الإلكتروني
19 vistas · 5 años hace

توصيف الدورة التدريبية

ابدأ التعلم عن عصر التسويق الالكتروني ، ستكون هذه الدورة التدريبية دورة تمهيدية للعديد من الدورات التدريبية التي ستتبع بعد. قم بإنشاء قاعدة قويّة وعزز معرفتك بأساسيات التسويق الالكتروني. ستبدأ هذه الدورة التدريبية بتعريفك معنى وتاريخ تطور التسويق الالكتروني ، والفرق بينه وبين التسويق التقليدي ، والمصطلحات، . فكّر في التسويق الالكتروني لمسار حياتك المهنية واكتسب فهماً بشكل احترافي.
رابط مشاهدة الكورس:

مقدمة- أدوات التسويق الالكتروني الفعال Online Marketing
7 vistas · 5 años hace

سلسلة تطبيقية قصيرة تشرح أدوات تحليل المنافسين في عالم التسويق الرقمي
مرفقات هذه السلسلة القصيرة:
- ملف Excel يحتوي محاور الفيديو.
- ملف text يحتوي أداوت التحليل والتي سوف نشرحها بشكل تطبيقي في هذه الدورة ان شاء الله
تم الارسال لجميع المهتيمن من طلاب ومتهمين التسويق الرقمي
اترك تعليق او او رسالة، ووارسل لك المحتوى الدورة بأقرب فرصة :)

اهتم حقا بدعمكم بعمل اشتراك وتقييم..
هدف القناة نشر العلم التطبيقي مجانا وكسر احتكار المعلومة القيمة :)

اي اقتراح او طلب استفسار اسعد بتواصلكم:
ايميل: hasanmtr91@gmail.com

دورة التسويق الالكتروني - المحاضرة رقم 1 ( التنسيق بين وسائل التسويق  )
5 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق الالكتروني الدارين,
دورة التسويق الالكتروني المجانية,
أكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية الدارين التسويق الالكتروني,
اسرار التسويق الالكتروني,
تعلم التسويق الالكتروني,
التسويق بالبريد الالكتروني,
التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني

دورة التسويق الالكتروني - المحاضرة رقم 1 ( اخطاء يجب تجنبها عند التسويق الالكتروني )
4 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق الالكتروني الدارين,
دورة التسويق الالكتروني المجانية,
أكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية الدارين التسويق الالكتروني,
اسرار التسويق الالكتروني,
تعلم التسويق الالكتروني,
التسويق بالبريد الالكتروني,
التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني

دورة التسويق الالكتروني - المحاضرة رقم 1  ( قوانين العمل على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي )
8 vistas · 5 años hace

تعلم مجانا
التسويق الالكتروني
اشترك بالقناة لتصلك كل الجديد
التسويق الالكتروني الدارين,
دورة التسويق الالكتروني المجانية,
أكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية الدارين التسويق الالكتروني,
اسرار التسويق الالكتروني,
تعلم التسويق الالكتروني,
التسويق بالبريد الالكتروني,
التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني

دورة التسويق الالكتروني - المحاضرة 1 ( ثانيا  التسويق الالكتروني عبر شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي )
5 vistas · 5 años hace

تعلم مجانا
التسويق الالكتروني
اشترك بالقناة لتصلك كل الجديد
التسويق الالكتروني الدارين,
دورة التسويق الالكتروني المجانية,
أكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية الدارين التسويق الالكتروني,
اسرار التسويق الالكتروني,
تعلم التسويق الالكتروني,
التسويق بالبريد الالكتروني,
التسويق الالكتروني,
اكاديمية التسويق الالكتروني

دورة التسويق الالكتروني  - المحاضرة رقم 1  ( اولا مقدمة  )
8 vistas · 5 años hace

تعلم مجانا التسويق الالكتروني

كورس تسويق الكتروني - العالميين في بايونير - محاضرة احمد ماهر
كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس العاشر AM Code Studio
26 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course
هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :
ازاي تتعامل مع برنامج الـ AM Code Studio

ألبرنامج الذي يمكنك من عمل اي عملية تكرارية و تحويلها الى بوت او برنامج
انواع العمل : ويندوز / ويب / اندرويد

تقدر تعمل :
بوت على الويب و الويندوز و الاندرويد

برنامج ارسال رسائل على الفايبر Viber Bot
برنامج عمل دعوه للاعجاب بصفحتك Invite Bot
برنامج الغاء طلبات الصداقه التي تم ارسالها Undo Bot
بوت لموقع اد مي فاست Add Me Fast Bot

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Mobile Marketing Contacts SMS Whats App Messengers  كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس الثامن
5 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course
هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :

اهمية و سرعة التسويق عبر الهاتف Mobile Marketing
اهيمة و قوه الرسائل النصية Bulk SMS
اهمية و قوة الرسائل على الواتس اب Whatsapp
اهمية و قوة التواصل مع العملاء على الفس بوك ماسنجرFb Messengers

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Re targeting Custom audiences Sales funnel كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس السابع
5 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course

هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :

كيفية عمل اعادة استهداف للعملاء بشكل احترافيRetargeting
كيفية استغلال قوائم الجمهور المخصص Custom Audiences
كيفية التعامل مع العميل من خلال مسار قمع المبيعات Sales funnel

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Poster Commenter Sharer Liker كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس السادس
14 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course

هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :
لو شغال فري لانسر وبتقدم محتوى قوى لعملائك
بعد الفديو ده

هتقدر تحصل على عملاء مهتمين بنشاطك
و هتستهدف كل العملاء الموجودين على منصات السوشيال مديا
هتعمل بوستات على كل الجروبات المختصه بمجالك على الفيس بوك
هتعمل بوستات عند كل الاصدقاء الي عندك
هتعمل بوستات على كل الصفحات الي انت عملهم لايك

و بالتالي هتوصل لكل عملائك بشكل اسرع بكتير من الطرق التقليدية
و هتعمل براند نيم و مبيعات من غير ما تدفع دولار واحد

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Promotion marketing spyads posting optimization كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس الخامس
21 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course

سواء كان عندك منتج او لا هتقدر تشتغل تسويق الكتروني
هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :

كيفية اقتناص المنتجات Product Hunting
هتقدر تشتغل في مجال التسويق بالعمولة CPA/Affiliate
هتتعرف على قنوات التسويق الالكتروني EMarketing Channels
هتتعرف على كيفية انشاء استراتيجية للترويج لمنتجك Promotion Strategy
هتتعلم ازاي تستغل اي جاتا معاك Power Of Data

كيفية عمل جمهور مخصص على الفيس بوك Facebook Custom Audience
كيفية عمل جهور مخصص على تويتر Twitter Tailored Audience
كيفية التعامل مع رؤى الجمهور Audience Insights
كيفية تحسين الـ ROI و الوصول لافضل نتائج لاعلاناتك Ads Optimization

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Social Media Content SWOT Segmentation كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس التالت
4 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course
هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :

تحليل منصات السوشيال مديا Social Media Analysis
كيفة عمل تحليل سوات على السوشيال مديا SWOT Analysis
;كيفية الحصور على افضل محتوى على السوشيال مديا Social Media Content Research
كيفية تقسيم جمهورك بالطريقه الفعاله لزيادة المبيعات Segmentation
كيفية استهداف العميل في كل اماكن تواجده على الانترنت Targeting

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

SEM Marketing SEO and Content كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس التاني
6 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course
هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :

كيفية عمل بحوث خاصة بالمحتوى Content Research
كيفية عمل بحوث في مجال السيو SEO Research
كيفية التعامل مع محركات البحث SEM
اهمية و كيفية بناء الروابط الخارجيه Backlinks
كيفية بناء الــPBN لاستخدامها في بناء الينك ويل
اهمية و كيفية بناء لينك ويل LinkWheel

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Niche Website Landing Page WordPress SEO Tool  كورس تسويق الكتروني الدرس الاول
6 vistas · 5 años hace

دورة تسويق الكتروني EMarketing Course
AM Real Time Course
هتتعلم من الصفر للاحتراف :

اختيار النيتش و دراسته و بدأ العمل علي الانترنت Select Niche
بناء المواقع و صفحات الهبوط الفعالة و شروطهم Build Website/Landing Page
الورد بريس و اضافة ادوات تحسين السيو Wordpress SEO Tool

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - المقدمة - هتتعلم ايه ؟
34 vistas · 5 años hace

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا !
هتتعلم من الصفر
ازاي تتعامل مع الاستضافة و الدومين و تعمل موقع
ازاي تكتب محتوي زي ما قال الكتاب
ازاي تعمل سيو داخلي وخارجي
ازاي تحلل و ازاي تعلي مراكز اولي في جوجل
ازاي تدير السوشيال ميديا :
ازاي تحلل المنافسين
ازاي تستهدف عملاء
ازاي تنشر
ازاي تعلن و تحلل الاعلانات
ازاي تحسن عائد الاستثمار
ازاي تعمل ريتارجيت
ازاي تعمل اب سيل و دون سيل
ازاي تعمل انبوند ماركتنج
ازاي تخلي منتجك علي لسان الناس علي طول .

ازاي تختار افضل قناة تسويق
ازاي تكسب بأقل التكاليف من الموبايل ماركتنج
ازاي تستهدف ارقام عملاء عندهم رغبة الشراء
ازاي تبعت sms
ازاي تبعت واتس و فيس و صور و فيديو
ازاي تعمل جماهير مخصصة .
ازاي تحول كل دقيقة بتعدي عليك لفلوس .
ازاي تحول كل الي خسرته لروشته تكسبك بعدين

ازاي تعمل برنامج يرسل انفيت للناس تعجب بصفحاتك .
ازاي عمل برنامج يحذف الطلبات المعلقة
ازاي تعمل برنامج ارسال رسايل فايبر
و اكتر من من 1000 ازاي و ازاي و ازاي ,,
شوف الدروس بالترتيب و اتعلم و خليك عالمي !

كورس تسويق الكتروني كامل مجانا - بتحديثات 2019

Make your ads stand out
12 vistas · 5 años hace

Take a look at any search engine results page. It’s full of text! How do you make your business’s adverts jump out in this jumble of words? In this video, you’ll learn how to:

- attract more traffic with adverts that catch the searcher’s eye
- write headlines that make a connection
- write a clear, compelling call to action.

Taking payments and manage orders
10 vistas · 5 años hace

If you decide to sell products and services online, many tools and solutions are available to help. This video will walk you through:

- handling online payments
- managing orders.

Introduction to search engine marketing (SEM)
11 vistas · 5 años hace

Traditional advertising broadcasts a message to the world at large. But search engine marketing targets a very specific group of people - those actively looking for your products and services. In this video, you’ll learn:

- what SEM is
- how it works
- why it works so well.

Making your web pages search friendly
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Get started in search engine optimisation by improving the pages on your website. This video explains the elements that you can tweak to make your website easier for search engines to understand. We’ll cover:

- title and description meta tags
- heading elements
- page copy.

How video fits into your online strategy
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Businesses of every size can use videos to promote their products and services. In this lesson, you’ll learn about:

- how video can further your business goals
- expanding your online presence with video
- ways to advertise using video.

Setting realistic SEO goals
11 vistas · 5 años hace

Setting realistic goals for organic traffic and assessing them with measurements that matter will help you strengthen your SEO strategy. In this video, you’ll learn:

- how to define success
- how to select measurements that matter
- what tools can help.

The rise of online video
9 vistas · 5 años hace

As technology has improved, the popularity of online video has skyrocketed. Now, it’s a powerful tool in marketing. In this lesson you’ll learn:

- how technology has improved online video
- why online video is here to stay
- ways to promote your business with video.

How to choose keywords
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Choosing keywords is the cornerstone of successful search engine optimisation. In this video, we’ll discuss:

- why you need to do keyword research
- the difference between short tail and long tail keywords
- what to consider when selecting keywords.

The SEO process
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This video explains the SEO process and the steps you need to take in order to optimise your website, including:

- discovering what words or phrases people use to search for your products or services
- improving the content on your site.

The importance of an SEO plan
11 vistas · 5 años hace

In this step-by-step process to create an SEO plan for your website, you’ll learn how to:

- develop
- prioritise
- adjust the plan to best suit your goals.

Making display ads meet your goals
22 vistas · 5 años hace

From the start, you should design your display advertising campaigns to help you achieve your goals. Here we’ll go over some of the many things display advertising can do for you, including:

- making a great first impression
- moving customers through the sales funnel
- turning interested people into paying customers.

Search campaigns for mobile
11 vistas · 5 años hace

By running mobile search ads, you can get your business in front of potential customers right when they are looking for products or services you offer. This video will cover:

- the importance of having a mobile-friendly site
- getting your keywords and ads right
- special features for mobile search campaigns.

Introduction for advertising on mobile
13 vistas · 5 años hace

As people spend more and more time on their mobiles, businesses are increasing their mobile advertising in order to reach new customers. In this video, you’ll learn about:

- benefits of mobile-specific marketing
- mobile opportunities available to advertisers
- challenges to effective mobile advertising.

Understanding mobile apps
13 vistas · 5 años hace

People interact with businesses through both mobile websites and mobile apps. Mobile-friendly websites are now a necessity, and many businesses can also benefit from a mobile app. In this lesson, you’ll learn:

- the difference between mobile websites and mobile apps
- the benefits unique to mobile apps
- how to determine whether an app is right for you.

The ins and outs of display advertising
16 vistas · 5 años hace

Ready to create a display advertising campaign? First you’ve got to understand how to use all the different components of display, including:

- how to find and target the right audience
- how to create different kinds of adverts
- how to organise your display campaigns.

What is display advertising?
11 vistas · 5 años hace

Display advertising allows businesses to reach specific groups of people on specific websites with their messages. In this lesson, we’ll look at:

- what display advertising is
- how it works
- the goals it can help you reach.

Social media campaigns for mobile
17 vistas · 5 años hace

As a business owner, you want to make your brand visible to people who use social media on their mobile devices. This video will cover:

- how to create a mobile social media campaign
- targeting options available on social networks
- guidelines for creating mobile social ads.

Display campaigns for mobile
14 vistas · 5 años hace

Whether you’re focused on driving sales or building a brand, mobile is more important than ever. That’s why a display ad approach that doesn’t include mobile is incomplete. This video will cover:

- the importance of trying different ad formats
- tools to help you quickly develop ads
- targeting apps.

The evolution of mobile devices
9 vistas · 5 años hace

People now have so many ways to access the Internet. We use computers, smartphones, tablets and now even smartwatches. Mobile marketing is constantly evolving; embrace it and your business will stay well ahead of the curve. In this lesson, you’ll learn:

- how mobile usage has changed in the last four decades
- what features are available on today’s mobile devices
- what the explosive growth of mobile use means for you.

Avoiding social media pitfalls
10 vistas · 5 años hace

Social media can be a powerful tool, but it’s also been known to cause some issues for businesses. We’ll show you what not to do, like:

- bore people to tears
- put your posts on autopilot
- spread yourself too thin.

Measuring success in social media
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Knowing how effective your social media efforts are is invaluable to your business. Here we’ll explore how to:

- collect data from the networks themselves
- make the most of social management and monitoring tools
- see what social visitors are doing on your website.

Advertising on social media
8 vistas · 5 años hace

If you want to reach specific audiences online, advertising on social media sites is a great option. In this video we’ll talk about:

- how to get your message in front of specific audiences
- how advertising on social networks can complement your other social efforts.

Your long-term social media plan
20 vistas · 5 años hace

Once you start engaging with social media, you’ll realise pretty quickly: it helps to get organised. Putting together a serious plan for how you want to invest in social media will really help. In this video, we’ll cover:

- the benefits of creating a plan for social media
- what a social media plan might look like
- tools to help you put your plan into action.

Getting on social media
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Joining a social network usually starts with opening an account and creating a profile. In this video we’ll explore:

- the basics of getting started with a social media site
- the difference between business and individual accounts
- the importance of your profile.

Setting your goals for social media
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Once you’ve learned the lay of the land when it comes to social media, it’s time to figure out what you’re trying to accomplish. Let’s talk about:

- setting specific goals for your social media efforts
- focusing your efforts on those goals
- putting your plan into action.

The right social media sites for you
9 vistas · 5 años hace

New social media sites pop up constantly. Here’s an overview of what’s out there and how to figure out which ones might be important to you. We’ll go over:

- different types of networks
- understanding their contexts
- the best ways to get involved.

Social media basics
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Social media is everywhere, and people engage with it every day. Learn what it is and how you can take advantage of these networks by:

- understanding why you need to be there
- joining the right social media sites
- growing your presence and engaging with your networks.

SEO for local businesses
26 vistas · 5 años hace

If you want to increase the chance of local customers finding your business, you need to know a bit about:

- including key information on your website
- how search engines choose local results
- the importance of mobile.

Reaching locals on their mobiles
11 vistas · 5 años hace

Take advantage of the ways that mobile and local complement each other to connect with customers closest to you. In this lesson we’ll explore:

- the importance of being found in local search results
- making the most of mobile features, like GPS and applications (apps)
- using paid advertising to reach a local audience on the go.

Using digital to advertise locally
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Local advertising is a great, affordable (sometimes even free) way to connect with customers who are close at hand. In this lesson we’ll talk about:

- why local advertising is important
- where you can advertise online to local customers
- some special features of “local” ads.

Marketing to the locals
5 vistas · 5 años hace

The Internet connects businesses and customers worldwide. But if you’re a local business, you’ll want to reach people nearby. Let’s learn a bit about:

- what local means in digital
- how your business can build a local search presence
- and a perfect pair: local marketing and mobiles.

Tools to measure SEM
12 vistas · 5 años hace

When it comes to SEM, you’re paying real money for every click that brings visitors to your website. Here’s how you can use web analytics to make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment. We’ll look at:

- which keywords are paying for themselves
- how to understand which ads are working
- how to use analytics to help you bid smarter.

Web analytics and organic search
12 vistas · 5 años hace

Web analytics is great for measuring all kinds of traffic to your site, including traffic from organic search results. But you can do much more than just count up your website visitors. In this video, you’ll learn:

- what kinds of data web analytics can give you about search traffic
- how to evaluate trends in your search traffic
- how to discover opportunities to make your website more relevant to searchers.

Tracking specific goals with web analytics
14 vistas · 5 años hace

Used properly, web analytics tools can give you valuable information to help you meet your objectives. You can do this by setting up your web analytics tool to track the specific goals that you care about. Here we’ll explore:

- examples of goals and conversions
- why it’s important to create and configure goals
- how to determine what your own goals and conversions should be.

Making web analytics work for you
7 vistas · 5 años hace

One of the biggest benefits of going online is that digital marketing is extremely measurable. Throughout the entire customer journey, web analytics provides insight on where your website visitors are coming from, what they’re doing and how you can get more of them to “convert” on your site. In this video, we’ll cover:

- why web analytics underpins everything you do in digital
- the kinds of insights you can gain using analytics
- how to use data to support your business goals.

What is web analytics?
16 vistas · 5 años hace

Web analytics can answer questions about what people are doing - and not doing - on your website. In this video, you’ll learn about:

- the kind of data web analytics can provide
- how to understand that data
- how simple it is to get started.

How search engines work
21 vistas · 5 años hace

Search engines examine all the pages on the World Wide Web, categorise them and put them into a logical order when you search for something. Understanding how this works can help your business. This video will cover:

- how search engines find web pages
- what they do with the web pages they find
- how they decide what to show on search results pages.

Search engine basics
12 vistas · 5 años hace

Search engines catalogue the Internet to help connect searchers with exactly what they’re looking for. That makes them a great marketing tool. This video covers:

- a brief history of search engines
- how search engines changed business
- why search is a good place to start.

Measuring success in email marketing
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Knowing whether your email campaigns are successful will help you take the right actions when it comes time to improving them. In this lesson, we'll explore:

- why email metrics are important in evaluating campaign success
- five useful metrics that can help you understand email performance
- how to draw insights from the email metrics gathered.

Managing successful email campaigns
17 vistas · 5 años hace

There’s a lot to manage when running an email campaign - use these strategies to set yourself up for success. Here we’ll explore how to:

- use A/B testing to improve engagement
- create relevant campaign landing pages
- measure the performance of your email campaigns.

Crafting great marketing emails
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Your email marketing campaigns will change, but the goal remains the same. You want to craft attention-grabbing emails that encourage action. With a few tips, you can market your business like a pro. In this video, we’ll explore how to:

- use subject lines to make a good first impression
- write concise content with strong calls to action
- include helpful links for customers.

Your email marketing options
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Many email marketing software systems will guide you through the entire process of setting up an effective email campaign. You can monitor how recipients interact with your emails in order to personalise the content. In this video, you’ll learn about:

- common features of email marketing tools
- benefits of tracking email recipient behaviours
- personalising content according to customer information.

Email marketing basics
12 vistas · 5 años hace

Sending newsletters and special offers to customers via email can play a key part in your overall marketing plan, building and strengthening relationships with your customers. In this video, we’ll explore:

- developing a contact list
- targeting audiences based on interests
- building relationships with customers.

Website design do’s and don’ts
7 vistas · 5 años hace

When designing your website, watch out for mistakes that often chase customers away. In this lesson, we’ll outline some ways to avoid frustration, such as:

- quick-loading pages
- mobile-friendliness
- general accessibility.

Make your website easy to use
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Visitors to your website should be able to navigate and interact with your site easily - that’s called usability. Bring them back again and again by:

- providing simple and clear navigation
- creating a consistent layout
- writing relevant and effective content.

Websites and your business goals
15 vistas · 5 años hace

When creating your website, consider how to combine your business goals with what your visitors want. In this lesson, we’ll talk about:

- using your site to further your business goals
- thinking like a customer
- telling your story online.

Key website ingredients
7 vistas · 5 años hace

A website consists of many parts-build and blend them right, and you’re sure to succeed. In this lesson, we’ll cover:

- your name
- the website’s organisation
- text, photos and other interactive elements.

How websites work
7 vistas · 5 años hace

If your business needs a website, the first step is to understand the basics. Here’s a quick summary of what you’ll need to know:

- what web servers do
- how domain names work
- how your website uses these.

Choosing your online presence
6 vistas · 5 años hace

There’s more than one place for people to find you online. In this lesson we’ll explore just how important being online is these days, as well as some common ways to do it including:

- websites
- local business listings and review sites
- social media
- mobile apps.

Analyse and adapt
16 vistas · 5 años hace

To go digital and do it the right way, you need a well-thought­-out and flexible plan. In this lesson we’ll talk through:

- setting realistic expectations
- tracking and measuring how you’re doing
- adapting to changes in technology and your industry.

Marketing your online presence
8 vistas · 5 años hace

You’re online, so now it’s time to bring in the customers you want. We’ll review how to best help them find you, using some tried-­and-­tested online marketing avenues:

- search engines
- other websites
- social media
- email.

Building your online presence
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Let’s take a look at all the options for launching your business online, step by step. We’ll cover:

- local listings
- social media and video
- websites and mobile apps.

Your online goals
11 vistas · 5 años hace

Taking your business online offers a lot of opportunities, but with so many options, it’s easy to spin your wheels and lose focus. Setting specific goals can help as you begin to navigate
the digital world.

Your digital opportunity
9 vistas · 5 años hace

It's never been easier, cheaper or more beneficial for your business to get online. Don’t be intimidated by the breadth of opportunities in digital. In this video we’ll look at:

- the core components of a digital presence
- how they relate to YOUR business
- how to get started.

Intro to the Digital Garage
12 vistas · 5 años hace

Dive into the Digital Garage and explore how you can make the most of online opportunities. This introductory video will give you a brief overview of what you can learn throughout the course and highlight some of the benefits of building or polishing your digital skills.

213 - Digital Marketing | Future Directions for Digital Marketing Freelancers | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

212 - Digital Marketing | Course and Skills Review | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

211 - Digital Marketing | Customer Experience Guru | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

210 - Digital Marketing | Concept of Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning | DigiSkills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

209 - Digital Marketing | Customer Journey Mapping | DigiSkills
13 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

208 - Digital Marketing | 5 S of Marketing | Sizzling | DigiSkills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

207 - Digital Marketing | 5 S of Marketing | Saving | DigiSkills
3 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

206 - Digital Marketing | 5 S of Marketing | Speaking | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

205 - Digital Marketing | 5 S of Marketing | Serving | DigiSkills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

204 - Digital Marketing | 5 S of Marketing | Selling | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

203 - Digital Marketing | Four P's of Marketing | DigiSkills
3 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

202 - Digital Marketing | Change in Consumer Behavior | DigiSkills
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

201 - Digital Marketing | Digital Needs, Demands and Wants | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

200 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Insights | Making Sense of Data | DigiSkills
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

199 - Digital Marketing | Create an account on Facebook Insights | DigiSkills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

198 - Digital Marketing | What is Facebook Insights and Projects | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

197 - Digital Marketing | Using Analytics Data for Decision Making | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

196 - Digital Marketing | Add Websites to Track Analytics | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

195 - Digital Marketing | Create an Account on Google Analytics | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

194 - Digital Marketing | What is Google Analytics and Freelancing Project | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

193 - Digital Marketing | What is Analytics and its use | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

192 - Digital Marketing | Review, Optimize and Monitor Campaign on MailChimp | DigiSkills
14 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

191 - Digital Marketing | Design an Email on MailChimp | DigiSkills
13 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

190 - Digital Marketing | Create a Campaign on MailChimp | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

189 - Digital Marketing | Create an Email List on MailChimp | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

188 - Digital Marketing | Create an Account on MailChimp | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

187 - Digital Marketing | What is MailChimp | Introduction to MailChimp | DigiSkills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

186 - Digital Marketing | Types of Marketing Automation | DigiSkills
18 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

185 - Digital Marketing | What is Marketing Automation Projects | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

184 - Digital Marketing | Create a Campaign on Taboola | DigiSkills
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

183 - Digital Marketing | Create an Account on Taboola | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

182 - Digital Marketing | What is Taboola | DigiSkills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

181 - Digital Marketing | What is Native Advertising | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

180 - Digital Marketing Plan Execution and Monitoring
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

179 - Digital Marketing Plan Budgeting
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

178 - Digital Marketing Plan Message, Ad and Video Developments
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting

177 - Digital Marketing Plan The Concept of Targeting and Segmentation
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

176 - Digital Marketing Plan Selection of Platforms to Achieve Objectives
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting

175 - Digital Marketing Plan Setting SMART Objectives
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

174 - Digital Marketing Plan Assessing Opportunities and Threats
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

173 - Digital Marketing Plan Competitor Analysis
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

172 - Digital Marketing Plan Customer and Potential User Research 2
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

171 - Digital Marketing Plan Customer and Potential User Research 1
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

170 - Digital Marketing Plan Internal Resources Audit for Digital Marketing
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

169 - Digital Marketing Plan Step 1 The Starting Point
13 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

168 - DM Plan Most common Table of Contents for a Plan
20 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

167 - DM Plan What is a DM Plan and Why to Use it
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

166 - Other E Commerce Platforms Shopify, Wordpress Store
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

165 - Wix com Optimizing to Mobile Users
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

164 - Wix com Tour to the options of Online Store
24 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

163 - Wix com Setting up an Online Store
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

162 - Wix com Selecting Template and Re Designing
16 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

161 - Wix com Connecting Domain with the Website
20 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

160 - Digital Marketing | Wix.com | Setup a Website | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

159 - Digital Marketing | Wix.com | What is Wix.com and Create Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

158 - Digital Marketing | What is Website UXD and Projects | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

157 - Digital Marketing | Job Portal Ads Increase Response Rate | DigiSkills Pakistan
15 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

156 - Digital Marketing | What is Job Portal | DigiSkills Pakistan
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

155 - Digital Marketing | How to Join Facebook Group and Post | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

154 - Digital Marketing | What is Facebook Group | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

153 - Digital Marketing | Cragislist Jobs Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

152 - Digital Marketing | Create Craigslist Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

151 - Digital Marketing | What is Craigslist and How to Create Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

150 - Digital Marketing | Possible Pitfalls and Problems | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

149 - Digital Marketing | Create a Catchy Pitch | DigiSkills Pakistan
13 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

148 - Digital Marketing | Sources of Online Leads | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

147 - Digital Marketing | Understand Client Needs | DigiSkills Pakistan
13 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

146 - Digital Marketing | Think Like a Sales Man | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

145 - Digital Marketing | Online Lead Generation and Projects | DigiSkills Pakistan
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

144 - Digital Marketing | Tips to Make a Great Blog | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

143 - Digital Marketing | Blogger.com | Google Analytics with Blogger | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

142 - Digital Marketing | Blogger.com | Earn Money from Google AdSense | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

141 - Digital Marketing | Blogger.com | Link with Facebook, Twitter, Youtube | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

140 - Digital Marketing | Blogger.com | Rich Content and Market | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

139 - Digital Marketing | Blogger.com | Important Things | DigiSkills Pakistan
24 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

138 - Digital Marketing | Blogger Interface and Start Blog | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

137 - Digital Marketing | Blogger.com | Create Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

136 - Digital Marketing | Freelancing Blogging Projects | DigiSkills Pakistan
18 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

135 - Digital Marketing | What is Blog | When and Why use Blog | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

134 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords | Role of SEO | DigiSkills Pakistan
21 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

133 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords | Common Mistakes | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

132 - Digital Marketing | Google Merchant | Shopping ads in AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

131 - Digital Marketing | Google Merchant | Product Listing Ad Campaign | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

130 - Digital Marketing | Google Merchant | Shopping Product Listing | DigiSkills Pakistan
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

129 - Digital Marketing | Google Merchant | Create Account | Link AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
15 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

128 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Product Listing and Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

127 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Review and Charging Mechanism | DigiSkills Pakistan
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

126 - Digital Marketing | Create Display Ads Campaign Google AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

125 - Digital Marketing | AdWord Review and Monitor Best Result | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

124 - Digital Marketing | Examples of Video Ads Type | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

123 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Youtube Linking | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

122 - Digital Marketing | Creating TrueView Ad Google AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

121 - Digital Marketing | AdWords CTR CPC Charging Mechanism | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

120 - Digital Marketing | What is TrueView | DigiSkills Pakistan
3 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

119 - Digital Marketing | Up to Date Add Conversion Tracking | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

118 - Digital Marketing | AdWords Search Ad Freelancing Project | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

117 - Digital Marketing | AdWords Score and Mistakes Google Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

116 - Digital Marketing | Art of Writing an Ad for AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

115 - Digital Marketing | Making a Google AdWords Search Ad | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

114 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Keyword Selection | DigiSkills Pakistan
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

113 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Location and Target | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

112 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Budget Settings and Bid | DigiSkills Pakistan
14 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

111 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Search Ads Campaign | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

110 - Digital Marketing | Google AdWords Interface | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

109 - Digital Marketing | Linking Payment Methods | Google AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

108 - Digital Marketing | Create an Account on Google AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

107 - Digital Marketing | What is Google AdWords and How to use it | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

106 - Digital Marketing | Testing a Video with Client | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

105 - Digital Marketing | How to Shoot a Video Basic Shooting | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

104 - Digital Marketing | Video Ads, True View and Dynamics | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

103 - Digital Marketing | Create video Ads, Export Formats | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

102 - Digital Marketing | Review Display Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
14 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

101 - Digital Marketing | Export images into Jpeg PNG etc. | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

100 - Digital Marketing | World known Free Resources of Pictures | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

099 - Digital Marketing | Import Images, Type Tool, Layers | DigiSkills Pakistan
19 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

098 - Digital Marketing | Create a Basic Ad in Photoshop | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

097 - Digital Marketing | Optimized Display Ads for Google AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

096 - Digital Marketing | Importance of Google AdWords | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

095 - Digital Marketing | What are Video Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

094 - Digital Marketing | What are Display Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

093 - Digital Marketing | What are Search Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

092 - Digital Marketing | Search Display Social Media and Video Ads | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

091 - Digital Marketing | What is AdSense Adwords Adverts | DigiSkills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

090 - Digital Marketing | Marketing Platforms | Reddit, Snapchat | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

089 - Digital Marketing | Marketing Platforms | Pintereset, Yelp | DigiSkills Pakistan
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

88 - Digital Marketing | Organic Method to Find People on LinkedIn | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

087 - Digital Marketing | Post a Job on LinkedIn | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

086 - Digital Marketing | LinkedIn Marketing to Connect People | DigiSkills Pakistan
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

085 - Digital Marketing | Create Company Page on LinkedIn | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

084 - Digital Marketing | Create LinkedIn Account and Update Information | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

083 - Digital Marketing | What is LinkedIn | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

082 - Digital Marketing | Youtube Channel and Things to Consider | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

081 - Digital Marketing | Youtube Projects for Freelancing | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

080 - Digital Marketing | Receive Money from Youtube | DigiSkills Pakistan
3 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

079 - Digital Marketing | Post Video on Youtube to Earn Money | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

078 - Digital Marketing | Youtube Advertising / Marketing | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

077 - Digital Marketing | Understand Youtube Analytics | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

076 - Digital Marketing | What is Youtube Studio ( Y-Studio ) Create Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

075 - Digital Marketing | Earn Money From Youtube Videos | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

074 - Digital Marketing | How to Post Videos on Youtube | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

073 - Digital Marketing | Create and Manage Youtube Channel | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

072 - Digital Marketing | Earn from Youtube | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

071 - Digital Marketing | Youtube Marketing | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

070 - Digital Marketing | Create Youtube Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

069 - Digital Marketing | Popular Youtube Videos and Channels | DigiSkills Pakistan
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

068 - Digital Marketing | What is Youtube | DigiSkills Pakistan
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

067 - Digital Marketing | Low Response Twitter Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

066 - Digital Marketing | How to Get Viral on Twitter | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

065 - Digital Marketing | Twitter Paid Marketing | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

064 - Digital Marketing | Twitter Paid Marketing Advertisement | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

063 - Digital Marketing | Twitter Tweet Timely and Effectively | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

062 - Digital Marketing | Twitter Followers and Follows | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

061 - Digital Marketing | Create Twitter Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

060 - Digital Marketing | What is Twitter | DigiSkills Pakistan
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

059 - Digital Marketing | Keep Instagram Update and Up to Date | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

058 - Digital Marketing | Instagram Reviewing the Efficiency Thought Analytics | DigiSkills Pakistan
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

057 - Digital Marketing | Instagram and Facebook Advertisement | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

056 - Digital Marketing | Instagram Filters and Pictures | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

055 - Digital Marketing | Use Instagram on Mobile | DigiSkills Pakistan
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

054 - Digital Marketing | Create Instagram Account | DigiSkills Pakistan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

053 - Digital Marketing | What is Instagram | DigiSkills Pakistan
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

052 - Digital Marketing | Update Facebook and Reviews | DigiSkills Pakistan
14 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

051 - Digital Marketing | Dealing with Facebook Client Page | DigiSkills Pakistan
18 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

050 - Digital Marketing | Pausing, Resuming and Creating New Facebook Campaigns Part-2 | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

049 - Digital Marketing | Pausing, Resuming and Creating New Facebook Campaigns Part-1 | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

48 - Digital Marketing | Control Facebook Campaign | DigiSkills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

047 - Digital Marketing | Review of Advertisement on Facebook | DigiSkills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

046 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Target Market | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

045 - Digital Marketing | What is Facebook EdgeRank Algorithm | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

044 - Digital Marketing | How to Boost Facebook Page | DigiSkills
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

043 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Page Promotion | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

042 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Post Boosting Paid Boost | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

041 - Digital Marketing | Advertisement on Facebook Page | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

040 - Digital Marketing | Payment Method and Address in Ads | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

039 - Digital Marketing | Create Account of Facebook Advertisement | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

038 - Digital Marketing | What is Advertisement | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

037 - Digital Marketing | Pros and Cons of Facebook Paid Reach | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

036 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Organic Reach Methods | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

035 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Organic vs Paid Reach | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

034 - Digital Marketing | Organic Reach on Facebook | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

033 - Digital Marketing | Hashtags (#hashtag) in Facebook | DigiSkills
15 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

032 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Templates Design | DigiSkills
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

031 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Robust and Professional Messaging | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

030 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Page Editing & Roles | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

029 - Digital Marketing | Facebook Page Advance Settings | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

028 - Digital Marketing | Setup Information & Setting on Facebook | DigiSkills
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

027 - Digital Marketing | How to Create a Page on Facebook | DigiSkills
5 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

026 - Digital Marketing | How to Post on Facebook | DigiSkills
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

025 - Digital Marketing | Privacy Settings on Facebook | DigiSkills
14 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

024 - Digital Marketing | Setup Basic Information on Facebook | DigiSkills
10 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

023 - Digital Marketing | How to Open Facebook Account | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

022 - Digital Marketing | What is Facebook | DigiSkills
3 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

021 - Digital Marketing | Online Lead Generation and Sales | DigiSkills
18 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

020 - Digital Marketing | Social Media Community Management | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

019 - Digital Marketing | Blogs Maintenance and Development | DigiSkills
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

018 - Digital Marketing | Ads Creating Project | DigiSkills
14 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

017 - Digital Marketing | Platforms and Jobs for Beginners | DigiSkills
22 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

016 - Digital Marketing | Setup Time Plan for Certification | DigiSkills
24 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

015 - Digital Marketing | Selection of Projects | DigiSkills
64 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

014 - Digital Marketing | Manage Quantity and Quality Project | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

013 - Digital Marketing | Negotiation with Confidence | DigiSkills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

012 - Digital Marketing | Popular Digital Marketing Jargons | DigiSkills
11 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

011 - Digital Marketing | Think Like Marketer / Advertiser | DigiSkills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

010 - Digital Marketing | What are Digital Marketing Tools | DigiSkills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

009 - Digital Marketing | Marketing Skills for Non-Technical | DigiSkills
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

008 - Digital Marketing | Freelancing Jobs for Digital Marketing | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

005 - Digital Marketing | What is Digital Marketing | DigiSkills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

004 - Digital Marketing | What is Digital Media | DigiSkills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

003 - Digital Marketing | Evolution of Marketing | DigiSkills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

001 - Digital Marketing | What is Digital Marketing | DigiSkills Pakistan
12 vistas · 5 años hace

#DigiSkills #tutorials #Courses #vu #Urdu #WordPress #Freelancing #AutoCAD #CreativeWriting
More Information for Trainee & Sign Up Now for Course Enrollments in 3rd Batch.

What is the DigiSkills Program?
Advent of new ICT technologies has opened a myriad of new possibilities for knowledge workers across the globe by enabling them to provide their services remotely to clients. By leveraging these ICT technologies, a new on-demand economy is being created, where professional activities broken into discrete assignments are offered to a virtual cloud of aspiring workers. This industry, often referred to as online outsourcing, is expected to generate gross service revenue between $15 billion and $25 billion by 2020.

Major chunk of this online outsourcing industry is being taken by individuals having necessary and relevant skills required to complete these temporary assignments and project or contract-based work. Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes. This trend is expected to grow as the creative destruction caused by fourth industrial wave continues to disrupt business processes and models.
Millions of individuals around the world are tapping into the opportunity and earning money while working from the comfort of their homes.

Pakistan is the world’s fourth largest provider of online freelancers with estimated registered number of online freelancers ranging in several hundreds of thousands. Most of the work done is for international clients; therefore, money earned by them is brought into the country, mainly as foreign remittances. While accurate data on money brought by freelancers is not available, estimates range from $ 500 Million to $ 1.3 Billion annually.

This amount is just a fraction of the country’s potential as, with its large population, increasing internet connectivity, broadband penetration, young and educated youth, thousands of IT graduates and million-plus enrolled university students, Pakistan can increase the number of freelancer’s manifold. This will help bring invaluable foreign exchange into the country, and more importantly, reduce unemployment as the number of fresh graduates passing out every year is a lot more than the number of new jobs created.

This large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program has been launched, across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology.
Therefore, this large scale national Digital Skills (DigiSkills) Training Program, which was conceived by the Minister of IT and Telecom, has been launched across the country, to train one (1) million people in the future of work using technology. Virtual University of Pakistan has been selected to execute this mega training program under the auspices of Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom through Ignite- National Technology Fund (formerly National ICT R&D Fund). The DigiSkills Program is aimed at equipping our youth, freelancers, students, housewives, professionals, etc. with knowledge, skills, tools & techniques necessary to seize the opportunities available internationally in online marketplaces as well as locally to earn a decent living.

The program aims at not only developing key specialized skills, but also imparting knowledge about various freelancing and other employment and entrepreneurial opportunities available internationally and locally. Due to limited employment opportunities, it is essential for upcoming workforce to have necessary knowledge and abilities to grab such opportunities. This is envisaged to be achieved through a national level program, which will train target audiences in freelancing and other specialized skills listed below:

1. Freelancing
2. E-Commerce Management
3. Digital Marketing
4. Digital Literacy
5. QuickBooks
6. AutoCAD
7. WordPress
8. Graphics Design
9. Creative Writing
10. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

T20L7 التوصيل للعملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم
Google Skills
8 vistas · 5 años hace

T20L7 التوصيل للعملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم

T20L6 مساعدة عملائك في الخارج على شراء منتجاتك
Google Skills
4 vistas · 5 años hace

T20L6 مساعدة عملائك في الخارج على شراء منتجاتك

T20L3 كيف يتم فهمك في الأسواق الدولية
Google Skills
6 vistas · 5 años hace

T20L3 كيف يتم فهمك في الأسواق الدولية

T20L1 مقدمة عن التسويق الدولي والتصدير
Google Skills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

T20L1 مقدمة عن التسويق الدولي والتصدير

T4L5 قياس نجاح التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني
Google Skills
10 vistas · 5 años hace

T4L5 قياس نجاح التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني

T4L4 إدارة حملات تسويق ناجحة بالبريد الالكتروني
Google Skills
7 vistas · 5 años hace

T4L4 إدارة حملات تسويق ناجحة بالبريد الالكتروني

T4L2 خيارات التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني
Google Skills
15 vistas · 5 años hace

T4L2 خيارات التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني

T4L1 أساسيات التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني
Google Skills
20 vistas · 5 años hace

الاتصال عبر البريد الالكتروني

T3L5 اجعل موقعك سهل الاستخدام
Google Skills
25 vistas · 5 años hace

T3L5 اجعل موقعك سهل الاستخدام

T3L4 المواقع الإلكترونية وأهداف نشاطك التجاري
Google Skills
17 vistas · 5 años hace

T3L4 المواقع الإلكترونية وأهداف نشاطك التجاري

T3L3 المكونات الرئيسية للموقع الإلكتروني
Google Skills
50 vistas · 5 años hace

T3L3 المكونات الرئيسية للموقع الإلكتروني

T3L2 المكونات الرئيسية للموقع الإلكتروني
Google Skills
13 vistas · 5 años hace

T3L2 المكونات الرئيسية للموقع الإلكتروني

T1L2 فرصتك الرقمية
Google Skills
9 vistas · 5 años hace

T1L2 فرصتك الرقمية

T1L1 العالم يتجه نحو الرقمية
Google Skills
56 vistas · 5 años hace

T1L1 العالم يتجه نحو الرقمية

T2L3 تسويق نشاطك التجاري على الإنترنت
Google Skills
20 vistas · 5 años hace

T2L3 تسويق نشاطك التجاري على الإنترنت

How to Come Up With YouTube Video Topics That Will Rank High, Bring You More Views & Engagement
4 vistas · 5 años hace

You're creating videos but they're not getting any traction, what should you do? Today I'm going to teach you how to come up with YouTube topics that rank high, get more engagement, and get thousands and thousands of views.

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

How to Promote Your YouTube Video When You Have ZERO Subscribers (video): https://youtu.be/jA0AzR9ByM8

YouTube Video SEO: How I Got Over 25,000 Subscribers on YouTube in 2017 (video): https://youtu.be/el3CXWhK8W8

The first thing you need to do is pick video topics that are popular.

It's not just about what you want to talk about it's not what you want to film about that day, sure you need to be an expert on whatever you're talking about, but still, if no one wants to watch a video on that subject you're not going to do well.

So how do you figure out what's popular? Well, you want to head over to Ubersuggest and type in keywords related to your industry.

The second step is you need to click on keyword ideas.

On Ubersuggest, you're going to get a list of all these keywords that are related to your own industry.

You're going to see similar keywords and related keywords. Similar keywords are other long tail variations of the keyword that you just typed in.

I want you to click on "Related". This shows you all the other keywords that are relevant, but yet not the same keyword that you just typed in.

Look for the keywords that are really popular. The popular ones are the ones that are going to get you the most views, that's what people are looking for.

The third step is to take that popular keyword and then re-enter it into Ubersuggest.

Now you'll get other keywords that are similar to that popular keyword, and other variations of it.

Now, the fourth step. I want you to create a video on that topic.

You don't just have the keyword you also have other similar related keywords.

So when you create a video on that topic let's say it's Digital Marketing, you could mention Digital Marketing, SEO, pay per click advertising, social media marketing, you get the point.

When you mention all these keywords within your video, within the title, within the description, you're going to start getting more views.

'Cause now you didn't just create any video you created a video on a popular subject.

Now that you've created your video and you upload it to YouTube I already mentioned, include those keywords within the title and description but what you also need to do is upload an SRT file you can get it from Rev.com, they'll transcribe your video for you, I believe it's a dollar per minute.

And what it'll do is when you upload that file into YouTube, they'll say, "Oh now we know what this video is about and we'll rank it higher."

What most people are like is, "Oh no, YouTube automatically creates the transcriptions for me I just click a button."

Well, you know what the automatic versions won't help you rank as high, you got to go to services like Rev.com which is fast and cheap and use them so that way your video can rank higher.

And the last thing I want you to do is to go and put in competitors into Ubersuggest.

So yeah you already know what industry you're in. Google them, look at the most popular websites, take those URLs of those competitors, put them into Ubersuggest.

This will show you a traffic overview report click on top pages and you'll see their most popular pieces of content, where they're getting the most traffic from, it'll show you underestimated visits, that column there.

When you click on view all you'll see all the keywords that drive traffic to that post.

That's a text-based piece of content generally speaking. I want you to go and also to replicate this whole process, but now do it based on this popular article, right?

So the first time we were creating videos based off of keywords, you also want to create videos based off of popular text-based pieces of content 'cause if that text-based piece of content was popular, a video version is usually popular as well, it'll rank high, get a ton of engagement, and get a ton of views.

You follow that whole process you'll start crushing YouTube.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#YouTube #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Truth About Funnel Hacking: Is it Possible to Copy Someone Else's Business Model?
5 vistas · 5 años hace

The Truth About Funnel Hacking: Is it Possible to Copy Someone Else's Business Model? // You see all these people making millions of dollars from their business. So if you copy them, can't you do the same? People nowadays say that, "Hey, you can copy someone else's funnel, take the exact thing and then you're off into the races."

How to Create a High Converting Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel (video): https://youtu.be/ULrck4Vzyu0

How to Build a Conversion Funnel That Will Triple Your Profits (article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/how....-to-build-a-conversi

How to Craft a Profitable Conversion Funnel from Scratch (article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/pro....fitable-conversion-f

So, if you can do that, can you make millions like all these people too? Well, the short answer is no, but the long answer is yes.

Now, let me explain this.

Just because you copy someone's funnel, doesn't mean you're going to do as well as them.

Sometimes it's their personality, sometimes it's their voice; there's other factors that you can't control.

Sometimes they're better at driving traffic.

If you don't have the traffic going to your funnel, you're not going to make any money.

It doesn't matter if it's identical to their funnel.

So, if you want to create a business that does well and you want to copy or use someone else's funnel, how should you go about it?

Well first, don't just copy their funnel.

What you want to do is look at their funnel and understand why they created it like that.

Do they have up sales and down sales?

What are the up sales and down sales?

Do they help people get the results faster?

If they don't, then you want to make sure that your funnel has up sales and down sales that make people get the results faster.

By understanding the funnel, the journey that you're taking people through, you can get a better understanding of what people want before you sell them.

If you don't know what people want, no matter what funnel you're going to copy, you're not going to do well.

The second thing you need to look at is how relevant are your readers and your visitors versus theirs?

Are they really related?

Are they not that related?

If they're really related, there's a higher chance that copying that funnel will work.

If they're not that related, copying their funnel has no guarantee that it will be a success for you.

The third thing you want to look at is can you sustain the ad cost.

Most people who are using funnels are leveraging YouTube, they're leveraging Facebook ads and sure, you can also run YouTube and Facebook ads and you can even spy on their ads, but if you spy on their ads and you create the same ones, there's no guarantee that it'll work right away.

They may have things like Lookalike Audiences that you don't have uploaded.

All these things impact their ROY and it may make it harder for you to generate the same ROY from ads.

Now, it doesn't mean you can't get to where they are, it just more so means:do you have the cash flow to sustain it?

It may take a few months before you can get there and if you don't have the cash flow to sustain it, copying their funnel in most cases won't work.

And last but not least, just copying blatantly is a bad idea because it takes a lot of work and a lot of time to copy someone.

You need to look at their marketing and their funnel and start taking little segments of it and test it in your business.

If you find that it's working, then you know that hey, you can do more of it, you can copy them more.

It's all about doing things like adding the up sales, the down sales and if they have that and you know it's working for them, that could be the first thing that you test.

If you find that they're doing webinars and that's working really well for them, the first thing you could test is just throwing up a simple webinar.

It doesn't have to be as complex as theirs, doesn't have to convert as well, but if you find that your audience likes a webinar and it's converting, now you know that part of the funnel, that tactic works for your audience as well.

So as long as you implement those tips, yes you could copy someone else's funnel and you do have a good shot at generating an ROY.

There's no guarantee, but typically, if you copy someone's funnel and they're in the exact same space, you're visitors are very related to their visitors, it should convert as well.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Funnels #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Do THIS if Your eCommerce Product Doesn’t Sell (And Watch Your Conversions Skyrocket)
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Do THIS if Your eCommerce Product Doesn’t Sel / Today I'm going to share with you what you should do to get more e-commerce sales today. If your eCommerce conversions and sales are tanking, these are the techniques you will want to use to increase your ecommerce sales.

7 Proven Ways to Grow eCommerce Sales By 50% or More (video): https://youtu.be/ECFguym4230

99.9% Of eCommerce Products Will NEVER Sell Without this (video): https://youtu.be/GkOM7q9BYGQ

The truth is, sales isn't as easy as just throwing up a site, throwing a landing page, and saying "Hey everyone, go check out my product and buy it."

So what should you do? Well, there's a few things that you need to do, but it all revolves around one thing.

Step #1 - let's survey your audience.

Why aren't you converting? Why aren't people buying? Well you have your own ideas. I have my own ideas. But you know what? None of them are really good. Opinions don't matter. All that matters is what your potential customers are telling you.

By surveying them, through tools like Hotjar and SurveyMonkey, you can end up finding out why people are converting and why they're not.

The people that aren't, we have some questions like "What else would you like to see on this page?" "Why didn't you buy this product?" They'll tell you why.

Once you get 30, 40, 50 responses, you'll have a good understanding of the changes you need to make.

Step #1 - make those changes.

But just don't make them to your landing page, you need to run an A-B test. because sometimes when you have the statement, and you even make those changes, it doesn't necessarily help you with sales.

I know that sounds bad, but you may not have enough survey responses, or the change you have made could be a bad one, or you didn't make it right.

There's so many reasons why, sometimes, things just don't work out. Buy when you run an A-B test, through tools like Crazy Egg, and you can do it through a WYSIWIG editor.

In other words, you don't need to be technical. What you'll find is, it'll tell you, do those changes help you increase the sales, or do they hurt your sales.

Step #3 - after you run your A-B Test, by this time you should see good results, I want you to resurvey your audience.

Find out what other changes can I make to improve this page. By doing that, you're going to get more feedback. because you've just already adjusted your page. By continually getting feedback, and going through this whole process over and over again, you'll start noticing that you're going to be getting more sales.

The fourth tip I have for you, is don't just survey people on your product page or your homepage, look at your checkout flow as well.

Survey people when they're on your checkout page, and find out from them if they're there idle for like 40 seconds, 50 seconds, a minute, and they're not doing anything, what else could we do to convince you to buy?

When you get that feedback from people, you can then go modify your checkout pages, where a lot of e-commerce stores have ton of dropoffs. In many cases, a lot of e-commerce stores are seeing 70, 80, 90 percent dropoff just on their checkout page.

And by improving it based on the feedback you're getting from people, you'll notice that your conversions can go up.

And again, you don't want o just make the changes, you've got to run another test, through Crazy Egg.

Can we do an A-B test? This insures that the changes you're making are going to provide you with more revenue.

So if you follow that whole process, what you'll find is, your overall e-commerce sales will go up. Now when you're running these tests, you're running these surveys, you don't want to just get survey data over a day. Do it over a period of time. Four days, five days, seven days.

You need to have at least 30 to 50 responses. When you get quantity, you'll start seeing patterns, and you want to focus on the patterns. You don't want to focus on that one person who tells you "I don't like the color of your site." You want real, tangible feedback like "Eh, the reviews weren't that great." Or "Eh, I couldn't really tell what kind of product I was getting, because your pictures were blurry."

When you get a lot of feedback, that's when you know. That's when you should make that changes, because multiple people told you they had issues with the same things.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#eCommerce #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Pricing Strategies - How to Price Your Product or Services For Maximum Profit
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Pricing Strategies - How to Price Your Product or Services For Maximum Profit // There's one simple thing that you can do to make more money. Can you guess what it is? Today I'm going to teach you how to price your product, or service for maximum profit.

CrazyEgg: https://www.crazyegg.com/

How To Undercut Your Competitors Price (And Still Make Money) [video]: https://youtu.be/TLTL8mzkVLE

You Are Pricing Your Product WRONG! How to Determine Optimal Price for Profit [video]: https://youtu.be/Tgnt7VUcvqw

The first tip I have for you is looking at your costs.

If you know your costs are X for your product or service, you got to charge more than that.

You don't want to be losing money per sale. Everyone's like, oh my god I'm going to beat my competitors. I'm going to take the Jeff Bezos route and not worry about margins.

Well, the reality is, unless you have a big pool of money to blow, you can't do that.

You need to make sure it's profitable, including shipping, services, returns, other things like customer service, you need to take everything into account into your price, not just how much it costs for your product or service, but also all the other things like your office space.

Once you include all of those things to run your business you'll figure out what you need to sell your product or service for, so you can make a profit.

You're not in business just for charity.

You need to make a profit and there's nothing wrong with that.

The second thing you need to do is understand your target customers.

What are your target customers looking for? How do they perceive value when they look at the price?

A good example of this is a company called Diamond Foundry. They have figured out how to make diamonds above land. They match all the characteristics of a diamond that you find in the earth and there's really no difference from it.

But they found they can do it much cheaper, by making it above land and created these machines to create the exact same composition as it does in the earth, to make a diamond.

And when they had really cheap, affordable prices, they found that their sales weren't doing well.

Can you guess why? It's because, everyone's like, oh this isn't the same thing, it's too cheap.

So the moment they increased their prices, people like, oh wow, the quality of this must be amazing.

Sure we'll buy it. There's no difference in the product, but people had the perceived value in their space, that higher price means better diamond.

You need to look at your space. It could be that a cheaper price means more sales. Or it could be, cheaper price means fewer sales, because the perceived value isn't there.

The third pricing strategy I have for you is anchoring.

There's a lot of companies that'll show the initial price of let's say $37 and you may get X, Y and Z, but for $47 you'll get X, Y and Z and also 1, 2 and 3 and also A, B and C, just for $10 more.

By using anchoring you'll find that very few people will choose a lower option, which you don't want them to choose, but the majority of the people use the higher option because you're getting so much more value for just a little bit more money.

And that'll increase your profitability, especially if those other things that you're adding in don't cost you much at all.

The fourth thing I want you to do is A/B test.

Using tools like Crazyegg, you can A/B test your pricing, not only to maximize your sales, but also to maximize your profitability.

Sometimes getting fewer sales means more profit. Sometimes getting more sales means more profit.

Using Crazyegg you can A/B test to figure out what's the right price that you should end up rolling out to generate the maximum amount of revenue and profit.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#Sales #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Ace a Digital Marketing Job Interview
4 vistas · 5 años hace

You got this opportunity for this amazing digital marketing job, but you're nervous, you're stressed out. What questions are they going to ask you? What should you prepare? What happens if something goes wrong and you don't have the right answer? Will you lose the job? Will you get it? Today I'm going to teach you how to ace that digital marketing job interview.

The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) [video]: https://youtu.be/yyitwdk4QmY

How to Start A Career in Digital Marketing in 2019 [video]: https://youtu.be/DoLzQN1m7sU

Tip number one, give past examples.

Look, if you're going for an interview at a digital marketing job and you can show that you've done amazing stuff in the past, you're going to be better off.

If you don't have examples of client stuff that you've done or stuff that you did for other jobs or other companies, well what you should consider doing in the short-run is creating your own website.

When you create your own website and you start doing experiments, at least you can show that.

That's better than nothing else out there.

Another tip, when you're interviewing, look at the company you're applying to.

See how they could improve. Go into the interview being like, "Hey, are you open to suggestions? "Well, based on what I can see, what you're doing, "what your competition's doing, I would do one, two, "and three that's different. "Have you tested these things out? "If so, what are the results?"

And if you're not sure to figure out what they're doing versus what their competitors are doing, check out tools like Ubersuggest.

The other thing, I hate it when people interview with me and they use fancy words.

Don't try to use buzz words or fancy words to show that you're smart.

Tell me how I can fix stuff. If you can't tell me how I can fix stuff, I don't care.

So let's go over some of the most common questions.

#1 What is your experience with digital marketing?

If you can't break down what you've done, whether it's for someone else or your own experience running your own website, you're going to have a tough time getting the job.

What are your qualifications?

How do you learn digital marketing?

You need solid answers for this. And typically, you want to focus. Your qualifications shouldn't be you're a jack of all trades.

The market's changing. People aren't really hiring jack of all trades.

They're hiring people who specifically specialize in tactics like SEO, pay-per-click, Facebook Advertising.

Heck, we have people in my ad agency, Neil Patel Digital, that just specialize in Facebook Advertising.

We have a whole different group of people that just specialize in Google AdWords.

So it's okay to specialize. Companies prefer that.

And we tend to hire people who specialize versus generalists. Because the ones who specialize, yeah they may not be able to do everything, but the things they do do, they're going to do a much better job at it.

You also want to ask yourself, "Hey, what would you do differently in that company, in that marketing department?"

Not just from tactical on the site, could be structurally.

Whatever it may be, if you can't answer that, then you're probably not going to do too well in an interview.

And it can't just be some general answers like, "Oh yeah, I would test out SEO, I would test out content marketing."

It needs to be specific.

"Look, I noticed that your competitors blog on a lot of educational advice, and based on this data that I found from Ubersuggest, they're getting traffic and backlinks."

Do you see how I went really specific in that?

That's what people want to see when you're being interviewed.

You also are probably going to be asked, what digital marketing tools do you use?

How would you deploy them if you got this job?

How would you use them?

You don't want to give generic answers like, "I use Google Analytics."

Everyone says they use Google Analytics.

You need to get very specific and actually show if you want to say, "I use Google Analytics," you'll be like, "Well I use Google Analytics and I know you guys do too but have you guys been checking out the cohort report? What a cohort report does is it shows you how many people are continually coming back to your site. If they continually come back, you'll build a stronger brand. If they don't, you won't build a strong brand."

Those are the types of questions people are going to ask, and when you have answers to them, that's how you ace your job.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#CareerAdvice #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Selling The Invisible: The 5 Best Ways To Sell Your Services
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Selling The Invisible: The 5 Best Ways To Sell Your Services // It's really easy to sell a tangible object because you can show people what it is and what it's all about. But how do you sell services?

Six Figure Consultant: 4 Proven Services Every Blogger Can Offer to Make Money Online [article]: https://neilpatel.com/blog/six....-figure-consultant-4

4 Ways to Sell High Ticket Services Online [video]: https://youtu.be/G2rmH5cE-Io

The first way to sell a service is describing the benefits.

People are buying a specific service.

If you just say, hey, buy this, but you don't break down the benefits, like why should they buy it.

What's the benefit to them?

If it can help make their life better.

If they can drive up more traffic.

My ad agency, Neil Patel Digital, helps people drive more traffic and sales.

That's the benefit.

So if you need help with that, check out my ad agency.

And if you don't use benefits, people are going to be like, huh, you got services, you're selling them, but why should I end up buying them?

You got to tell people in basic English what they're going to get, a.k.a. the benefits.

The second way to sell services is by describing outcomes.

People want to know what they're going to get.

Specifically, hey, I hired your ad agency and now I'm going to get five times more traffic.

Here's my conversion rate per visitor.

Here's how much revenue this is going to drive.

Here's my profit margin and here's what it's going to do for my business.

That's an example of an outcome.

And when you get very specific, you'll find that it's easier to make the close.

And when describing the outcome, you'll also find that when you go into the nitty gritty details, it's easier to close the deal versus if you just keep it at a high level.

The third way to sell a service is value.

For example, there's so many businesses that would hire you because they don't have enough time.

If you can help do the job better than them and you can save them time and you can make them more money, that's a huge value added.

In most cases, businesses are just happy that you saved them time.

Businesses are understaffed, in many cases, and they can't hire good talent.

That's why they use consultants and contractors.

So when you're selling your service to that company you need to figure out, hey, what issue they have, what value you can provide for them.

And if you can use that in your sales you're much more likely to close them.

The fourth way you can sell is by anchoring.

You're going to have competition.

If you can show how you're more efficient, you're cheaper, you're better, you get the results quicker, more people are going to hire you over the competition.

When we use anchoring we love to show everything else that you're getting with us that you're not getting with the other agency.

How our pricing is better.

How our results are better.

So people are like, oh wow, this is what all the other competitor charging, you're this price so we get way more.

This is a great deal.

We should sign up with you.

Anchoring's super effective because you already have competitors.

Last but not least, pricing.

I hate offering discounts but if you can make your price point similar to other people or a bit less, it typically is easier to close as long as you're providing the same value.

Again, I don't use this because I hate offering discounts but pricing is a good tool and in many cases I use pricing in an opposite way.

People are a lot cheaper than my ad agency, Neil Patel Digital, but we show them the difference between going with Neil Patel Digital and the competition and why we provide results and why most don't.

And that's why we show, hey, if you want good stuff you got to pay a premium dollar.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Sales #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Hard Truth About Marketing & What Will Stop Working In The Near Future
3 vistas · 5 años hace

The Hard Truth About Marketing & What Will Stop Working In The Near Future. Ads keep getting more expensive, SEO takes longer to see results from, social media algorithms keep restricting organic reach.

The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) [video]: https://youtu.be/yyitwdk4QmY

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019 [video]: https://youtu.be/b-gwbVJqi9Y

Here's the hard truth, marketing is going to keep getting harder, and what used to work and what used to be easy is no longer going to be the case.

Companies in Silicon Valley raise millions of dollars, in many cases hundreds of millions, and sometimes even billions of dollars.

Do you know what that money is mainly spent on, these days?

Marketing and Sales, that's driven up costs drastically.

There's even an age-old saying, do you know who the best marketer is, the one who can spend the most money on marketing.

In other words, it's going to get more expensive, it's going to get harder and harder so what should you do.

First, marketing isn't about marketing anymore.

Marketing is about putting the user first.

If you do what's best for them, you'll get the traffic, you'll get the sales.

If you don't create something that's amazing, something that delights people, you're not going to do well, and if you don't know how to do that, you need to go back to the drawing board and talk to your potential customers.

You can use tools like Hotjar, SurveyMonkey to survey them, you can pick up the phone and start calling people and getting their feedback.

The second thing that you need to know is, marketing has changed to omnichannel approach.

One channel isn't going to drive you the results that it used to, for all these older companies, the reason being is the landscape is more competitive.

It doesn't mean marketing doesn't work, it just means it's competitive, and you're not going to get the results you want from each channel.

But, if you combine them all, you can still do well.

I want you to do things like collect emails, and leverage push notifications.

By leveraging all of these channels, you're going to do better.

The third thing that you need to know is, you need to have differentiation.

Businesses online are a dime a dozen now.

Everyone's considered creating a business online, more than they're even trying to create a business offline.

People don't want all these retail stores, people don't want to have all these Verizon boots anymore, selling you cellular phone service.

Instead, they want all these Internet and web-based companies that deliver within an hour, so that way they don't have all these fixed costs.

In other words, if you can't differentiate yourself because there's more competition now, there's no reason for people to go with you, over your competition.

For example, I use Apple computers, not because of the price, but because they connect with all my devices, they're seamless, they're easy to use, and they last a long time.

And you do get a good product for the price.

While there's a lot of other cheap PCs out there, a lot of them break, they get slowed down after you use them for like six months.

You don't have those issues with an Apple computer.

If you can't figure out what differentiates you from your competition, you won't do well.

The fourth thing I want you to do is to leverage the rule of seven.

When someone sees your brand seven times, they're much more likely to convert.

If you don't engage and interact with them seven times, they're not going to do as well.

So doing things like remarketing helps, and I know a lot of you are already doing that.

The last thing I want you to do is to update your content.

Update your site, continually improve your load time.

In other words, I want you to keep getting better.

Just because you're doing well doesn't mean you should stop.

Things are going to keep getting harder, in the future years.

So if you don't keep improving, eventually you're going to find that your traffic, your sales are all going to dip.

Think of it this way, there's so many blogs out there, over a billion, that now Google doesn't want to just rank the best content, they also want to rank the freshest content, because they have so many to choose from.

So if you don't keep updating your content, your rankings will dip, if you don't keep improving your load time, Google's going to rank someone else, who keeps having a faster site.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Take Your Digital Marketing to The Next Level | Neil Patel
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Today I'm going to show you how to take your digital marketing to the next level.

Are you frustrated that digital marketing isn't working for you? In this video will be talking about YouTube SEO, marketing funnels, omnichannel approach in SEO, Pay-per-click PPC strategy, video marketing and more.

“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

“Favorite Hack To Increase Website Traffic That You’re Not Doing” (video):

“Organic or Paid Marketing Strategies for Search Traffic Pros and Cons” (video):

“Best SEO Tools For Beginners” (video):

Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide:

Read more Digital Marketing tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

The first tip I have for you is to leverage videos. You're watching this video, you're engaging with me. Video is the new form of marketing. Very few people are doing it, but if you do, you'll get super great results fast. I know that may sound ridiculous, but it's true. SEO can take a year before you get results. A YouTube SEO, though, you can get results in less than a week. They like ranking videos right away. If your video does well in the first 24 hours, you'll notice that you'll start ranking for all these terms really fast. Now, I have a question for you. How many of you guys have leveraged video before? If you have, leave a comment with yes, if you haven't, leave a comment with no. This is one of the best tactics that you can leverage if you wanna do well in the long run. With your videos, make sure you upload 'em to each and every single social network separately, because Facebook doesn't want you to embed a YouTube video by doing that, and LinkedIn doesn't want you to just link out to your YouTube video. They want you to upload it all over again. By doing that, you'll get more results. Also in your videos, make sure you have call to actions telling people to go to your company or business or to buy your products and services. There's nothing wrong with self-promotion. That's how you're gonna get the most out of your video marketing.

The second tip I have for you is to create a funnel. There's a lot of tools like SamCart and ClickFunnels where they'll allow you to add upsells and downsells. This is very important because digital marketing keeps getting more expensive year over year. In 2008, during that big real estate recession, or the recession that was moreso caused by the banks than the real estate industry, at least in the United States, Google made more money from ads even during a crazy recession when, a lot of times, house prices were going down 30%, 40%, 50%. That shows you how effective digital marketing is. Costs are gonna keep rising, but adding upsells and downsells by creating that funnel using tools like ClickFunnels or SamCart, you're gonna get more revenue per visitor, and that'll allow you to spend more money on digital marketing.

The third tip is to guest post. When you write for these bigger sites, what you'll find is they already have your audience. They already have the viewership. By you releasing content there you're gonna increase your brand value, and you'll start getting visitors to your site as well as conversions and sales.

The fourth tip I have for you is to take a omnichannel approach, from SEO, to pay-per-click marketing, to email marketing, to growth hacking. By leveraging 'em all, you're gonna get the best results versus just leveraging one of 'em.

And last but not least, optimize for conversions. You can use tools like Crazy Egg to see where people click on your site and where they don't. You can also use tools like Crazy Egg to run AV tests. You can also use tools like Hello Bar to collect emails. That way, when people come to your website, collect the email, you can then shoot 'em an email, get them to come back, and that way, over time, they'll convert into a customer. You can use tools like subscribers.com to generate push notification subscribers. It makes it easy through their browser. One click, they'll be able to subscribe to your site. Again, you can get 'em to come back and eventually convert.
#NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing #Omnichannel

5 Techniques to Promote Your Content When You Don’t Have Any Money
4 vistas · 5 años hace

5 Techniques to Promote Your Content When You Don’t Have Any Money // You know you need more traffic to your blog post but you don't have the money to spend to get those eyeballs. What should you do? Today I'm going to teach you five ways to promote your content when you don't have any money.

Quora: https://www.quora.com/

How Influencer Outreach Can Revive Your Content Marketing Strategy [article]: https://neilpatel.com/blog/inf....luencer-outreach-in-

3 Simple Tricks to INCREASE Traffic to Your Blog Without Writing More Content [video]: https://youtu.be/BrrB59gQxqE

The first tip I have for you is answer Quora questions.

Quora is such a popular site, one of the most popular sites in the world.

There are questions around everything, like what is it like to be an Olympic gold medalist?

To, how do you get traffic to a blog?

To, who is Neil Patel?

There are questions on every topic under the sun.

If you go on Quora, and you start answering all these questions, and you even link out to your blog whenever it's relevant, you'll find that you're going to start getting more and more traffic.

Why is this?

Well, these Quora posts rank for everything in Google.

It's one of the simplest and easiest ways

to get more traffic to your site.

The second tip I have for you is to go live on social media.

Even if you don't have the biggest social following, live videos are super engaging and all these socialites show it to almost all of your subscribers because they want to compete with all the television networks.

If you look at people like Tai Lopez, some people may hate on him, but he's a really smart marketer.

When he goes live, he can generate hundreds and hundreds and thousands of dollars in sales, just from his live videos.

It's a smart tactic.

Not only is he getting people to go wherever he wants but he's also generating real revenue from it because a live audience is very captive.

The third tip I have for you is video teasers.

If you just bust out your phone and you do a video teaser, talking about what you're going to release, or this content, or what is new, and why they should check it out, or why they should be patient and wait for the next week, they're more likely to come the next week and actually read that blog post.

You know, Apple, whenever they launch new products, they do this whole event.

They create all this mystery.

They're doing videos and conferences, breaking down what they're going to release in the future.

These teasers are a great way to build up the pent up demand for the product right when they launch it, and you can do the same with your content.

You just have to create videos that tease people to let them know what's coming out in the future.

The fourth tip I have for you is to answer questions on social media.

Whether it's Facebook, whether it's Twitter, people are tweeting, asking questions.

Whether it's groups, it doesn't matter where it is.

If you go there and you respond and help people out, they're more likely to follow you.

Not just on the social web, but they're also going to follow you on your website.

And the beautiful part about this, especially when you do it on sites that are your competitors, you're going to get more link clicks because when you leave a comment, you can typically link back to your site.

When you do this on the social web, you'll find that you're getting more followers and that way when you release more content, you'll get more views.

But it's a very effective strategy, especially when you do it to competitors because they have your ideal audience.

And last but not least, direct outreach.

When you link out to people, let them know that you linked out to them.

Just email asking to share your content.

You know how many emails I get of people saying, hey Neil, I linked out to you.

I love your content.

If you like the post, feel free and share it.

I don't share all the time but I do it some of the time.

It works, it even works with me.

That's just showing you that outreach, if you take the time, you can get extra shares.

Sure, not 100% of the people are going to share your content or link back out to you, but if you do it in quantity, you will get extra traffic from it.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#ContentMarketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Marketing Storytelling: How to Craft Stories That Sell And Build Your Brand
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Marketing Storytelling: How to Craft Stories That Sell And Build Your Brand // Do you want to know what the oldest marketing technique out there is? It's storytelling. If you haven't used storytelling in your marketing yet, you should. And I'm going to show you exactly how to use storytelling just like I do so you can get results.

How to Use Storytelling to Connect With Readers (Video): https://youtu.be/EpiAIQpWLLs

How to Leverage Storytelling to Increase Your Conversions (Article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/how....-to-leverage-storyte

The first example I have about storytelling is a significant objects project.

There was this guy, he bought 200 items for $129.

He then took those items, created a story around them, each individual one, posted it on eBay for each object, and can you guess how much he ended up selling everything for?

A whopping grand total of $8000.

That's the power of storytelling.

Step one, define your core message.

If you don't have a core message, your story's going to continually ramble and ramble on.

There has to be a point to a story.

You can't just tell a story because you want more sales or more conversions or more people to follow you.

If there's no point, people aren't going to know why they should continually pay attention to the story.

Step two, decide what kind of story you're going to tell.

One version of storytelling is incite action.

It's to get other people to take action and do something.

If you tell a story that motivates people, you can get them to take action.

Another way of storytelling is to tell people about yourself.

You can have a story about yourself, ups and downs you went through, it could be motivational.

This can help inspire other people jump on your bandwagon, follow your personal brand, follow you over the social web.

Personal storytelling is amazing.

When people get to know you, they relate more, they're more likely to follow you, and your personal brand is more likely to grow.

Conveying value is another way of telling a story that gets people to join your bandwagon.

What I mean by that is if other people believe in the same values as you do, they're more likely to relate with you and follow you as well.

This not only help to generate sales for your company, it also helps with your personal brand.

The last way that people typically storytell is to educate and pass knowledge on.

When you educate and you're passing knowledge on through a story, they're much more likely to be engaged, hooked, and learn that knowledge and be able to execute on it in the future.

Step three, you need to establish your call to action.

If you tell a story, you get people hooked, they're all about you, they're about your personal brand, they're about your business, but they don't know what to do next, you're not really going to see any sales or conversions.

You need to tell them to do things like check out your company, follow you on the social web, join your email list, whatever it may be.

It doesn't have to be a major commitment, it doesn't have to be where they have to buy something right away, it could just be as simple as joining your list so that way you can tell them more stories, build more of a rapport with them, build more of a relationship, and then eventually convert them into a customer.

Now, before I let you go, because you have all the steps, I want to give you three quick bonus tips.

I've been storytelling for a long time, and I found that when a good story includes these three main things, it does much better.

So let's go over these bonus tips.

Bonus tip number one, you need to have characters.

This allows people to see themselves in the story and be a part of it.

Without that, there'll be a disconnect between you telling the story and the person listening on the other end.

Always have characters, and make them relatable.

Number two, you need a conflict.

Without the conflict, there's not going to be that hook that gets people there waiting to figure out what's happening next.

We don't have conflict and everything's hunky dory and roses, then people are like, okay, cool, this is boring.

Always have conflict in a story.

And of course, this is the last bonus tip, you need resolution.

You got the conflict, you need the resolution to go with it.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Marketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

7 Online Marketing Mistakes You Need to Stop Making | Neil Patel
3 vistas · 5 años hace

You're doing online marketing, but you're finding that it's really hard to get results no matter what you do. Today, I'm going to break down seven online marketing mistakes that you need to stop.

You're probably wondering, you're doing all these things, but why aren't you seeing results?

Well, even if you're doing the right things, if you're also doing the wrong things at the same time, it's going to hurt you and it's going to avoid you from getting the results that you deserve.

HelloBar: https://www.hellobar.com/

Subscribers: https://subscribers.com/

Stop Making These Social Media Marketing Mistakes (video): https://youtu.be/TnQt_-uwR7g

3 Marketing Mistakes You MUST Avoid (video): https://youtu.be/4g05lbqBjc0

Mistake number one, not collecting emails.

It doesn't matter how good you are with SEO or marketing, very small percentage of your visitors are ever going to convert into customers. By collecting emails, not only can you get people to come back to your site, but you can convince them to convert over emails.

The moment someone gives you their email address, think of that as a micro-commitment. They're much more likely to convert into a customer because they committed.

They already gave you something. That's why you want to collect emails. And you can do this through sliders or exit pop-ups.

You can do this for free using tools like Hello Bar.

The second mistake you're making is you're not collecting subscribers through push notifications.

Anytime you have new content or products or services that you want to sell, then you can notify 'em through Subscribers.

The reason tip number one, not collecting emails, and tip numbers on getting more push notification subscribers are really important is because you need to build a brand.

And this gets you into the third mistake. See, Google doesn't want to rank sites that aren't brands.

Why is this? There's an issue out there called fake news. That's why they're pushing brands over anything else.

When you get people back to your site seven times, you're much more likely to build a brand.

It's called the Rule of 7 in marketing.

So with your site, you want to provide amazing user experience. And when you provide amazing user experience, create a great product, create a great service, it'll help you build a
great brand over time.

The fourth mistake you're making is not interlinking.

You may notice on Google, I'm ranking for terms like online marketing on page one.

You're probably wondering, how did I do this?

Lot of it comes down to interlinking. In my sidebar, I link to my most popular pages of content. When I write blog posts related to online marketing, I link back to the online marketing guide that talks about what online marketing is.

By having all these links, it helps me rank higher. The fifth mistake I have for you is just focusing on text-based content.

The future of digital marketing is moving to video.

It doesn't mean you should stop doing text, it means you should also be doing video.

When you do video, you're going to get more traffic 'cause everyone's lacking it.

LinkedIn wants it right now, YouTube wants more of it, Facebook wants it, Instagram even wants it.

Why is this? They want to crush the television networks. You look at things like the Oscars or traditional movie theaters, they're not doing as well.

You look at traditional TV, they're going to get crushed, why? It's because of Facebook, it's because of Google, it's because of Netflix. So if you're there creating that video content, you can be part of it and you're going to get extra traffic because they want as much help as possible to crush these big, old school companies.

The sixth mistake that you're making is you're only sticking to a few marketing channels.

Marketing is competitive now. People raise venture capital, hundreds of millions of dollars, just so they can compete in marketing and sales.

You need to do more than one or two or three marketing channels.

The more you do, the better off you're going to be.

The seventh mistake I have for you is not asking for the sale.

Whether it's a lead or whether it's getting people to buy your product, there's nothing wrong with asking people to buy from you.

If you don't, you're not going to generate any sales.

So if you avoid those mistakes, you follow those tips, you're going to generate more sales, do better at online marketing, and you're going to crush it.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#OnlineMarketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

4 Marketing Strategy Principles - My Template for Marketing Anything
6 vistas · 5 años hace

In marketing, if you break the fundamentals, no matter how much effort you put in, you will not succeed. Today, I'm going to break down my four marketing strategy principles, and how you can market anything.

How to Create an Online Marketing Plan that Will Grow (Nearly) Any Business [article]: https://neilpatel.com/blog/how....-to-create-an-online

20 Uncommon Marketing Strategies That’ll Kickstart Your Startup [article]: https://neilpatel.com/blog/sta....rtup-marketing-strat

The first principle is you need to have clear goals for your marketing.

What is your goal? Is it more visitors? Is it brand awareness? Is it more sales?

If you don't what you're optimizing for, you won't know what you need to do in marketing.

For example, it's brand awareness it's all about eyeballs and getting traffic. It's about sales. It could be about creating a conversion funnel, a lead flow, adding up sales, down sells.

If it's about profitability, it could be about cutting costs on your marketing and figuring out how you can get less traffic, spend less money, but make sure you're in an optimal position, where you're not paying too much for marketing and your profitability goes up.

The second principle that you need to follow is you need to understand your target customer.

If you don't know your target customer, no matter what you do, you won't do well. Let me share a story from a company called Diamond Foundry. What Diamond Foundry does is, they sell diamonds. And these are man-made diamonds. They still meet all the same requirements that a diamond that you would find in the Earth, and a human eye can't tell the difference and even if a diamond specialist looked under a scope, they won't see any difference.

But here is the difference. Diamond Foundry can produce that diamond for pennies on the dollar versus having people go mine for them and find them in the field.

So Diamond Foundry decided that they wanted to sell these diamonds at a truly affordable price to help people out. Can you guess what happened to their revenue sales?

It tanked. Do you know why?

No one wanted affordable diamonds. They felt that if something was affordable, it wasn't going to be good.

Even though that's not true, that's what their customers believed.

Their business started growing and it grew really fast and things started to work out.

Can you guess what change they made? They increased their prices.

They made more sales by charging more money for their product.

In other words, if you don't know your customers.

What makes them tick. What makes them buy and why. You won't grow your sales, your traffic or accomplish any of your goals.

And you won't find this out by just looking at a Google Analytics Screenshot. You got to talk to your customers. Get to know them. Meet them in person. Drink coffee with them. Survey using tools like SurveyMonkey.

Whatever it may be, by talking with them you'll get more insights so you can keep adjusting them and do better over time.

The third principle that you need to follow is you need to have something that differentiates you.

If you don't have anything differentiating you from the competition, they're just going to look at price, quality, reviews. It's not going to get people to go to you.

The moment you differentiate yourself, you can do so much better. A good example of this is Apple's expensive, but the reason I pay for a MacBook or an iPhone is that all the devices work so well together and they do the main things, that I want, really well in a simplistic way.

So the key is not just to be another me-too player and have nothing that differentiates you.

You need to figure out how you can make yourself stand out.

And you may not know this right away. You may have to interview people. Talk with your potential customers. You have to figure out what your competitors aren't doing that you could be doing.

All these things will help you figure out how to differentiate yourself.

The last principle. I know they say marketing's moving to an omnichannel approach.

I even say that. It's true. But you need to focus your efforts at one channel at a time. Handle one channel. Do really well at it and then expand into two channels.

Once you do well in two channels, then go for three, then four and then five. But if you can't get one channel right, what makes you think that you can do all seven or 10 or 20 at once?

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Marketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Only Rule In Marketing You Have To Follow (Ignore This And Your Marketing Won't Work)
4 vistas · 5 años hace

The Only Rule In Marketing You Have To Follow (Ignore This And Your Marketing Won't Work) // Have you heard the saying, that rules are meant to be broken? Well, there's one rule in marketing that won't change, and it'll continue to work. And if you break it, you won't do well.

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019 (video): https://youtu.be/b-gwbVJqi9Y

DON’T Use Paid Ads My #1 Organic Marketing Strategy (video): https://youtu.be/fGOv5oU5vww

Well, the rule is, the rule of seven.

It's the rule that you cannot break.

If you think about marketing, it's changed over time.

You used to be able to build a business from just one channel.

If you look at Facebook, they grew by sending you e-mails, being like, your friend invited you to Facebook.

If you look at Dropbox, they were all over social media.

Share this on Twitter to get more free space.

If you look at a lot of other companies, they grew through one channel, like let's just say Google AdWords or SEO.

But you can no longer grow through one company.

The other thing that you'll find is, even if you find a few channels that are working out, you have so many competitors these days, that just hitting people once, won't cause enough conversions.

From all the data that we've looked up at content marketing, social media marketing, even AdWords.

People need to see your brand roughly seven times, technically I'm holding up eight fingers, but seven times before they end up converting into a customer. So once they see you seven times, interact with your brand, they're much more likely to convert.

Now, let's break down how you can leverage the rule of seven.

One, be on the social wagon.

When you're on the social wagon people have comments, questions, you can be there to answer and interact with them.
That's a great way.

Not just posting content on these social sites, but also interacting, taking the time to respond to comments, helping them out, responding to their messages.

That's the first thing you need to do.

The second thing you need to do is leverage SEL.

By being visible on the search engines, more people are going to see you.

They're going to see your company.

They're going to see your brand.

You're going to do better.

And you can do things like content marketing.

You can do things like social media marketing, link building, interlinking.

They all help, but SEO is very valuable.

Google's the most popular site in the world.

If you're not there, you're not going to get as many eyeballs.

The third thing I want you to do is leverage paid ads.

Not just on Google, but also Facebook, Taboola, Outbrain, banner ads, media buys. Any form of ads.

You can go over to Facebook and click on Info and Ads.

So you're going on Facebook to any of your competitor's fan page, click on Info and Ads, and you can see the ads that are running.

This will give you a head start.

You can also use tools like Ubersuggest to see where your competitors are getting traffic from.

This will help you also get a head start.

The fourth thing I want you to do is update your content.

You already know content marketing's effective.

You're writing content, but what very few people are doing is updating their content.

You'll find that if you just write content and stop writing it, eventually your rankings will keep dwindling down and down. Why?

If you don't keep your content up-to-date, you won't continue to rank, and people won't keep seeing you.

The last thing I want you to do is keep sharing your content.

You know you're already on these social sites.

People are already seeing your stuff when you post, but not everyone does. The algorithms are so restrictive, it's very rare that even ten, twenty percent of your audience is going to see whatever you post.

So might as well share that same piece of content three, four, five times over the course of a year.

It'll help you get more juice from that same piece of content. In essence, you're continually sharing, you're continually repurposing it.

That'll help you get more eyeballs, more people back.

And as a bonus tip, use tools like Hello Bar and Subscribers to keep getting people back to your site because once they land there, through push notifications and e-mails, you can get people to come back to your site.

Which will cause you, in the long run, to get people in touch with your site seven times, in touch with your brand seven times, to engage with your brand seven times, to engage with you seven times, and hopefully, buy your product or service.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Use These 7 Tools to Spy On Your Competitors and Steal Their Best Marketing Tactics
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Use These 7 Tools to Spy On Your Competitors and Steal Their Best Marketing Tactics // Marketing is hard! But it doesn't have to be. You can spy on your competitors, get all their marketing strategies and the tags that are working off them, copy them, and then crush them. Today, I'm going to share with you seven tools that will help you spy on your competitors.

Ubersuggest: http://ubersuggest.com

WhatRunsWhere: https://www.whatrunswhere.com/

BuiltWith: https://builtwith.com/

Buzzsumo: https://buzzsumo.com

SocialBlade: http://socialblade.com

WayBackMachine: http://web.archive.org/

How to Spy on Your Competitors' SEO & Steal Their Traffic Through Competitor Analysis (video): https://youtu.be/UEpNM5yvyh8

The first tool I have for you, SimilarWeb.

When you put in a URL into SimilarWeb, even if it's a competing URL, it'll show you how much traffic they get.

You compare it to your site, see if they get more traffic than you, less traffic than you? Are they getting their traffic from referrals, social media, search? It gives you all of this data and best of all, it does it for free.

The second tool I have for you is BuiltWith.

BuiltWith tells you all the technology that your competition's using.

And you're probably wondering, "Neil, why do I care what technology "my competitors are using?"

Well, here's why. If they tell you your competitor's using tools like Optimizely, that means they're running AB tests.

You want to go and see what your competitors are doing because if you know they're doing these kind of things like AB testing, you can then go into tools like WayBackMachine and see different variations of their page, because this will give you an idea of what's converting better and what's not.

The next tool is Ubersuggest.

When you put in your competitor's URL into Ubersuggest, it shows you their search traffic, how much organic traffic they're getting, how much paid traffic they're getting, per region.

Whether it's the United States, Japan, India, Canada, Australia.

Doesn't matter what region, it'll break it down for you. It'll even show you their top most popular pages.

You don't want to create content that no one reads. You don't want to create content that everyone's going to ignore.

And by using the Ubersuggest top pages feature, it'll give you ideas.

The fifth tool I have for you is Buzzsumo.

Similar to Ubersuggest, Buzzsumo just focuses purely on blog content.

Now, in Ubersuggest, you can also get blog content but you also see landing pages.

The thing I like about Buzzsumo is the moment I put in my competitor's URL, it shows me all the popular blog pieces of content, breaks it down by backlinks and social shares.

This gives me ideas of what content I should create, and best of all, Buzzsumo lets me break down that search based on time periods, whether it's a few months or three months, or a year, or two years, so I can see how my competitors are doing over time.

This will tell me trends in the industry of types of content I should be creating, versus types of content I shouldn't be creating anymore.

The sixth tool is Socialblade.

Your competitors have social profiles, whether it's YouTube or Instagram, they're out there on the social web. Socialblade will show you how popular their social channels are.

It'll even show you how many followers they're getting on a daily basis, compared to how much content they're posting.

If you notice that your competitors are posting five times a day, and they get extra thousand followers, but when they post zero times a day they only get a hundred extra followers, it shows you that people in your space will follow you more if you post more content.

That's what I love about Socialblade. It even shows you their growth rate, and you now have something to stack up against.

Because you want to beat your competition. You want to do better than them. You want to track what they're doing so you can do more than them.

The seventh tool I have for you is WhatRunsWhere.

Your competition's not just doing Google Ads or Facebook Ads. So many people are running banner ads, but what's working for them? What copy, what images? WhatRunsWhere will show you that.

When you use all those tools combined, you'll get a good understanding of what your competition's doing.

YOu'll be able to spy on them, one-up them in their marketing campaigns, and beat them.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Marketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Is Blogging Still Worth it?
19 vistas · 5 años hace

There are over 1.94 billion websites on the internet. There are over a billion blogs on the internet. That's roughly one blog for every seven people in this world. There are over four million blog posts that are being published each and every single day. Today, I'm going to answer the question of is blogging still worth it?

How to Get More Traffic by Blogging LESS | 4 (Sneaky) Tips [video]: https://youtu.be/ey1GbXO-Y7M

5 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY BLOGGING [video]: https://youtu.be/_-k9b2UHzM0

Now, the short answer to this question is no.

The long answer to the question is yes.

Now, don't just shut off this video and stop blogging if you have a blog.

In the traditional sense, blogging is not worth it, of just creating text-based content, cranking out a ton, and expecting it to do wonders for you.

Here's what you need to do if you want to still thrive in the blogging world today and in the future.

Number one, don't just focus on text-based content.

Traditionally, blogs were just text-based content and that's what people would publish.

And they would just say, here's my website, here's a blog post, and that's it. And that's great, but you know what? Now, text-based content isn't everything.

We all use something called a mobile phone. This mobile phone, people are using it to watch videos, listen to podcasts.

So when you're blogging, don't just blog text-based content. Create video-based content. Create audio-based content. Publish that on your blog.

Also publish it on other channels as well.

And that's the second thing that I wanted to get into.

Blogging is no long about just putting content on your site. That content should sit everywhere. You may be wondering, Neil, but Google penalizes for duplicate content.

No, that's a myth. Google does not penalize for duplicate content.

They've stated it publicly, so you don't have to worry about that.

So take that blog text-based content that you have, also repost it on Facebook.

Also repost it on LinkedIn. You want to put it wherever you can. Heck, I would even create a medium.com account, and repost it on Medium as well.

Take your videos, put it on YouTube, put it on LinkedIn, put it on Facebook, put it on Instagram TV.

Have you noticed wherever you're watching this video, go to any other social network, look me up, you'll see the same video.


Because I post the same content everywhere. Some people use YouTube, some people use Facebook.

People are spread on all these social platforms. I want to capture them everywhere.

The third thing that you need to know is blogging on how it used to be, in which you just create text-based content, you rank, you drive that traffic to a product or service, collect leads, you do well.

Blogging doesn't work that way anymore.

Blogging is very expensive.

And here's what I mean. Let's say you get these rankings. Then Google comes around, they release a Google update. Have you noticed that the people that get hit the most with these updates and don't rank as high, are the sites that aren't updating their content?

You got to continually collect emails and push subscribers.

So you can use tools like subscribers.com or Hello Bar or Mailchimp.

Use whatever you want. If you continually get these people to come back to your site, get them to subscribe.

That'll give you a shot at selling those people over time. If you don't sell them over time, it won't do as well for you.

If you expect people to just watch a YouTube video or a Facebook video, and buy from you right away, it's not going to happen.

That's why it's very important to build that audience through email, push when they come to your site, and get them to keep continually come back, so that way you can convert them over time.

If you make those changes and you adapt, blogging is still worth it. If you don't and you just want to focus on writing a text-based content, never update it, write me-too content, and the same stuff that everyone else is going to write on, you're not going to do that well.

But when you change to that fresh new perspective, that's when you'll notice you're still going to get a ROI from blogging.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Blogging #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

7 social media predictions that will happen by the end of 2019
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Social media is about to change and unless you follow the tips in this video, you're not going to do well. Today I'm going to break down seven social media predictions and trends that'll come true in 2019.

How to Start Social Media Marketing (4 ESSENTIAL Tips for Beginners) (video): https://youtu.be/-tdFvJLw2UQ

3 GUARANTEED Ways Stand Out On Social Media (video): https://youtu.be/dnDoeWn8mj4

Prediction number one, all these social networks are going to prefer video in 2019.

LinkedIn now has live, there's YouTube Live, there's Facebook Live. Facebook loves video. Instagram even likes videos more than images now and they're going to push on that harder and harder.

Doesn't have to be studio based quality video. You can just bust out your phone and start filming. That's how effective it will be.

The second prediction I have for you is brands will have more weight.

There's this big issue of fake news. It's not just even on the social sites. It's even with sites like Google.

They're tired of pushing fake news. They're not doing it on purpose but the way that they're going to solve this is by focusing more on brands.

Being at offline events, conferences, speaking, all this kinda stuff will help build up your brand and your corporate brand so that way you're going to start doing better on the social web.

The third prediction I have for you is likes and shares won't mean much.

It's all going to be about comments. LinkedIn wants comments, Facebook wants comments, Instagram.

The more comments you get, the better off you are.

In your content, you're going to have to encourage people to leave comments.

It's easy to click a Like button. It's much harder to leave a comment and they're not just going to look at comments like yes' or no's.

They're going to want in-depth comments. So the more in-depth comments you have, the better off you're going to be.

The fourth prediction is advertising's going to get tougher.

Yeah, you all know costs are going to go up but the reason it's going to get tougher is because it's going to move into branded.

Right now, there's so many affiliates who are still doing somewhat well and they're making millions of dollars from Facebook and all these social sites through ads but it's getting tougher and tougher.

It's because companies like Coca-Cola are like, yeah, let's run branded campaigns with our polar bear and what are we going to base it off of? Of yeah, we're getting more likes to our polar bear.

That's what big corporations do and as they do that, it's going to make advertising harder and harder for you because brand dollars are much bigger than dollars that affiliate marketers are willing to spend to get an ROI.

The fifth prediction I have for you is social media platforms will all have similar algorithms in 2019.

What you'll find is as you drive traffic to your website, it gets harder and harder.

Why, because the longer they keep them on their own social platform, the more money they make.

They don't wanna drive traffic to your site. They wanna keep them on Facebook. They wanna keep them on LinkedIn. That's what benefits them the most.

That's how they make the most ad dollars.

You wanna drive traffic to your site? Pay them for ad dollars.

That's what they want and that's what's going to happen.

The sixth prediction, people will stop using all of the social platforms out there.

Individuals are going to start focusing their time and efforts on the main social networks.

There's just too many options out there and there's not enough time in the day.

For that reason, they're just going to focus on the social networks that they like so you're going to have to figure out how to market to people on different channels.

So yeah, as a business, you may target all of them but you're going to figure out how to do campaigns and how to create content that works for each social network because what people like on Instagram, they may not like on Facebook.

So you can't just take your content and regurgitate it and put it on all the networks out there.

That's what's going to change in 2019.

It's not going to so cool but that is going to become the reality and the last prediction I have for you is there's not going to be too many newcomers.

When you see these newcomers blowing up, they're going to get killed off.

Why, because all the other popular ones are just going to take their features, copy them and try to crush them.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#SocialMediaMarketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Hard Truth About Passive Income | Is It Still Possible To Make Money With Blogging?
4 vistas · 5 años hace

The Hard Truth About Passive Income | Is It Still Possible To Make Money With Blogging? // Do you see those videos and ads of people on YouTube and Facebook showing you how they're on the beach, or on the mountains, or in their fancy house, being like, look at all this money I'm making without working hard. The question is, is that even possible?

8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful - Passive Income Online Blogging (video): https://youtu.be/e37nYDjDI_Q

How to Make $1,828 From Every Blog Post You Publish (article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/how....-to-make-1828-from-e

How to Turn Your Personal Blog into a Business (article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/mak....e-money-from-bloggin

You can't just make money really easily like you could back in the old days, in which you just started a blog, you got traffic, and then, boom!

You got rankings, you push some affiliate offers, and you can just sit back, cash your checks, and call it a day.

Nowadays, there are a few things that are going to hurt you, and let's go over them.

The first thing that's going to hurt you is there are over a billion blogs.

If there are over a billion blogs, and there are roughly 7,000,000,000 people, that's roughly one blog for every seven people. Do you think we need that many blogs in this world? No.

The second thing that you need to know is, ads keep going up, year over year.

So if you're making your passive income by just running Google ads or Facebook ads, driving traffic to a landing page, and selling people on some affiliate offers, your own proctor service, it's not going to keep working.

Because if you don't keep fine tuning your funnel, optimizing your conversions, you're not going do well in the long run, because other people are going to be able to compete.

They're going to add an upsells, downsells, and just beat you, and the ads are going to get way too expensive for you, so that way you're not going to be able to keep making that passive income without doing anything else.

The third thing that you need to know is luck.

If anyone thinks that you can just pop a business and miraculously make money, and they're even pitching that, they're lying.

They put in a lot of hours and time and energy to get there. They may not be showing it, because they want to pitch you on how easy it is to do what they're doing, and they want you to give them $1,000 to teach you their same formula.

In other words, they did put in the time and effort, they're just not showing you.

And if they're getting a quick win without putting in much effort, that means they're duping
you and giving you something that really isn't going to provide much value.

In other words, anything worthwhile takes time. The fourth thing that no one tells you is, you now got to deal with algorithms.

It no longer takes three months, or six months, to get to the top of Google. In many cases, it could take one, two years.

So that means you got to put in work, hard work, for a few years before you're milking enough money somewhat passively.

Because as you know, if you don't update it, you're not going to do well either.

Things like Facebook. They keep making their algorithms harder and harder and restricting their reach, and it's not just Facebook.

Whether it's LinkedIn, whether it's Instagram, they're all doing that.

They're going to work against you. So you got to keep adapting.

And to keep adapting and staying on top of your game that means you need to read more, that means you got to experiment more, you got to learn more.

And if you stop doing that, you think you're going to keep getting the results?

Of course not.

It's just a question of when things are going to die down. So if you think passive income is still possible, not really.

You got to put in work. Everyone's like, yeah, passive income is the dream. Well, most people I know have passive income from things like real estate.

They made a lot of money from doing their core business or working 40, 30 years in the corporate world.

They took that money, and they invested it. And sure, it may be passive now, but you got to put in that hard work to get that truly passive income, which is typically going to happen from investments.

If you expect passive income just from your website, it's not going to happen, because, over time, someone's going to outrank you, beat you on the social web, boost their conversion rate, outspend you, whatever it may be.

Eventually, your competition will crush you if you stop putting in the time and effort.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#PassiveIncome #NeilPatel #Blogging

7 Marketing Tools That’ll Instantly Boost Your Traffic | Neil Patel
4 vistas · 5 años hace

You want traffic. You don't have the time to make all the changes and all the tips that I'm giving. You want a quicker solution. Well, I have one for you today. Today I'm going to share with you seven marketing tools that'll get you more traffic instantly.

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Mailchimp: https://mailchimp.com/

Subscribers: https://subscribers.com/

MobileMonkey: https://mobilemonkey.com/

Yoast: https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/

Buffer: https://buffer.com/

Upviral: https://upviral.com/

The first tool I have for you is Ubersuggest.

With Ubersuggest, it's an all in one SEO tool.

There's an SEO analyzer, tells you what's wrong with your site, what to fix so you can get more search traffic.

It also tells you what other keywords that you could be targeting to get more search traffic.

If you're already ranked for certain terms, you can put those terms into Ubersuggest. It shows you the long tail variations. You can pop it in, and then, you'll start also ranking for those.

If you rank for the head term, it's so much easier to rank for the long tail variations, hence, you use the keyword research tool in Ubersuggest.

The second tool I have for you is Mailchimp.

Look, you've heard the saying the money's in the list. So why aren't you building an email list? Now, email lists don't have to cost money.

You can use Mailchimp to send out emails to your audience. You can do it for free. You can send out emails every single month to all the people on your list.

And if you don't know how to collect the emails, you can use a bonus tool, Hello Bar, for free, which allows you to collect the emails and it plugs right into Mailchimp.

Now the key if you're going to use Mailchimp is, don't just send out emails to anyone who's on your list.

If someone comes to your site looking for specific advice, related to let's say, dogs, you wouldn't send them emails related to cats.

The third tool I have for you, Subscribers. Browsers have notification preferences in them. So, any time you're browsing the web, it doesn't matter what site, heck, your computer could even be off.

But the next time you log in, I can send you a notification that goes to your browser, and you can be on Facebook, and it'll tell you to go back to neilpatel.com.

You may not like it, but that's called browser notifications. It's super effective. It's more effective than email. It works.

You have to test it out.

The fourth tool I have for you is MobileMonkey.

Facebook Messenger is blowing up. Eventually, Facebook Messenger will be WhatsApp Messenger, Instagram. It'll all be connected through Facebook Messenger.

You can communicate with everyone. So, what MobileMonkey does is, it helps you create, quote unquote, like an email list, but more so a Messenger list.

So that way you can communicate to anyone on any of Facebook's platforms. And what's beautiful about this is, the open rates are higher than emails, and the click rates are better as well.

So, if you can build a list, and you do it now, because this is the time.

In the next few years, this is going to be much more competitive.

You'll notice that your open rates, your click rates will be amazing, and it's a great way to get instant traffic.

The fifth tool I have for you is the Yoast SEO plugin.

You're probably on WordPress. If you use the Yoast plugin, with the click of a button, it can optimize most of your site.

It can even create an XML sitemap for you to upload it into Google to get more traffic.

The sixth tool I have for you is Buffer.

Now, you have this content on your site. You want traffic. Most people are like, hey, you know what? I need to keep getting people back. How do I get these visitors?

You may have a social audience. It may not be as big as you want. But what's cool about Buffer is, you can keep scheduling your content in advance, and keep pushing your older articles every few months, so that way you're continually sharing content, and getting traffic even to your old content, and continue building up that traffic base, versus writing a piece of content, sharing it once, and then forgetting about it.

The last tool I have for you is UpViral.

You can incentivize people for sharing your content, your webinars. And what it does, in an essence, create a viral loop, in which, when people take actions that you want them to do,
such as sharing your content, promoting your webinar, promoting your tools, promoting your services, they can get a reward.

So when you combine all the tools together, that's when you'll see the biggest traffic lift.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

My Marketing Plan Process - 6 Steps to Marketing Any Business (Products or Services)
8 vistas · 5 años hace

My Marketing Plan Process - 6 Steps to Marketing Any Business (Products or Services) // Have you ever marketed your company and just found that everything you're doing isn't working? Today I'm going to share with you my marketing planning process, six steps to marketing any company.

My (Daring) 5 Year Business Plan For The Neil Patel Brand (video): https://youtu.be/IXb_b9JbmkA

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

CrazyEgg: https://www.crazyegg.com/

SurveyMonkey: https://pt.surveymonkey.com/

Just because you market something in a specific way that someone else teaches you, doesn't mean it's going to work. You need a plan.

The first thing you need to do, is to define your goals.

Do you want more traffic for brand awareness? Do you want more revenue? Do you just need more leads? Are you trying to get more e-commerce sales?

You got to define your goals, because if you don't define your goals, you're not going to know exactly what you need to take in order to achieve them.

The second thing you need to do is understand your customer.

I'm not talking about, hey, you sell toilet paper, you provide mortgage loans and your customer is looking for that. That's just on the surface level.

I'm talking about really understand your customer.

Because once you understand that, you can leverage that to make sure that they choose you. And the way you understand your customers is you talk to them.

It's not just about looking at analytics like Google Analytics. It's about surveying them, do tools like SurveyMonkey. It's about picking up the phone, dialing them, talking to them, getting feedback, showing them your website, showing them your product, showing them your marketing messages.

If you truly understand your customers, you can figure out what makes them tick, and then from there, you'll boost your sales, traffics, and leads.

The third step you need to do is assess key strengths.

Just because marketing has all these different channels, doesn't mean that you should focus on all of them at once.

Yes, eventually, you want to take an omnichannel approach, which is leveraging all the different marketing channels, but at the beginning, you need to assess your key strengths, and then leverage those first.

Step four, pick one marketing channel.

You already assessed your key strengths. Now it's time to go with one channel. You may have five strengths, you may have one strength.

You want super laser focus, because when you tackle one channel first, and you do really well with it, you're much more likely to get results.

Now, it's time for you to do competitive research, look at your competitors, what's working for them?

Once you figure out what's working for them, you can then get a good understanding of what you should replicate and what you should avoid.

The last thing you want to do is do the opposite of what your competitors are doing. Especially when they're already established and making money.

So what I want you to do is head over to Ubersuggest, put in a URL of your competitors. You'll see a report, it shows either traffic, shows you their top pages.

When you click on top pages, you can see things like their most popular pages, how many links they have, how many social shares each of these pages have, what keywords they're ranking for.

This will all give you ideas on what you should be focusing on and what you shouldn't be.

Step six, this last but not least, define how you're going to make money.

Even though you're attracting people to your site, it doesn't mean that they're just going to raise their hand and be like, hey Neil, let me throw some money at you.

But the thing is, getting traffic is only half the battle. You got to convert those people.

You need to figure out how you're going to make money.

And I wish there was a generic blank answer, but it's different for every single business. But once you have that, you can then come up with ways to figure out how to maximize the conversion and drive people down that path.

Whether it's through tools like HelloBar that helps you collect emails. Or whether it's tools like Subscribers, that helps people get back to your site, and you can push them to, let's say, your Amazon pages.

Or whether it's through things like Crazyegg, where you can run AB testing.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#Marketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Spy on Your Competitors' SEO & Steal Their Traffic Through Competitor Analysis
7 vistas · 5 años hace

You shouldn't start any SEO campaign until you do this. If you're not doing competitive analysis to figure out what's working for your competitors to get more traffic, you're missing a HUGE opportunity. On today's SEO training I'm going to teach you how to spy on your competition to steal their rankings and get more traffic to your website.

How to Do SEO in a Competitive Industry When You Have No Money (video): https://youtu.be/wWiSShEGyHA

The Three Unseen Laws of SEO (Ignore These and Ranking #1 on Google Won’t Happen) (video): https://youtu.be/NeikF24UzUA

Now I'm going to share with you how you can get all of this information and best of all, for free.

So step one, go to a tool called Ubersuggest.

You can Google it. You can go to neilpatel.com/ubersuggest or ubersuggest.com.

Pick whatever way you want there. I now want you to type in a URL of your competitors. It could be any of them.

Step two, you're going to see a report that just loaded up.

This is going to give you their overall traffic per region.

You'll notice that Ubersuggest breaks it down per region and this is important.

You'll find that your sales will mainly come from a few different regions. Even if you're a global business, you'll be stronger in certain regions over others.

This is why Ubersuggest, it's broken down per region. Now I want you to scroll down and look at top pages. Click through that.

Step three, now that you're on top pages, I want you to dive really deep into what's driving your competitors their traffic.

See this top pages report breaks down the most popular piece of content on your competitor's website.

How many keywords each of these pages are ranked for and what are those keywords. What is the cost per click for those keywords.

You just click that "View all" button and you can see all of that.

And by seeing that you can figure out oh, here are the keywords that are driving traffic, here are the ones that aren't.

Here are the ones that are high cost per click, here's the ones that are low cost per click.

Step four, now that you clicked view all in the keyword category for any of your top competitor's pages, I want you to dive into all those keywords.

Keep going next, next, next, and you can see a laundry list of all the keywords that are driving traffic.

A low search difficulty or SEO difficulty score, search difference easy to rank for.

If that keyword is easy to rank for, has a high cost per click, and does a lot of traffic, what does that tell you?

That keyword if you rank organically, will get you traffic. Now the next thing I want you to do is go to the top keywords page.

This report shows you all the keywords in general that your competition's getting traffic from.

And you can keep going next, next, next. The same thing you want to look for is the keywords that have a high cost per click, high amounts of traffic, and have a low search difficulty.

If they have a low search difficulty, that means you can rank for these terms faster.

Now the next thing you need to do after you type in a handful of your competitors is type in some of these keywords that you're thinking about going after.

When you go into the keyword's ideas report, which is what I want you to do next, and you'll see a laundry list of other suggestions.

Both runs that come from Google Suggest and others that come from Google Ad Words if you click on the related keywords. And the beautiful part about this report is it will show you on the right-hand side everyone who ranks for this term, how many social shares do they have, how many visitors are they getting, how competitive that term is.

Because if you see a lot of your competitors going after the same keywords creating content on similar subjects, that means they're making money from it and you should consider doing the same.

Now you don't want to just do the same as your competition and create the same kind of content.

It could be on the same subject, but you need to go above and beyond. Brian Dean has this article called the Skyscraper Technique.

Follow it, read it. It talks about building content that's 10 times better. You know those crazy building in Dubai and they're just like oh, we're not going to build a building that's one or two stories taller, we're going to build a building that's double the height.

So when you see what your competition's doing, you don't want to just do what they're doing, you want to go above and beyond and beat them so much that they would not even dare to copy you.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Generate 10K visitors from a Brand New Blog In Under 6 Months
6 vistas · 5 años hace

How to Generate 10K visitors from a Brand New Blog In Under 6 Months. Starting a blog is hard. You write all this content, you put it out there, but you get no traffic. What should you do?

Ranking #1 With a New Website on Google in 2019 (video): https://youtu.be/91W0sa9Qfg8

How to Do SEO for a “Tiny” Website That Doesn’t Have Any Visitors or Money (video): https://neilpatel.com/blog/how....-to-do-seo-for-a-tin

So, how do you generate over 10,000 visitors?

And you know what?

I'm not just going to teach you how to generate 10,000 visitors I'll show you how to generate 10,000 visitors plus per month.

So step one.

I want you to leverage the skyscraper technique.

Whatever space you're in, your competition is already creating content and they're getting traffic.

You can use tools like SEMrush, or you can use tools like Ubersuggest, put in your competitors' URLs.

It'll show you what's popular, and then you can see what traffic, what kind of articles are driving them traffic, so you can also create similar ones.

But the purpose of this is to leverage the skyscraper technique.

Whatever they've written, you want to write something that's five, 10 times more detailed, so much so that people are like, oh my God, this article is amazing, I got to check this one out.

And this one's way better than any other competitors', so I may even link to it.

Step two.

Now you want to email all of the people you link out to in your article.

The chances are when you're writing a blog post, you naturally link out to people to back up your stats, your data, and when you're linking out to these people, you should email them.

Hey John, I'm a huge fan of your work.

So much so I even linked out to you in my latest blog post.

Feel free to check it out here.

If you enjoy it, feel free to share it.

Cheers, Neil.

It's that simple.

You're going to get people like John to share your post on the social web.

Now if you ask him to link back to you, he's probably not going to do that.

But he will share your article on the social web and that'll help you get more traffic.

The next thing I want you to do is to go to BuzzSumo and put in your competitors' URLs.

I want you to hit view shares on their most popular articles, and it will show you all the people in the space who share similar types of content.

And I want you to email them hey John, I noticed you shared XYZ article from site ABC.

I have a similar one coming out but mine covers ABC that theirs didn't.

If you like it, feel free and share it.

Cheers, Neil.

It's that simple.

By doing that, you're also going to get more social shares on top.

That's how you kickstart your traffic generation.

Now, the fourth thing I want you to do is to start collecting emails.

If you don't collect emails, you're not going to get people back to your site.

You're already getting some, but you want to get them to keep coming back and back.

You can use tools like Hello Bar or MailChimp to collect emails.

Yes, it's that simple.

They'll allow you to collect emails through popups and sliders and even send them out, and those solutions are free.

Then, the next thing I want you to do is to collect push notification subscribers.

You can use tools like PushCrew or subscribers.com to get people to subscribe to your blog when they visit it through their browser.

This is a simple way to get more people to come back.

Now that you got an email list, you got a push notification list, the next step is to send out a blast to those people every time you release a new blog post.

And you're going to repeat the cycle all over again from sending out a blast, to sending out a push notification, to emailing the people you link out to, to emailing people who do similar social shares.

When you do all of that, you will get to 10,000 visits a month within six months.

It's not hard.

You just need to go after a big enough market and you need to ideally produce at least two pieces of blog content each week, if not three.

If you that that consistently, you can get to the traffic numbers.

And it's really that simple.

It's not that hard.


► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#SEO #NeilPatel #Blogging

How to Start A Digital Marketing Agency As a Beginner in 2019 (Your FIRST $10k+/month)
7 vistas · 5 años hace

How to Start A Digital Marketing Agency As a Beginner in 2019 (Your FIRST $10k+/month) // You see people like me doing consulting services and making money from it. Would you like to learn how you can do the same thing?

How to Start Your Own SEO Agency | Find Quality Leads For Your Digital Marketing Agency (video): https://youtu.be/LmsPc_fsVxI

Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/

The first thing you need to do is go and find companies.

Everyone thinks oh I need to buy this course, or this service that teaches me how to create an agency.

Yo don't need to do any of that.

I'll break it down in the most simplistic fashion:

You go online and find companies that you can help.

That's the first step.

And it's as simple as going to site like Crunchbase and looking for all the venture-funded companies.

If someone raised a lot of money, what does that mean?

They got to spend it.

And they got to spend it on people like you who can help them grow their traffic and sales.

Now you may be like, hmmm, I don't have a lot of experience.

I don't have a lot of case studies.

I'm not going to be able to get a lot of these customers.

I'll teach you how to do that as well.

Step two.

Now that you found a list of companies that you can potentially help, I want you to go through their website and really look at it and be like, what can you do to help em?

Don't just say oh I can help em with their SEO, I can help them with their paid ads.

I want you to really break down everything that they're doing wrong and how to fix it, like line item by line item.

The more detailed you are, the better off you're going to be.

If you don't get detail, this isn't going to work.

Step three, Eliminate all of the companies on that list that you can't provide enough feedback for.

If you can't provide pages and pages of feedback, you're not going to do well.

You need to break all of that down, so then that way, people can get all of that insight.

When they get that insight, they're much more likely to hire you.

They want the meat, they want the guts.

The next step, I want you to email the CEO, the founder of that company, the head of marketing, your sheet breaking down everything that they're doing wrong.

And at the end, even tell em, sorry to be blunt, I just want to help you grow.

If you need help implementing any of this, let me know.

I don't mind working something out and helping you guys out.

If you send out five of those emails, you'll get one to two customers like clockwork.

If you're not, that means you're not sending it out to the right people, in which these people aren't raising millions of dollars.

If they haven't raised at least one to two million dollars, you're wasting your time emailing them.

Also on that note, when you're emailing them, you need to keep following up as well.

In many cases, I'll email them, I'll text them, I'll call em.

I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that they read and see that document.

And you'll find that some people will be offended, some people will like you, and some people will hire you.

But it really is one to two out of five will hire you as long as you're sending out really thorough emails.

The email doesn't have to be pretty, doesn't have to have all these crazy cool graphics.

It can just be basic emails breaking down what they're doing wrong, how to fix it.

And when you lay it out step by step, where they can do it without even hiring you, they're more likely to hire you because they're like, oh, you'll send me everything.

I trust him.

I can see his game plan.

Why not just hire him?

I'm strapped for time.

Because the moment someone raises venture capital, they got to move fast.

And that's your advantage.

That's how you create a digital marketing agency and get your first few clients and get over $10,000 a month in income.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Marketing #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

How to Become an SEO Expert in 2019 | Neil Patel
6 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video I’m going to teach you how you can become an SEO expert. Do want to learn how to be an SEO expert like me, Neil Patel? SEO isn't hard to learn, it just takes practice and passion.

Today I’ll share with you my 8 steps to becoming an SEO expert in 2019. I'm going to share with you what type of mindset, passion, and love you need to have to really learn all about search engine optimization. From building your website, writing content, and getting your links out there to rank on Google. This will be the best SEO tutorial you watch on YouTube.


“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019” (video):

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google” (video):

“SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide” (blog):

“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

“Does Blogging Still Work in 2019?” (video):

“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019” (video):

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google | Neil Patel” (video):

“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):

“How I Generated 37,391 Impressions on 1 Blog Post” (video):

Read more SEO tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

The first thing you need to do is make sure you truly love SEO, you wanna do it, and you wanna get good at it.

The second thing you need to do is set up a website. Go to wordpress.org or wordpress.com, set up your own website. It could be a blog, could be a blogging platform, it doesn't matter. That's just the first thing you need to do. Without your own website, you won't know how to implement these tactics, practice, or get good at it.

The third thing you need to do is write content. When you have your website, if you don't have content, you're not gonna rank. As the saying goes, content is king. Publish content on whatever you're passionate about.

The fourth thing is you need to build links. When it comes to building links, if no one's linking to your website, you won't rank.

Then, when you take those articles, you can put 'em into Ahrefs. It'll show you all the people linking to 'em.

On top of links, you now need to then start getting social shares.

Then, I want you to follow all the popular marketing blogs, from Backlinko to Moz, to hey, even me, neilpatel.com. All of these marketing blogs will break out the latest and greatest tactics and techniques. By reading 'em on a regular basis, you'll learn 'em, you'll stay on top of the curve, so that way, you'll do better than most people in the SEO industry.

And last but not least, be patient. You're not gonna climb to the top of Google in a month, or even three months or six months. It takes longer and longer each and every single year because the web is more competitive. There's roughly 1.7 or 1.8 billion websites on the Internet. That's roughly four websites, technically one website for every four people. That's a lot of websites, and blogs, there's over a billion. That's roughly one blog for every seven people. That's too many sites to choose from. Because that Google now says, hey, there's a lot of people talking about the same content over and over again, let's pick the ones that are more up-to-date or more authority. It makes it that much harder for you to get rankings. For that reason, you need to learn to be patient. If you do this consistently for six months to a year, you'll get results.

#NeilPatel #SEO #SEO2019

The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master)
7 vistas · 5 años hace

The Most On Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2019 (High-Income Skills to Master) // Do you want to be a digital marketing expert? Well, you're going to need specific skills to become one.

How to Start A Career in Digital Marketing in 2019 (video): https://youtu.be/DoLzQN1m7sU

Learn SEO For Free! How to Jumpstart Your SEO Career Without Spending a Dime (video): https://youtu.be/7a07862HFNc

Even if you work at a company, these skills will help you.

So let's get right into it.

The first skill you need is data science.

You don't have to be a crazy data scientist, but you need to learn how to look at Google Analytics.

There are so many videos out there that teach you how to read a report, because Google Analytics isn't just about, "Hey, how many visitors am I getting?"

It's more about "How many visitors am I getting,"

If you don't know to look at the data, you won't know where to focus your energy to maximize your results.

The second skill to learn is content strategy.

Writing content doesn't guarantee you any traffic anymore.

There are over a billion blogs on the web.

There are roughly seven billion people, so that means roughly one blog for every seven people.

That's too much content.

So, if you want to do well, you need a strategy.

Without a strategy, there's no guarantee that people are going to read your content.

The third tip you need is you need to learn how to leverage video.

Video is up-and-coming as one of the most popular channels out there.

I'm talking about filming videos like this one and releasing it, evergreen content, on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, you need to do a ton of video stuff because you'll find it'll build a much more engaging community than almost any other channel out there.

The fourth skill you need to learn is storytelling.

I don't know why, but I'm seeing less and fewer people use storytelling, but storytelling is still as effective as it used to be two, three, five, ten years ago.

You need to integrate stories into your marketing.

When you do that, you'll find that more people relate to you.

They'll identify with the characters in your story, and you'll notice that your conversion rate goes up.

The fifth skill that you need to learn is email marketing.

And I'm not talking about just basic email marketing, like sending out emails every time you release a blog post, but more complicated emails.

I'm talking more so marketing automation.

Well, if someone goes through your funnel, they don't open up one email, what should they do next?

If they open up that email, what should they get?

You don't want to send everyone the same emails.

The sixth skill is funnels.

There are tools like ClickFunnels out there that can help you build a funnel faster and easier, and funnels are really important because ad costs keep rising.

You need to learn how to do upsells and downsells.

You may not be thinking "Oh, that's not related "to marketing, why do I need to learn that?"

Well, if you can't figure out upsells and downsells, eventually, you're not going to be able to afford your paid ads.

That'll help improve your margin so you can keep selling.

The seventh skill that you need to learn is podcasting.

Podcasting hasn't taken off in the U.S. as much as it has in Asia, like places like China.

But podcasting is growing at a very rapid pace, and people are listening to podcasts on the go.

Plus, the people who listen to podcasts are super engaged, and they typically have a higher income percentage-wise, from a medium-household-income perspective, than other marketing channels out there.

And that's why you need to get into podcasting now.

It'll be much more competitive in three, four years.

Then it's going to be hard.

And when you do podcasting, don't expect to get results right away.

It'll take years before you see the fruit from your labor.

Now, if you need help crafting your digital marketing and growing your traffic, check out my ad agency, Neil Patel Digital.

If you have any questions on growing your digital marketing skills, leave a comment below, and I'll answer it and help you out.

Make sure you also like the video, share it.

Thank you for watching.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/


#Career #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

Does Blogging Still Work In 2019 | Neil Patel
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Today I’m going to share with you if blogging still works in 2019. There’s over a billion blogs on the internet. Should you even waste your time with blogging? If you have a blog and you are wondering if blogging is worth your time, watch this video. I’m going to give you my best 7 tips to get the most of your blog and I’ll answer the question if blogging still works in 2019.


Neil Patel Digital:




“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):

“8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful - Passive Income Online Blogging” (video):

“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

Read more Blogging tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

The first tip I have for you is don't focus on quantity, focus on quality.

The second tip I have for you is respond to comments. When you get comments on your blog. You need to respond. Think of a blog as a communication channel. If a friend was talking to you and they ask you a question and you don't respond that'll be rude. That goes with your blog as well. If someone asks you a question you need to respond. Someone leaves a comment, should at least respond with thanks even if that comment doesn't say much and if you're not getting any comments, at the end of your blog post end it with a question mark.

The third tip I have for you is to encourage conversations. The way you do this is make blog posts conversational. You want to use the words you and I within your blog post. By using the words you and I, it makes your blog posts feel more like a conversation such as wouldn't you love how to double your search engine traffic, I know I would. Everyone says search optimizations hard, but you know what, It's not impossible and today I'm going to share with you how I doubled my search traffic and you can too. Now I'm just making that up. I didn't read a blog post on that, I probably should. But you can see how that's conversational. By creating a conversation you're going to get more comments. You also find that when keep it blog posts between five and six lines, It makes it easier skim. And the easier it is to skim your content, the more comments and conversations you're gonna create.

The fourth tip I have for you is your blog isn't gonna just miraculously get visitors and then convert those into customers. Most people like my blog getting all this traffic but I'm getting no sales, no customers you know why? It's because you're not adding call to actions. It's okay to promote your business, it's okay to promote your services your product if you don't, you won't get sales so put call to actions in your sidebar. Look what I do on "neilpatel.com" If you read my blog, you'll see call to actions that drive you to my services page or my homepage and it's a great way to generate more leads and sales.

The fifth tip I have for you is to collect emails. Have you heard the saying the money's in the list, it's a very common thing in the digital marketing world. If you collect the emails, leave a comment with yes. If you don't leave a comment below with no. Emails is one the most important things. You need to collect emails. If you have to take one thing away from this video. Go and collect emails. You can use a ton of free tools like "hellobar.com" to start collecting emails. Think of email collection as indeed. If you want a random person on the stream be like, will you marry me? Imagine me with a ring in my hand. And if you said that most people doesn't matter, if you look like Brad Pitt, or Angelina Jolie, or Ronaldo, or any popular Kardashian, most people are going to say No. Why, because they don't know you. But the moment you get to know people, they're much more likely to say, yes. You date someone for a year or two and then you ask them to marry you, they probably say yes. If they don't better get out of there. Now what you want to do is collect emails and using tools like hellobar, you can create like a lead magnet, where you're showcasing something like offering a free Ebook, double your traffic in 30 days. That's example of an Ebook that I can create. Doing simple things like that will capture you way more emails.

The sixth I have for you is start collecting push notifications.

#NeilPatel #ContentMarketing #Blogging

SEO in 2019 What Will and Won’t Work | Neil Patel
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Today I’m going to share with you SEO in 2019 - what will and won’t work. As time goes on SEO is becoming harder and harder. So should you even do SEO anymore? Of course you should! Majority of the people click on organic listings and not paid listings.

In this video you’ll learn 6 SEO tips and I’ll share with you SEO in 2019 - what works and what doesn’t work.



Google PageSpeed:

Neil Patel Digital:

“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

“Does Blogging Still Work in 2019?” (video):

“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019”:

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google | Neil Patel” (video):

“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):

“8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful - Passive Income Online Blogging” (video):

“How I Generated 37,391 Impressions on 1 Blog Post” (video):

Read more SEO tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

The first tip I have for you is, blogging drives a ton of traffic. You guys know that, Google loves content, as they say, content is king. But here's the thing, there's over a billion blogs right now. So, if you go out there and you just write tons of blog posts because your competitors rank for all these terms, it won't work. Regurgitating the same information over and over again won't produce results in 2019. What you need to do is create a new unique spin. You have to write about fresh stuff that people haven't seen. So instead of focusing on writing a blog post every day, maybe write a post once a week, or if you can't even do that, once a month, but if you write something that's super new and unique, I kid you not, you're gonna get a ton of social shares, you're gonna get a ton of backlinks, you're gonna get a ton of comments and engagement and traffic.

The second tip I have for you is to build a brand. There's a lot of sites out there creating fake news, and Google hates that. They're looking for brand signals, and if you're wondering how big your brand is, go to Google Trends, type in your brand name, versus your competitor, and you'll see how you're doing. The reason they wanna rate brands is, it builds trust. They know that if people are looking for your brand, they trust you, and you're less likely to create crap content or write fake news.

The third tip I have for you is, link building is harder than ever. Everyone's hitting up these sites for links. Yes, there's over a billion blogs, but because there's so many sites out there, everyone's getting hit up more and more for links.

The fourth tip is make sure your website loads fast. Google has a mobile-only search engine as well as one just for your desktop and laptop devices. Speed is more important than ever. Yes, I know people have 4G and 5G phones, just because they have fast ones doesn't mean they're in an area with really strong reception, so that could mean your website loads really, really slow. Use Google Page Speed, it'll show you what you need to fix to load faster in Google's eyes.

The next tip I have for you is voice search. Voice search is becoming more and more popular. By 2020 over 50% of the people will be using voice search. So you wanna make sure with your website and your content, 'cause that's typically what's gonna rank for voice search, you're answering questions people may type in, in short sentences. Not big long paragraphs, but it should be one to two sentences. The shorter you are with your responses to the answer, the more likely you're gonna rank.

The sixth tip for you is, update your content. Google's tired of ranking old, outdated content. I've mentioned this many times, there's over a billion blogs, so what does that mean? There's content on everything. Whatever you're writing on, the chances are, there's 50 other articles similar to that. If you wanna do better, I know I already mentioned, write new, fresh content. But even with your new, fresh content, other people are gonna copy you, so you need to update it, it doesn't have to be monthly, but at least once a year, go into your best-performing pieces of content and update them. It'll help ensure that you continue to rank high on Google.

#NeilPatel #SEO #SEO2019

Introduction To SEO Certification Training | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Certification Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/search-engine-optimization-seo-certification-training?utm_campaign=Online-SEO-Training-Qy1VVQQKTY4&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

What is SEO? - Search Engine Optimization / SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website/webpages in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results.

SEO comprises of On Page Optimization & Link Building techniques. SEO has evolved a lot since it's beginning and has become more complex.

Steps in SEO:
- Keyword Research
- On Page Optimization
- Content Optimization
- Link Building
- Website analysis
- Reporting and Analytics

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training | DMCA Training | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Simplilearn's Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=DMCA-UwSEkovQw80&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=DMCA-UwSEkovQw80&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Course | Digital Marketing Certification | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

As the world is getting more and more digitized in every respect, Digital Marketing is a booming career option today. With striking features like cost-effectiveness, instant response, flexibility, convenience, track-ability, Digital Marketing is making a strong impact in the world of Marketing and Advertising. Especially, the start-ups prefer going digital to market their brand, products and services.

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?abVariation=1&utm_expid=60255365-19.IiiUxHquRZSGhxnG-yxWsQ.1&utm_campaign=career-in-DMCA-T5qCfCBb03M&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?abVariation=1&utm_expid=60255365-19.IiiUxHquRZSGhxnG-yxWsQ.1&utm_campaign=career-in-DMCA-T5qCfCBb03M&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What Is Online Marketing | Online Marketing For Beginners | Online Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

"This Online Marketing Introduction video will give a brief introduction to imporatance of Online Marketing in current world and end of the video you will know what Simplilearn has to offer you in their Online Marketing Certification Courses. Online Marketing or Internet Advertising or Digital Marketing, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=What-is-Online-Marketing-5B4fhwH5A-w&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Online Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/introduction-to-online-marketing-training?utm_campaign=What-is-Online-Marketing-5B4fhwH5A-w&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certification Training Course objectives?

Through the Introduction to Digital Marketing course, you will gain a high-level understanding of Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), Conversion Optimization, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Automation and Programmatic Buying, enabling you to take informed decisions and strategize your online marketing efforts. This course is suitable for all business roles from fresh recruits to function heads and business owners and is the stepping stone to begin your digital marketing learning journey.

This course will enable you to:
1. Understand the basics of digital media, its power and potential
2. Discover and internalize online marketing jargons
3. Basic understanding of SEO, PPC, Social Media, Web Analytics and Content Marketing
4. Gain the context to take business decisions involving the digital media and online marketing
5. Get ready to deep dive into advanced online marketing topics

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Who should take up this Digital Marketing Course?

This course is ideal for:

1. Fresh graduates
2. Business owners
3. Web Designers
4. Web Marketers
5. Professionals in their early career
6. Marketing Professionals
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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction to Conversion Optimization Certification Training
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the methodology of converting traffic to revenue. Simplilearn’s Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Certification course train participants who wish to become practitioners in the online marketing discipline of Conversion Optimization.

Learn more here: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/conversion-optimization-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=conv-optimizatn

This course prepare participants to learn a systematic, repeatable framework that consistently increases conversion rates on landing pages, micro-sites, and various websites by a significant number.

After successfully completing the course, participants can effectively complete conversion process to produce massive increases.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

An Introduction to PPC Foundations by Brad Geddes | What is Pay Per Click?
7 vistas · 5 años hace


Brad Geddes, Founder of Certified Knowledge, and the author of 'Advanced Google Adwords', and the PPC faculty chair at Market Motive.

Welcome to the foundations or paid search. This video which can explain what is PPC. Often known as pay per click, Payed Search or even SEM for search engine marketing. So PPC is really be act of buying traffic on search engines such as Bing or google.com, ask.com, Yahoo etc. In lot of companies this is a primary metric for new customer acquisition. You covered on a search before on Google or Bing you've seen as response results at the top of the pages. Each of the ad would talking about the search ads is often the very first parts of a search engine result page that a user sees when conducting a search.

Now often advertisers want to know, how big a channel really is and how much traffic can they get from any advertising media will look at Search, searching compasses a little more than 6 billion search queries every single day. The largest search engines are Bing, Yahoo and Google. And the golden is to take some research relevant to your business and bring traffic to your website you can get customers.
Here ads can also be shown across the Display Network. Display Network or other sites that show ads on them and a partner with Google or Bing to display advertisements. Which is commonly news sites in maybe things even social sites such as Facebook and these sites then are places that you can show your ads on search, but are more can to banner type ad you seen. These maybe text ads 3d images they might even be video ads. And you can choose to have them displayed, based upon words user interest and contextual targeting methods and even things such as remarketing which is where someone does a particular behavior on your website already and then you so add back across its network to them so for instance you might be looking at vacation getaway packages and then you're thinking about it considering it but then you leave the Site ok now you're over here getting about a new computer something totally different on a different website. But because you did specific actions on their site they might show you ads on this third party site about getaway packages. When you look across the Display Network there’s a lot of different very specific way you can read users that are not quite search. Search is a very relevant based industry, but it comes pretty close to certain you combine all the options and so by looking at both search and display across paid search you can be incredibly specific of when you want a user to see your ad, where their based and then what conditions are involved, that making a display to anyone user.

Now paid for it is an option based system so every time a search happens when an options run to decide where your ads will be displayed, no paid search is called paid search did you pay for the traffic however you only pay for traffic that comes to your website. So what's free to have your ad displayed you only pay when you get traffic from a search engine to your websites.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

An introduction to Conversion Optimization by Bryan Eisenberg
7 vistas · 5 años hace


Bryan Eisenberg, Conversion Optimization Consultant, author of the book ‘Always Be Testing ‘and Conversion Optimization faculty chair, at Market Motive.

Welcome to conversion optimization foundations of Bryan Eisenberg, in this video know the basics and the benefits of conversion optimization,
Conversion rate optimization: Increasing the percentage of visitors who convert into customers.
Take existing marketing techniques and make them more effectiveness.

Let's imagine you have two different websites people have 10,000 visitors in the year, at the end of the year you've converted two percent of them that means you end up with two hundred customers. To enter orders but 9800 of customers never decided to purchase from you.

But site two started working on the principles of conversion optimization that you're going to learn in this series. What they've been able to do is increase your conversion rate by about five percent every month so at the end of the year increase your conversion rate by 50 percent that meet at the end of that year close to 300 orders again a 50% increase in sales. Not because they drove in more traffic through SEO or PPC, not because they increased their level of engagement content marketing social media, not because they sent out more emails. They have done exactly same efforts all they've done is taking the time to understand their customers, do maybe a little bit of a/b testing some usability testing and just approved a creative in the customer experience to get huge gains.

Learn what is conversion Trinity? This is very simple principle that is been developed that you can go ahead and apply to help you identify what you can do it to improve your ads, as well as a company. The principles such as scent, Scent is something that was first discovered in 1995, the fundamental principles of online experiences yet it is underutilized thing by most markers. The user experience world knows about it it's time you did. We learn things about how to a/b tests and is so many things that you can do with testing.
The thing is the small efforts a small changes can have a huge impact as long as you keep applying over and over again overtime. Right this incremental change that's what conversion optimizations about. But using the exact same techniques that you were doing but just improving them. Picking a second guess was not always do we have to be a hundred percent right, we can find ways to improve were doing.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

An Introduction Mobile Marketing Foundations by Jeff Hasen
7 vistas · 5 años hace


Jeff Hasen is the author of the book ‘Mobilized Marketing’, founder of “Gotta Mobilize”, and the mobile marketing faculty chair, Market Motive.

Welcome to the mobile marketing foundation series. So let's start up and put a foundation in terms of what is mobile marketing. Mobile marketing association puts it this way, mobile marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage in an interactive and relevant manner through and with mobile devices and networks. So let's break down what we mean by mobile marketing.

If you fortunate enough to get you to open up my book mobilize marketing you would see that there's a basic core principle in there. And it is my belief through hundreds if not thousands of campaigns that I've been part of an interviews with literally hundreds of marketers that everything and nothing has changed with mobile it is the one that remains the same. We need to sell more stuff it's that how that's different.

In the key points of the definition of mobile marketing are communicating and engaging in a relevant manner through what has become the most personal device the most personal channel for us to reach our customers and prospects and as we walked through his foundation I will tell you that this really has gone from a nice to have to really it has become a must. But what will make the case if you're not doing mobile marketing you are being left behind and your competitors are likely no pun intended beating the pants off of you when it comes to driving engagement sales and loyalty.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Converged Social Media | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Social media is causing an interesting convergence of sectors within technology, media and telecommunications. Technology firms are finding themselves becoming social media companies. Telecommunication firms are finding themselves in the tech business. Watch the video to know more!

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Converged-ikzSikAKzqQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Converged-ikzSikAKzqQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Display Advertising Certification Training | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Simplilearn’s course on Display Advertising, provides insight on everything a participant needs to know, starting with which ad options are best suited for a campaign to the utilization of cookies. The course offers a comprehensive insight into this amazing opportunity for digital advertisers and enhances the ability of the professional to remarket campaigns.

Join the course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/display-advertising-training?utm_campaign=Introduction-Display-FtYAODA-VUE&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing And Blogs | Content Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

This video will show you how to include blogs in your content marketing strategy.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #ContentMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Content-Blog-NzBQvg2VNYs&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Content-Blog-NzBQvg2VNYs&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Pinterest Marketing Certification Training | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Simplilearn’s course on Pinterest Marketing, is a tailored personalized course to enable the professional gain a through perspective and make the best use of this latest marketing strategy. Pinterest Marketing is apt for professionals who are looking to increase their social media marketing and Internet marketing skills.

Join the course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/pinterest-marketing-training?utm_campaign=Introduction-Pinterest-mZ7FuWRkueI&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Holiday PPC Advertising Certification Training | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Simplilearn’s course on Holiday Pay Per Click Advertising, helps Professionals gain an insight into how the dynamics work and sheds light on the latest strategies about designing effective banners to choose the appropriate target audience.

The course helps professionals develop skills to tailor the campaigns to generate more clicks & conversions, and specific methods to measure the success.

Join the course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/holiday-ppc-advertising-training?utm_campaign=Introduction-Holiday-WbUdMbjIQ60&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What is Content Marketing | Content Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This Content Marketing Tutorial will give help you understand the basics of Content Marketing using some case studies. You will aso learn the definition of Content Marketing, Content Marketing origin, and Content Marketing strategies.

This Content Marketing Tutorial will help you understand:
1. What is Content Marketing? ( 3:40 )
2. Origins of Content Marketing? ( 0:14 )

Content Marketing has been around for at least 100 years. Content Marketing is a marketing technique for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience- with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #ContentMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Job-Assist-Webinar-Digital-Marketing-AvLbf3ANMFI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing, visit: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/content-marketing-foundation-course?utm_campaign=What-is-Content-Marketing-qlJim8JjW5I&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube


About Simplilearn Content Marketing Course:

The Content Marketing Foundations course takes participants through all the fundamental aspects of Content Marketing- from identifying avenues to developing content to measuring results. This course trains participants in the essentials of planning and executing Content Marketing activity as well as measuring its impact.

The Content Marketing Foundations training provides essential knowledge in Content Marketing techniques. By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand Content Marketing strategy.
2. Create messaging and content guidelines.
3. Understand how to write effective articles.
4. Understand content tactics and challenges.
5. Learn best practices for different types of content.
6. Learn how to benefit from the user-generated content.
7. Learn to create best practices for content across media types, including social media, images, etc.

The Content Marketing Foundations course is best suited for aspirants who wish to begin their career in Digital Marketing through Content Marketing. However, the course is ideal for:
1. Business owners
2. Entrepreneurs
3. Online Marketers
4. Professionals in their early career
5. Marketing professionals
6. Bloggers
7. Copywriters & Content writers
8. PR professionals
9. Fresh graduates


For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing ROI | Content Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Digital, social, and mobile technologies have dramatically changed the world we live in. And no function has been more disrupted than marketing. Executives won’t fund marketing if it doesn’t demonstrate results. That’s why marketing ROI – including content marketing ROI — is one of the top challenges for CMOs and marketers.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #ContentMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Content-ROI-RLszfMJ90Ks&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Content-ROI-RLszfMJ90Ks&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Digital Marketing For CXOs | Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

The Digital Marketing For CXOs course emphasizes the significance of core marketing concepts, the mar-tech landscape, and the entire customer journey from acquisition to expansion, measurement, and org structure. This course is suitable for all business function heads and business owners looking to set up the best processes within their marketing teams.

Join Digital Marketing for CXOs Training: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-course-for-cxos-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-CXO-V6C9_dbRsj8&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Email Marketing Automation | Email Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
13 vistas · 5 años hace

As opposed to newsletters and one-off campaigns that you create and send to a whole list of people in one go, an automatic email campaign is set up once and then automatically sent to a particular individual when that person meets a certain trigger. Learn more in this video!

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Email-Automation-TETiqI2YCfg&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Email Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Email-Automation-TETiqI2YCfg&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Advanced Mobile Marketing Certification Training | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Mobile Marketing is a vital marketing strategy, representing the future of marketing. Mobile Marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, providing customers with time- and location-sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services, and ideas.

Advanced Mobile Marketing Certification Training: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/mobile-marketing-certification-training?utm_campaign=Mobile-Marketing-n5irpsx0Ils&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

An efficient marketer who can leverage mobile and keep up with the explosive growth will win the audience and be indispensable. This Advanced Mobile Marketing course will help participants to gain expertise on using the mobile medium as a means of marketing communication.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction Online Marketing Fundamentals Certification Training | Simplilearn
15 vistas · 5 años hace

Online marketing Fundamentals program provides a solution to create a global audience for your product and/or services.

Learn more about the training here: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/online-marketing-fundamentals-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Online-mktng-fundamentals

The importance of online marketing is growing as billions get on to the internet to interact and transact. Digital media influences the way your consumers make purchasing decisions; enables business around the clock and overcomes barriers of distance, providing convenience and choice to your customer.

After completion, you will gain a high level understanding of Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), Conversion Optimization, Content Marketing, Email Marketing and Mobile Marketing, enabling you to take informed decisions and strategize your online marketing efforts.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Social Media Selling | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

An integral part of the sales process is getting to know your prospects and establishing relationships—and it turns out that social media can help you accomplish this quickly and easily.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Selling-Xv64wUgTGmA&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Selling-Xv64wUgTGmA&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

PPC Auction | PPC Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

This video from Simplilearn trains participants in the online marketing discipline of PPC auction and Paid Search. The course imparts an in-depth knowledge about the PPC advertising like campaign setup, campaign economics, landing pages, managing campaigns, and other PPC concepts.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=PPC-Auction-7h6QN90oiDs&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#ppctutorial #ppctutorialforbeginners #ppcadvertising

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What is Content Marketing | Content Marketing Basics | Content Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This Content Marketing Tutorial will give help you understand the basics of Content Marketing using some case studies. You will aso learn the definition of Content Marketing, Content Marketing origin, and Content Marketing strategies.

In this Content Marketing Tutorial, you will learn:
1. What is Content Marketing? ( 3:39 )
2. Origins of Content Marketing. ( 0:15 )
3. Content Marketing Overlap. ( 5:23 )
4. Effective Vs Ineffective. ( 7:40 )
5. Comparision of the most effective B2C Content Marketer with the least effective Content Marketer. ( 8:45 )
6. Effective Content Marketers. ( 11:39 )
7. The No-Strategy penalty. ( 12:03 )
8. Content Marketing course overview. ( 13:32 )

Content Marketing is becoming a key aspect of marketing today. Its popularity is increasing by the day. Many marketers around the world are turning to content marketing. According to Demand Metric, 78 percent of CMOs think that custom content is the future of marketing. When you think about it, what better way exists to build brand loyalty within a community than with content marketing?. But the most frequent question that is asked is, if it is increasing in popularity why do many marketers not see immediate results?. The thing about content marketing is that It takes time! Content marketing is not an immediate reward attaining process but a future investment. It is essentially focused on a thought leadership perspective to engage with customers – not to build brand exposure or sell products. When creating a content marketing strategy, it is necessary to have a documented one as opposed to something you just build in your head. This is where most content marketers go wrong. They do not document their strategy. A recent research conducted by the Content Marketing Institute revealed that 60% of businesses that have a documented strategy reported effectiveness and good results.

Effective content marketers:
1. Have a documented strategy.
2. Have someone who oversees content marketing strategy.
3. Use more tactics them less effective peers.
4. use more social media platforms than less effective peers.
5. Allocate a larger percentage of the budget on content marketing.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #ContentMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Job-Assist-Webinar-Digital-Marketing-AvLbf3ANMFI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing tools and techniques, visit: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/content-marketing-foundation-course?utm_campaign=Content-Marketing-introduction-v8DLXaQWJ8A&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube


About Simplilearn Content Marketing Course:

The Content Marketing Foundations course takes participants through all the fundamental aspects of Content Marketing- from identifying avenues to developing content to measuring results. This course trains participants in the essentials of planning and executing Content Marketing activity as well as measuring its impact.

The Content Marketing Foundations training provides essential knowledge in Content Marketing techniques. By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand Content Marketing strategy.
2. Create messaging and content guidelines.
3. Understand how to write effective articles.
4. Understand content tactics and challenges.
5. Learn best practices for different types of content.
6. Learn how to benefit from the user-generated content.
7. Learn to create best practices for content across media types, including social media, images, etc.

The Content Marketing Foundations course is best suited for aspirants who wish to begin their career in Digital Marketing through Content Marketing. However, the course is ideal for:
1. Business owners
2. Entrepreneurs
3. Online Marketers
4. Professionals in their early career
5. Marketing professionals
6. Bloggers
7. Copywriters & Content writers
8. PR professionals
9. Fresh graduates


For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Pinterest Marketing Tutorial | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Are you wondering how you can use Pinterest to market your small business, company, blog, or to promote your next book or product? Visual marketing on Pinterest is a low-key, self-paced way to reach people and get the word out. Having a strategy for your Pinterest activities will help you reach your goals and objectives.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Pinterest-Marketing-89pI_mw72hI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Pinterest Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Pinterest-Marketing-89pI_mw72hI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Social Media Measurement | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Social media measurement or 'social media monitoring' is an active monitoring of social media channels for information, usually tracking of various social media content such as blogs, wikis, news sites, micro-blogs such as Twitter, social networking sites, video/photo sharing websites, forums, message boards and user-generated content in general as a way to determine the volume and sentiment of online conversation about a brand or topic.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Measurement-6AnprR1K3U8&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Measurement-6AnprR1K3U8&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Advanced Content Marketing Certification Training | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Content Marketing is aimed at building authority, amplifying the message, acquiring, and retaining the intended audience. Well written Marketing Content helps build the reputation of a trusted advisor.

This Advanced Content Marketing Course trains participants to produce compelling and impressive Marketing Content, concentrating on the vital strategies, tactics, and best practices that a writer needs to create and enhance content marketing efforts. This course also helps participants learn various aspects of planning and executing Content Marketing strategies with greater efficiency and impact, guiding participants to harness the power of words to disseminate information and create impressive marketing content.

Get Advanced Content Marketing Certification Training Here - https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/content-marketing-certification-training?utm_campaign=Advanced-Content-Marketing-rXGb_bpU7Xo&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Mobile Marketing Measurement | Mobile Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Mobile advertising is a big business. In the US in 2015, advertisers spent $28.72 billion to reach their targets on mobile devices, eMarketer estimated, an increase of 50.0% over 2014 spending levels. But—as is common with so many digital advertising channels that offer the promise of measurability and ever-increasing efficacy—performance measurement is still a challenge.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Mobile-Measure-zk7B_ABUEpQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Mobile Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Mobile-Measure-zk7B_ABUEpQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

An Introduction to Social Media Foundations by Jennefer Evans Cario
6 vistas · 5 años hace


Jennifer Evans Cario, The president of SugarSpun Marketing, the author of 'Pinterest Marketing', 'An Hour a Day" and the social media faculty chair at Market Motive.

When we look at social media and it’s understanding how it works, it’s important to know that its core it's really just about people connecting with other people, also about people connecting with Businesses with organizations and brand but ultimately connections are what's the core of social media.

Welcome to the Social Media Course!! Simplilearn is very excited to cover the basics of Social Media Foundations and understanding the social media strategy.

What is Social Media?
People connecting with each other online to share thoughts and resources and media. Which leads an enormous market for businesses of the organization.

Benefits of Social Media:
Impacts all area of business, Credibility for small businesses, Unparalleled insight and opportunity
social media gives you the ability to have unparalleled insight into your target audience what do they think what are the sharing what makes them take action.

Ultimately knowing what makes your target audience take action is extremely important to figuring out how you're actually going to get out there and reach their target audience.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To SEO Foundation Course | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is complex. To simplify the concepts, we will
• Identify the three major parties involved with SEO
• Describing, how these three players interact based on their incentives
• How Search engines strive to provide these results
• How search engine optimizes work to influence search rankings

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
• Name the 3 major parties involved in SEO
• Identify the incentives of each party involved in SEO
• How the incentives of various parties shape the entire search ecosystems
• List the pros and cons of SEO compared to other digital marketing disciplines

Key Takeaways:
• Users: The most relevant results
• Search Engines: Make money from paid search
• SEOs: Show their information to searchers
• Each of the incentives in of the major players in SEO interact with each other to create the search market.
• Pros of SEO: Relatively inexpensive, long lasting
• Cons of SEO: Constantly changing competitive

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Foundation Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/seo-basics-training-course?utm_campaign=seo-tut-for-beginers-3kcM9zrW8Aw&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Psychology Of Search | PPC Tutorial For Beginners
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Pay Per Click (PPC) Foundations – Psychology of Search
People do not use search engines to browse the web. People use search engines to find answers to their questions. So this video will describe you, how search advertising steps away from gimmicky advertising and instead helps users answer their questions.

So here are the basic things taught in this lesson:
• How people use search engines to find answers
• How ads can help users answer their question
• Know the situations when advertisers should refine their targeting
• How an advertiser’s relationship with a searcher differs on advertiser’s relationship with search engine
• Why search advertising functions are informational advertising
• Search marketing
• What are the most common online activities

Pay Per Click (PPC) Foundation Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/foundation-course-on-pay-per-click-ppc-training?utm_campaign=psychology-of-search-HXwtfczisVs&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

PPC Introduction | PPC Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Pay per click is an internet marketing model used on websites in which advertisers pay their hosts only when their ad is clicked. It also focuses on optimizing ad spends and maximizing Click-through rate (CTR) and conversion.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=PPC-Intro-b6UVJMb9yug&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#ppctutorial #ppctutorialforbeginners #ppcadvertising

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Spark Social Media Sharing | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Really, great social-media sharing is a skill. And like all other skills, it requires a little strategy and a lot of practice to perfect. Here's a road map to quality social-media sharing, including what to share, when to share it, and how to share.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Sharing-i96R6JG0Xfs&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Sharing-i96R6JG0Xfs&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Email Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Email Marketing is all about sending commercial messages to existing or potential customers through e-mail - to promote a product or service, to request business, solicit sales/donations. It helps brands build loyalty, cultivate trust, and increase awareness.

Email Marketing Foundations Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/email-marketing-basics-training?utm_campaign=Email-Foundations-7aDy151YoNM&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

The Email Marketing Foundation course from Simplilearn aims to train participants in the rapidly expanding online discipline of e-mail marketing. This course takes participants through the basic concepts of direct online marketing and helps them devise effective marketing strategies using emails.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Certification Course | DMCA Course | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Looking to launch a career in Digital Marketing?

Get a DMCA certification with comprehensive training in all areas of the Digital Marketing discipline.

Become a job-ready Digital Marketer from scratch with Simplilearn.

Simplilearn Advantages:
- Industry recommended learning path
- Earn a Masters certification on completion
- Monthly mentoring sessions by experts

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Simplilearn-Digital-Marketing-india-bfiheWrM8Ds&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Simplilearn-Digital-Marketing-india-bfiheWrM8Ds&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing Strategy | Content Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #ContentMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Content-Strategy-VsYw4naLtdQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Content-Strategy-VsYw4naLtdQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

GDPR Compliance Explained | What Is GDPR Compliance? | GDPR Explained | Email Marketing |Simplilearn
10 vistas · 5 años hace

This "GDPR Explained" video will help you understand the meaning of GDPR, implications of GDPR, data activities included in GDPR, email marketing & GDPR and audit & review GDPR. GDPR( General Data Protection Regulation) is the European union's new privacy law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. GDPR applies to anyone who collects, records, organizes, stores or performs any operations on data. The purpose of this law is to create consistent and enforceable legal requirements to protect the right of any EU citizen privacy and security of their personal data. This new regulation applies to the data of all EU citizens, irrespective of where the data is stored or sent to. Now, let us get started and understand GDPR in detail.

1. Meaning of GDPR ( 00:28 )
2. Implications of GDPR ( 01:51)
3. Data activities included in GDPR ( 03:08 )
4. Email marketing and GDPR ( 06:35 )
5. Audit and review for GDPR ( 13:23 )

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/advanced-online-marketing-certification-training-bundle?utm_campaign=GDPR-Compliance-Explained-kLFFnAONHvU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #EmailMarketing #GDPR #Simplilearn #DMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingSpecialist

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About Simplilearn's Digital Marketing Specialist Program:

The program provides access to the 35+ live instructor led batches conducted by multiple expert trainers. You will also get access to highest quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other resources to help you master the complete digital marketing skill set.

After you have completed this program, you will receive a Masters certificate from Simplilearn stating that you have acquired the skill set of a Digital Marketing Specialist, and validating your ability to lead digital marketing efforts in your organization.

What will you learn from this Digital Marketing Course?

Digital marketing encompasses a range of disciplines, and there is an enormous demand for digital marketers with the right skills. The program provides access to 35+ live instructor-led online classes conducted by multiple expert trainers. You will also get access to highest quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other resources to help you master the complete digital marketing skill set.

This course will help you to:
1. Develop an in-depth understanding of top-of-mind digital marketing functions such as inbound marketing, paid marketing, social media marketing, and web analytics.
2. Become competent in planning, managing, and executing integrated multi-channel campaigns
3. Lead digital marketing teams and digital marketing initiatives for your organization
4. Understand how digital marketing disciplines all work together and how to optimize your use of each one

Who should take this Digital Marketing Specialist Masters Program?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3.Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/advanced-online-marketing-certification-training-bundle?utm_campaign=GDPR-Compliance-Explained-kLFFnAONHvU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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For more information about Simplilearn’s courses, visit:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

A Model Of Search Engines | SEO Tutorial For Beginners
6 vistas · 5 años hace

The process by which search engines deliver relevant and valuable search results requires multiple intricate phase. For SEO to be successful, they must understand the basics of this process.

This video talks about the four main parts of the process:
• How search engines crawl the internet
• How search engines store web data
• How search engines process and organize data
• How search engines provide users with relevant search results

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Foundation Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/seo-basics-training-course?utm_campaign=seo-model-of-search-engines-hO94Ah-waA8&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction to Content Marketing Certification Training | What is Content Marketing | Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

Enroll for Content Marketing training here: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/content-marketing-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=content-mktng

Content Marketing is aimed at writing articles to build authority and to generate inbound links. This is achieved through generating Social Media blog posts, writing LinkedIn articles and creating content for Facebook posts, online journals, magazines, and even digital newspapers.

Simpliearn’s Content Marketing certification course takes a participant through all the aspects of Content Marketing- from identifying avenues to developing content to measuring results.

This online course teaches participants the essentials of planning and executing content marketing activity as well as how to measure its impact.

Learn more about Content Marketing course here: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/content-marketing-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=content-mktng

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

An introduction to SEO Foundations by Danny Dover | Search Engine Optimization Training
5 vistas · 5 años hace


Danny Dover is the author of the bestselling book ‘SEO Secrets’. He was the former LEAD SEO at MOZ. And now the SEO faculty co-chair at Market Motive.

The best way to understand the complex field of knowledge like SEO is to first understand the incentives of the major players so for SEO. This turns out to be very easy to major players of SEO users to humans around the world who are using search engines every day.

The Three Players:
Lets Identify the incentives of the major parties:
The Users: the hundreds of millions of people who search online, and this audience drives the entire profession of SEO.
Search Engines: Technologies owned by technology companies, enable users to find relevant information.
SEOs: Search engine optimization and search engine optimizer, Focus on influencing organic search engine rankings.
Incentives of Major Players: What does each party want?
Users will search for the information and they need relevant results.
Search Engines will provide the relevant results to users and sell ads to advertisers. And they need to attract a large audience of users and to make money from advertisements.
SEOs will influence organic rankings and they show their information to searchers.

What’s important for SEO is to work on getting their information or more often their client information to the top of search engines so that they're relevant information is shown to the world audience of searchers.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Lesson 3: Social Media Channels | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Chances are your small business has used social media in one way or another. There are the big guns like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And other familiar names like Instagram, Pinterest, and Vine. However, these are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to all of the social media channels out there.

Social Media Foundations Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/social-media-foundation-training?utm_campaign=Social-Media-Channels-ZOhyaExWTa4&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Twitter Marketing And Advertising Certification | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

The Twitter Advertising Certification Training course is created by Twitter in partnership with Simplilearn to create a structured learning solution to help businesses grow their customer base and effectively engage with the online community using Twitter Ads. Using Twitter Ads strategically can have significant benefits for businesses—growing their customer base, amplifying their marketing reach, and building their brand in a way that truly impacts the bottom line. From content strategy to best practices and analytics, Edric Subur from Twitter’s Small to Medium Businesses Marketing team will demonstrate the power of Twitter Ads.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #TwitterMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Twitter-Intro-OX2Y___ZcsE&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Twitter Advertising and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/twitter-advertising-certification-training?utm_campaign=Twitter-Intro-OX2Y___ZcsE&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Visual Social Media | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

Our focus has shifted from Social Media to VISUAL Social Media. We are drawn to “visual content” online in more ways than ever before. The opportunity this provides for business is massive. But there are some key concepts and strategies that you need to know in order to leverage the power of this shift towards using visual content in social media.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #SocialMediaMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Visual-Social-KUJn5EmWSWM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Visual-Social-KUJn5EmWSWM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction to Online Marketing Certification Training | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Get Online Marketing Training here: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/introduction-to-online-marketing-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Online-mktng-certification

Online marketing provides a solution to create a global audience for your product and/or services. The importance of online marketing is growing as billions get on to the internet to interact and transact. Digital media influences the way your consumers make purchasing decisions; enables business around the clock and overcomes barriers of distance, providing convenience and choice to your customer.

Through the free Introduction to Online Marketing course, you will gain a high level understanding of Web Analytics, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), Conversion Optimization, Content Marketing and Mobile Marketing, enabling you to take informed decisions and strategize your online marketing efforts. This course is suitable for all business roles from fresh recruits to function heads and business owners and is the stepping stone to begin your digital marketing learning journey.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Upskill Your Team with Simplilearn's Digital Marketing Training | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Simplilearn's digital marketing training courses are designed by industry experts to keep your team ahead of the curve. Get expertise in search marketing, SEO, social media, and more.

Visit us at : https://www.simplilearn.com/corporate-training?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=Enterprise-Explainer-Videos&utm_content=Enterprise-Digital-Marketing-Explainer-Video&utm_term=description-link

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Online Social Media Training Video | The Importance of Social Media
7 vistas · 5 años hace

http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/social-media-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=SC&utm_campaign=socialmedia-training-l1-IhI1HKJUbic. Social Media is basically people connecting with each other to share resources, thoughts & media.

Social Media is one of the primary channel for Digital Marketing. It brings business & consumers together. You can establish a direct connection and listen to the consumers and make it more of a personal engagement.

Social Media is an important channel to engage with your consumers and to observe and listen to their queries and in the end get conversions.

And above all its FREE!

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing And SEO | Content Marketing Tutorial |Digital Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Since the rise of the term content marketing, there’s been plenty of talk about the end of SEO and its replacement by the ‘new’ discipline. It’s true that many search agencies have since rebranded or have emphasized their content expertise, but this doesn’t mean that content marketing has rendered SEO obsolete. Indeed, the two disciplines should work together, and the use of either has to include both SEO and content if it is to be truly effective online.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Content-SEO-RpWsiJq4mFA&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Content-SEO-RpWsiJq4mFA&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Email Marketing Foundation | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Email Marketing Foundations – Introduction to Email Marketing
Welcome to the foundation series email marketing. This video will helps you to learn

• How email works with your other channels to bring them up
• How to create a loyal, engaged customer
• Email terminology
• how to avoid getting on to Spam lists
• How to grow and maintain the list
• Learn the critical components of an email campaign
• Managing a email campaign and its measurements
• Challenges with email marketing
• Email marketing vs. Other channels
• How email marketing has changed

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #EmailMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Email-marketing-tips-9uyHN4B3JKs&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Email Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/email-marketing-basics-training?utm_campaign=Email-marketing-tips-9uyHN4B3JKs&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Advanced Web Analytics Certification Training | Simplilearn
11 vistas · 5 años hace

Advanced Web Analytics is the science of analysis that focuses on Internet data. It involves the collection, analysis, and data-informed decisions leading to the optimization of an organization's digital ecosystem and supporting business processes. Data from websites, mobile applications, social media, Internet of Things, or third party sources are commonly combined with back-office Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales systems to inform business decisions.
Web Analytics has become an integral part of core business strategies, workflow optimization, and maintaining a competitive edge.

Advanced Web Analytics Certification Training: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/web-analytics-certification-training?utm_campaign=Advanced-Web-Analytics-PbmqH6sPboo&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

This Web Analytics course covers fundamental concepts of analytics and deep dives into web, social, content and mobile analytics common scenarios and covers the popular web analytics tools used by marketers across the major industry domains. Although this course approaches on learning Digital Analytics from a managerial perspective, it will showcase tips and techniques for the most common google web analytics platform and several other relevant tools along the way.

Who should take this course?
This Digital Analytics training module is suitable for professionals who want to learn and specialize in digital analytics to boost their skillsets in the digital marketing industry and beyond. This course is best suited for participants who are:
1. Online Web Analytics Implementers
2. Online Web Analytics Data Reporters
3. Digital Analysts
4. Digital Marketers
5. Managers
6. Web Analytics Certification Aspirants
7. Digital Analytics Certification Aspirants

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction to Social Media Certification Training
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Learn more on Social Media Marketing: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/social-media-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=social-media

Social Media marketing is all about how to increase traffic, promote your brand and protect your online reputation with techniques and strategies on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and many more.

Simplilearn’s Social Media Certification Course enables participants involved with branding, public affairs, marketing communications (internal or external), or community engagement to plan, execute, and assess a comprehensive and effective social media campaign for corporations, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.

Applicable careers include:

Social Media Marketing Manager
Public Relations/ Brand Manager
Blogger/ Social Media Copywriter
Media Relations Representative
Online Community Engagement Manager
Social Media Strategist
Social Media Specialist
Social Media Consultant
Public Affairs Officers

Enroll for Social Media Training here: http://www.simplilearn.com/sales-and-marketing/social-media-certification-training?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=social-media

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction to Web Analytics Certification Training | What is Web Analytics
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Web Analytics is all about tracking and analysing how people use your websites and applications, and improving site performance and marketing campaigns. Simplilearn’s Web Analytics Certification course is aimed at educating and training participants who wish to develop comprehensive expertise in the online marketing discipline of Web Analytics. This course will help participants discover tools to assess visitor behavior on websites.
This course is designed for –

MBA / BBA students who are just stepping into digital analyst space
Entry level professional who has a minimum to moderate level of experience with web analytics data or web analytics tools
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Explore the various features of Web Analytics, multi-channel Analytics and how to use them
Discover how to generate valuable data from internal search analysis and competitive intelligence analysis
Ability to confidently analyse & solve online business problems in the real world
Conduct qualitative research and delivering actionable "data driven" business insights
For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

What is Conversion Optimization | Conversion Optimization Training Video
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Advanced Conversion Optimization Certification Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/conversion-optimization-certification-training?utm_campaign=ConversionOptimization-coursevideos-BO0gKzOMccM&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

In this video, Bryan Eisenberg provides an introduction to Conversion Optimization.Through Conversion Optimization, Bryan teaches you the in's and out's of landing page optimization, its benefits, and the steps to follow to continually improve conversion rates. Learn what it really means to focus on the consumer, and identify opportunities to create a positive online user experience that will motivate them to take action. Because bringing traffic to your site is only half the puzzle. Getting visitors to purchase, register, or otherwise engage is the next step.

In this video you will learn to:
Focus on continually improving your user's experience
Balance your data to make better decisions
Optimize your site for users and test your strategies
Design models and tests for different types of personas
Improve your corporate metabolism and boost profits

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What Is Programmatic Buying | Programmatic Buying Tutorial | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Programmatic media or ad buying is the use of technology to automate and optimize the ad buying process in real-time. Programmatic buying software utilizes data analysis and real-time bidding to maximize ROI for online display, social media advertising, mobile and video campaigns. It is also expanding to traditional TV advertising marketplaces.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Programmatic-Buying-ls4OH9LqsIk&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#programmaticbuying #programmaticbuyingtutorial #programmaticbuyingexplained #programmaticbuyingtraining #programmaticbuyingvideo

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Certification Training | Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a webpage through a search engine by keeping a website’s listing as close to the top of the search engine’s list as possible. This Advanced SEO course will help you develop the skills to use keywords to attract and increase potential viewers to a website.

Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Certification Training: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/search-engine-optimization-seo-certification-training?utm_campaign=Advanced-SEO-W-C9ljvCmvc&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

What are the course objectives?
This advanced SEO course will help professionals develop their SEO skills, including:
1. In-depth knowledge of keyword usage to boost website visibility
2. Attracting organic traffic to the website, boosting visibility and new customers
3. Inner workings of search engines and how to use that knowledge to build effective SEO strategies
4. SEO tips and best practices on link building
5. Building internal and external link structures to optimize visibility and drive traffic

Who should take this course?
This course is beneficial for anyone who wants to become proficient in SEO best practices, particularly these professionals:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Executives
3. Content Writers
4. Marketing and Sales Professionals
5. Management, Engineering, Business, and Communication Graduates
6. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Facebook Advertising Tutorial | Social Media Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

As a social media manager, understanding how to leverage Facebook Ads for your marketing strategy is essential. Facebook Ads can transform your business’s social reach without hurting your budget.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Facebook-Advertising-FyhzuGwVzCk&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Facebook Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Facebook-Advertising-FyhzuGwVzCk&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Social Media And Storytelling | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

If brands want to get the very best out of social media at some point they will have to embrace the art of storytelling. This is a key aspect of a brand’s survival on platforms as diverse as Pinterest and Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Get storytelling right and you will find that more people sign up to your story, your brand.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Story-HZ2BA4RKnsw&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Social Media Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Story-HZ2BA4RKnsw&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Facebook Marketing Tutorial | Social Media Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

With such a large user base, ignoring Facebook really isn’t an option for most marketers. The question is: how do you target all of those users with your marketing? The good news is that the Facebook advertising platform allows you to zero in and specify the type of people you’re looking for. You can target by location, demographics, and interests. In this video, we will show you the basics of how to use Facebook to your advantage.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Networking-O-lFrJa6MrI&utm_medium=Tutorial&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Facebook Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Networking-O-lFrJa6MrI&utm_medium=Tutorial&utm_source=youtube

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud Certification Training | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Simplilearn’s training in Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC) is an ideal package for every aspiring professional who wants to make his or her career in the social media, mobile technology, analytics and cloud computing field. A SMAC professional will be able to enhance relationships with geographically distant enterprises.

Join the course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/smac-certification-training?utm_campaign=Introduction-SMAC-maXj32sSokw&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

YouTube Marketing Tutorial | YouTube Marketing Tips | Digital Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

This YouTube Marketing Tutorial will help you understand what is YouTube marketing and why it is so important for a business. In this video Greg Jarboe also explains steps involved in getting started you YouTbe Marketing journey. This videos explains all the steps involved in setting up a YouTube account and all the YouTube tools that YouTube has to offer us.

This YouTube Marketing Tutorial will explain the topics listed below:

1. About the author / Greg Jarboe ( 0:16 )
2. Importance of Digital Marketing ( 5:02 )
3. YouTube Marketing introduction ( 10:35 )
4. Official YouTube App ( 11:31 )
5. YouTube Video editor ( 12:16 )
6. YouTube Ad builder ( 14:39 )
7. YouTube channel for brands ( 17:30 )
8. Website Traffic ( 26:13 )
9. Conversions ( 28:23 )
10. Return on marketing investment (ROMI) ( 28:50 )

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=YouTube-Marketing-For-Beginners-SWiG7hN8h3A&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of YouTube Marketing and other Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=YouTube-Marketing-For-Beginners-SWiG7hN8h3A&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #YouTubeMarketing

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Twitter Advertising Tutorial | Social Media Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Are you thinking about running Twitter ads? Wondering what your options are? Twitter advertising isn’t difficult to set up, and for a very small amount of money it can provide an additional stream of traffic, customers and revenue.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #TwitterMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Twitter-Advertising-I2VTpOs9XQ0&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Twitter Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Twitter-Advertising-I2VTpOs9XQ0&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Certification Training | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Looking to launch a career in Digital Marketing?

Get a DMCA certification with comprehensive training in all areas of the Digital Marketing discipline.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Simplilearn-Digital-Marketing-certification-training-CGOUafKWVnY&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Simplilearn-Digital-Marketing-certification-training-CGOUafKWVnY&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SMS In Mobile Marketing | Mobile Marketing Tutorial | Digital Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

A lot has been said about the benefits of SMS marketing for the advertiser. The humble SMS or Short Message Service is undoubtedly an excellent strategy for businesses wanting to connect with more customers, via their mobile phones and smartphones. However, this aspect of mobile marketing is not without its downside. It is important that the mobvertiser understands the pros and cons of SMS marketing, before actually entering the field and creating elaborate advertising campaigns.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Mobile-SMS-7fG8hFF0ObM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Mobile Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Mobile-SMS-7fG8hFF0ObM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Basic Terminology | Email Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

Go through the entire video to learn the following terminologies in email marketing:
1. How to collect emails from the website visitors?
2. How does the email server works?
3. What is ESP? Or what is email service provider?
4. Methodologies in sending email
5. How to build email list
6. What is Opt-in, Opt-out, and unsubscribe?
7. What is a Spam?
8. What is a blacklisted email server?
9. What is an open rate?
10. How to increase open rate in email marketing?
11. What is Click through rate?

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Email-marketing-basicterminology-mhlGlUK4vDM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Email Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/email-marketing-basics-training?utm_campaign=Email-marketing-basicterminology-mhlGlUK4vDM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

YouTube Marketing Tutorial | Social Media Marketing Tutorial  For Beginners | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Video is where the web is going. The move toward video has reached critical mass, a tipping point where the momentum will swing and things will all start to speed up. For online and offline Business owners and internet marketers, YouTube Marketing is an essential strategy to take advantage of the web’s massive shift toward video.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #DigitalAnalytics

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=YouTube-Social-PCnDhfapdTE&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of YouTube Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=YouTube-Social-PCnDhfapdTE&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction to Digital Analytics Foundation | Simplilearn
9 vistas · 5 años hace

The Digital Analytics Foundation course helps participants develop a comprehensive knowledge of the various frameworks, tools and techniques pertaining to digital analytics. Participants will learn to track campaign performance, access visitor behavior, and gain the competitive intelligence required to drive continual optimization in their marketing campaigns and improve the online customer experience.

Digital Analytics Foundation Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-analytics-foundation-training-course?utm_campaign=Digital-Analytics-jV_VqB4Oi2k&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Analytics KPI | Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

In digital analytics, KPIs represent how the digital strategy is integrating with the company-wide strategy. First, there must be consensus about the strategic choice of KPIs; everyone should agree on what the KPIs represent, and which interpretations can be attributed to their variations. A KPI (or rather a group of KPIs, as they usually are used in groups) is a kind of language, a generalised way of communicating about the effectiveness of digital projects, and their propensity for success.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #DigitalAnalytics

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Analytics-KPI-DnXr8Yf8M_k&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Analytics and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Analytics-KPI-DnXr8Yf8M_k&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Programmatic Buying Foundation Training | Simplilearn
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Programmatic Buying is the process of automating the buying and selling of advertising media using technology. Programmatic Uses are: Branding, increasing reach and awareness, A specific campaign, retargeting, Lead generation, creating device, channel, and customer specific- campaigns, Develop existing customers

So go through the entire video to learn the following topics:
• Programmatic Media: Display ads or banner ads
• Programmatic channels and custom audience
• How to use videos in programmatic
• Programmatic in Mobile and Apps
• What is advanced targeting
• What is real time advertising

Programmatic Buying Foundation Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/programmatic-buying-training-course?utm_campaign=programmatic-buying-intro-DeEZXwDsLZQ&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Analytics Introduction | Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

This video will help participants develop a comprehensive knowledge of the various frameworks, tools and techniques pertaining to digital analytics. Participants will learn to track campaign performance, access visitor behavior, and gain the competitive intelligence required to drive continual optimization in their marketing campaigns and improve the online customer experience.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #DigitalAnalytics

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Analytics-Intro-upgbtXil10E&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Analytics and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Analytics-Intro-upgbtXil10E&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube


What’s the focus of this Advanced Web Analytics course?

Advanced Web Analytics is the science of analysis that focuses on Internet data. It involves the collection, analysis, and data-informed decisions leading to the optimization of an organization's digital ecosystem and supporting business processes. Data from websites, mobile applications, social media, Internet of Things, or third party sources are commonly combined with back-office Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales systems to inform business decisions.
Web Analytics has become an integral part of core business strategies, workflow optimization, and maintaining a competitive edge.
This Web Analytics course covers fundamental concepts of analytics and deep dives into web, social, content and mobile analytics common scenarios and covers the popular web analytics tools used by marketers across the major industry domains. Although this course approaches on learning Digital Analytics from a managerial perspective, it will showcase tips and techniques for the most common google web analytics platform and several other relevant tools along the way.


What are the course objectives of this Advanced Web Analytics Course?

Advanced Web Analytics training gives participants well-rounded knowledge in digital data analytics, including:
1. How to leverage data from various sources to conduct quantitative and qualitative research, and deliver actionable, data-informed business insights
2. How digital data analytics drives important insights for all aspects of your customer’s life cycle across the entire digital world
3. Uncover and learn about the various analysis capabilities enabled through digital data
4. How to better inform business decisions with rigorous analysis techniques


Who should take this course?

This Digital Analytics training module is suitable for professionals who want to learn and specialize in digital analytics to boost their skillsets in the digital marketing industry and beyond. This course is best suited for participants who are:
1. Online Web Analytics Implementers
2. Online Web Analytics Data Reporters
3. Digital Analysts
4. Digital Marketers
5. Managers
6. Web Analytics Certification Aspirants
7. Digital Analytics Certification Aspirants


For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Google AdWords Professional Certification Training | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

This video will introduce you to Google AdWords and get you started on the path of learning how to use his advertising system. And the objectives as follows,

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
• Understand the basics of paid search advertising
• Know what is search query is
• See how keywords trigger ads to be displayed
• Identify the role of an ad in pay per click (PPC) advertising
• See how keywords trigger ads to displayed
• Learn how to pay for AdWords
• Understand the basic targeting Options

Google AdWords Professional Certification Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/google-adwords-certification-training?utm_campaign=Google-adwords-Intro-eksukspBT1E&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What Is Email Marketing | Email Marketing Tutorial | Digital Marketing Turtorial | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Email Marketing Tutorial, Matt bailey explains the value of Email Marketing, What kind of impact Email Marketing has on the conversions and some Email Marketing Strategies. Email Marketing is all about sending commercial messages to existing or potential customers through e-mail - to promote a product or service, to request business, solicit sales/donations. It helps brands build loyalty, cultivate trust, and increase awareness.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #TwitterMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Email-Intro-H8bGYARw_T8&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Email Marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Email-Intro-H8bGYARw_T8&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO Meta Tags Tutorial | SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

Meta tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; the meta tags don’t appear on the page itself, but only in the page’s code. We all know tags from blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Metatags-SEO-SGZr1da5tH8&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #seotutorial #seotraining #seotips #seometatags

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO Off-Page Optimization Tutorial | Link Building Tutorial | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Offpage optimization refers to all the measures that can be taken outside of the actual website in order to improve its position in search rankings. Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that. In general, off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods beyond website design for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search results.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Offpage-SEO-LRM2wZ3BLG0&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #seotutorial #seotraining #seotips

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To KPI Analysis and Techniques Certification Training | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Simpliearn’s KPI Analysis and Techniques course, emphasis on defining useful metrics which is absolutely necessary for successful analysis of data. Its helps you to know exactly which metrics could be vital and which ones could be exempted from the analysis.

Join the course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/kpi-analysis-and-techniques-training?utm_campaign=Introduction-KPI-Analysis-v8cLipDQS_w&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Opportunity, Options & Benefits Of Web Analytics | Web Analytics Tutorial
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Advanced Web Analytics Certification Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/web-analytics-certification-training?utm_campaign=Web-Analytics-Training-Online-K3VoYweflHc&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

In this video, Web Analytics Evangelist Avinash Kaushik provides an introduction to Web Analytics and covers the opportunity, options and benefits of Web Analytics. Web Analytics is an important piece to the puzzle when it comes to growing your business online. Understanding how visitors get to your website and what they do while they are there are critical components in maximizing your revenues. Gain the basics behind why Web Analytics is important, and start taking advantage of this information immediately.

At the end of this video you will be able to:
Explain why you need Web Analytics
Define Web Analytics and associated concepts
Prioritize Web Analytics tasks for your business

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO On-Page Optimization | SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
14 vistas · 5 años hace

In search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Onpage-SEO-g5vSyPDBtGE&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #seotutorial #seotraining #seotips

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Digital Selling Certified Associate Training | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

This power-packed course is designed to help sales professionals master their digital selling skills and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Get hands-on exposure to modern CRM and sales intelligence tools and learn how to generate better quality prospects, drive faster conversions and generate more customer revenue.

Digital Selling Certified Associate Training: https://www.simplilearn.com/di....gital-marketing/digi

What are the highlights of this course?
1. 5+ hours of high-quality dynamic video learning content
2. 10+ hours of trainer-led virtual classrooms
3. Introduction to tools for online engagement, Sales, CRM, social marketing and analytics
4. Quizzes, case studies, projects and more

Who can enroll for this program?
This course is perfect for professionals who want to advance their careers with a deeper understanding of digital and social sales methodologies and techniques, including:

1. Sales and sales team leads
2. Account and relationship management
3. Consulting
4. Business development

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO Keyword Research | SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Keyword research is when people use keywords to find and research actual search terms that people enter into search engines. The knowledge about these actual search terms can help in content strategy, or marketing plans overall.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Keyword-SEO-f1YFl9w3uWU&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #seotutorial #seotraining #seotips

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert | Digital Marketing Course For Beginners | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Digital Marketing Video, Brad Geddes explains how Digital Marketing is growing day-by-day, Why it is so important for a business to get in to Digital Marketing and also explain how can you become a Digital Marketing Specialist. The Digital Marketing Specialist Masters Program is designed to transform you into a complete digital marketer with expertise across the digital marketing domain. Fast-track your career by following a clear and structured learning path recommended by industry and faculty experts. You’ll receive a holistic understanding of digital marketing and gain advanced expertise in SEO, PPC, Social Media, and Web Analytics. This course will also give you extensive project experience as well as the capability to manage and strategize digital marketing initiatives.

This Digital Maketing video will explain:

1. What does it take to be a successfull Digital Marketer?
2. What is the best way to get there?
3. How to become a Digital Marketing Specialist?
4. Simplilearn Digital Marketing Specialist program

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingSpecialist

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=DMCA-Masters-Program-X27tf3rZJe0&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To learn more about Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Specialist Masters Program: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/advanced-online-marketing-certification-training-bundle?utm_campaign=DMCA-Masters-Program-X27tf3rZJe0&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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About Simplilearn's Digital Marketing Specialist Program:

The program provides access to the 35+ live instructor led batches conducted by multiple expert trainers. You will also get access to highest quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other resources to help you master the complete digital marketing skill set.

After you have completed this program, you will receive a Masters certificate from Simplilearn stating that you have acquired the skill set of a Digital Marketing Specialist, and validating your ability to lead digital marketing efforts in your organization.

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What you will learn from this Digital Marketing Course?

Digital marketing encompasses a range of disciplines, and there is an enormous demand for digital marketers with the right skills. The program provides access to 35+ live instructor-led online classes conducted by multiple expert trainers. You will also get access to highest quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other resources to help you master the complete digital marketing skill set.

This course will help you to:
1. Develop an in-depth understanding of top-of-mind digital marketing functions such as inbound marketing, paid marketing, social media marketing and web analytics.
2. Become competent in planning, managing, and executing integrated multi-channel campaigns
3. Lead digital marketing teams and digital marketing initiatives for your organization
4. Understand how digital marketing disciplines all work together and how to optimize your use of each one

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing Tutorial | Digial Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Content Marketing Tutorial, Brad Geddes defined and Content Marketing and explain the surrounding concepts. He will aos explain why content must be relevant and valuable, Benefits of Content Marketing, Five traits if effective content marketer and describes the overlap among Content Marketing, SEO, and Social Media Marketing.

Content Marketing is aimed at writing articles to build authority and generate inbound links. This is achieved through generating Social Media blog posts, writing LinkedIn articles and creating content for Facebook posts, online journals, magazines, and even digital newspapers.

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #TwitterMarketing

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Content-Intro-qa9xfuSWdu4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Content marketing and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Content-Intro-qa9xfuSWdu4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Analytics Fundamentals | Web Analytics For Beginners | Digital Marketing | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

This Digital Analytics Fundamentals Tutorial will give an introduction to Digital Analytics, introduction to Data Analytics followed by some real life examples.
Digital Analytics is the science of analysis that focuses on Internet data. It involves the collection, analysis, and data-informed decisions leading to the optimization of an organization's digital ecosystem and supporting business processes. Data from websites, mobile applications, social media, Internet of Things, or third party sources are commonly combined with back-office Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales systems to inform business decisions. Digital Analytics has become an integral part of core business strategies, workflow optimization, and maintaining a competitive edge.

This Digital Analytics Tutorial will explain the topics listed below:

-( 00:14 ) Introduction to Digital Analytics
-( 01:31 ) Introduction to Data Analytics
-( 02:04 ) Understanding the 10/90 Rule
-( 03:30 ) Understanding 20/80 Rule
-( 08:48 ) Digital Analytics Continuous Improvement Process and Methodology
-( 15:18 ) Tools, Technology, and Data Integration
-( 17:23 ) Digital Analytics Real-life Example

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

For More Digital Marketing Tutorial videos, check our Digital Marketing tutorial for beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

Digital Marketing Articles: https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Digital-Analytics-Fundamentals-WaDjcajOmUo&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To Gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Analytics and other Digital Marketing concepts, check out Advanced Web Analytics Course: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/web-analytics-certification-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Analytics-Fundamentals-WaDjcajOmUo&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube


What’s the focus of this Advanced Web Analytics course?

Advanced Web Analytics is the science of analysis that focuses on Internet data. It involves the collection, analysis, and data-informed decisions leading to the optimization of an organization's digital ecosystem and supporting business processes. Data from websites, mobile applications, social media, Internet of Things, or third party sources are commonly combined with back-office Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Sales systems to inform business decisions.
Web Analytics has become an integral part of core business strategies, workflow optimization, and maintaining a competitive edge.
This Web Analytics course covers fundamental concepts of analytics and deep dives into web, social, content and mobile analytics common scenarios and covers the popular web analytics tools used by marketers across the major industry domains. Although this course approaches on learning Digital Analytics from a managerial perspective, it will showcase tips and techniques for the most common google web analytics platform and several other relevant tools along the way.


What are the course objectives of this Advanced Web Analytics Course?

Advanced Web Analytics training gives participants well-rounded knowledge in digital data analytics, including:
1. How to leverage data from various sources to conduct quantitative and qualitative research, and deliver actionable, data-informed business insights
2. How digital data analytics drives important insights for all aspects of your customer’s life cycle across the entire digital world
3. Uncover and learn about the various analysis capabilities enabled through digital data
4. How to better inform business decisions with rigorous analysis techniques


Who should take this course?

This Digital Analytics training module is suitable for professionals who want to learn and specialize in digital analytics to boost their skillsets in the digital marketing industry and beyond. This course is best suited for participants who are:
1. Online Web Analytics Implementers
2. Online Web Analytics Data Reporters
3. Digital Analysts
4. Digital Marketers
5. Managers
6. Web Analytics Certification Aspirants
7. Digital Analytics Certification Aspirants


For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn/
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0"

Marketing Automation Tutorial | Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Marketing Automation tutorial Matt Bailey defines What is Marketing automation and the importance of Marketing Automation. Marketing Automation is the use of software and technology to aid sales and marketing by automating simple tasks. It helps you find new customers faster, onboard existing customers, increase customer loyalty & improve communication with a high ROI segment.

This Marketing Automation Tutorial explains the topics listed below:
1. Marketing Automation Definition
2. Marketing tasks which can be automated

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Marketing-Automation-9qfKppGr2Uo&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Marketing-Automation-9qfKppGr2Uo&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Twitter Marketing Tutorial | Twitter Marketing Strategies | Digital Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

This Twitter Marketing Tutorial will help you understand the importance of Twitter Marketing, Why Twitter is the king os Microblogging, app choices and search options available on Twitter. You will also learnt he basics of Social Media Marketing. Growing a real following on Twitter takes more than sending out Tweets whenever your company has a product being released or an upcoming event. It’s about connecting with your target audience and interacting with them. Successful Twitter marketing is powerful. If you can become a pro with this fast paced social networking site, you’ll unlock new opportunities to grow your business online.

In this Twitter Marketing Tutorial You will learn:
1. How Twitter is the king of Microblogging
2. Why people share/ retweet
3. Why and how to establishing clear goals for your twitter social media strategy
4. The various tools which can be used for your specific goal

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Twitter-Marketing-XVy-2rODsFU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Twitter-Marketing-XVy-2rODsFU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #TwitterMarketing

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How to Become A Digital Marketing Expert | Digital Marketing Course For Beginners | Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Digital Marketing Video, Brad Geddes explains how Digital Marketing is growing day-by-day, Why it is so important for a business to get in to Digital Marketing and also explain how can you become a Digital Marketing Specialist. The Digital Marketing Specialist Masters Program is designed to transform you into a complete digital marketer with expertise across the digital marketing domain. Fast-track your career by following a clear and structured learning path recommended by industry and faculty experts. You’ll receive a holistic understanding of digital marketing and gain advanced expertise in SEO, PPC, Social Media, and Web Analytics. This course will also give you extensive project experience as well as the capability to manage and strategize digital marketing initiatives.

This Digital Maketing video will explain:

1. What does it take to be a successfull Digital Marketer?
2. What is the best way to get there?
3. How to become a Digital Marketing Specialist?
4. Simplilearn Digital Marketing Specialist program

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingSpecialist

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=DMCA-Masters-Program-0Uowv0cXWOI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To learn more about Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Specialist Masters Program: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/advanced-online-marketing-certification-training-bundle?utm_campaign=DMCA-Masters-Program-0Uowv0cXWOI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

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About Simplilearn's Digital Marketing Specialist Program:

The program provides access to the 35+ live instructor led batches conducted by multiple expert trainers. You will also get access to highest quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other resources to help you master the complete digital marketing skill set.

After you have completed this program, you will receive a Masters certificate from Simplilearn stating that you have acquired the skill set of a Digital Marketing Specialist, and validating your ability to lead digital marketing efforts in your organization.

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What you will learn from this Digital Marketing Course?

Digital marketing encompasses a range of disciplines, and there is an enormous demand for digital marketers with the right skills. The program provides access to 35+ live instructor-led online classes conducted by multiple expert trainers. You will also get access to highest quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions by experts, and other resources to help you master the complete digital marketing skill set.

This course will help you to:
1. Develop an in-depth understanding of top-of-mind digital marketing functions such as inbound marketing, paid marketing, social media marketing and web analytics.
2. Become competent in planning, managing, and executing integrated multi-channel campaigns
3. Lead digital marketing teams and digital marketing initiatives for your organization
4. Understand how digital marketing disciplines all work together and how to optimize your use of each one

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Mobile Marketing Tutorial | Mobile Marketing Training
6 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video, Jeff Hasen provides an introduction to Mobile Marketing. With Mobile, consumers are plugged in 24/7. For marketers, mobile presents an extraordinary opportunity to create a personal and lasting relationship with consumers.

Throughout this introductory section, discover how mobile has transformed the digital landscape. Whether it be through text messages, through the mobile web, or through mobile apps, consumers are interacting with businesses via mobile. See how you can break into this constant connection by using taking advantage marketing strategies that complement your other digital efforts.

In this video you will learn to:
Identify the critical difference between Mobile Marketing and Mobile Advertising
Explain what constitutes a successful Mobile Marketing program and how to judge its effectiveness
Judge how Mobile can reinvigorate your radio and television advertising
Express how consumer search activities differ on Mobile from PC
Define the three core expectations of Mobile users you must address

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing Strategy | Content Marketing Tutorial | Content Marketing Examples | Simplilearn
9 vistas · 5 años hace

This Content Marketing Tutorial will explain the concept of Content marketing using some case studies. This Content Marketing Tutorial is designed for absolute beginners to make them usdertand the importance of Content Marketing in the current world. Content marketing and social media seem like they were made for each other. There are currently over 2 billion social media users worldwide. Quality content is what makes social media tick. Unfortunately, most brands have a social media voice that is mostly detached from their content marketing strategy.

This Content Marketing Tutorial will explain the topics listed below:

1. How to identify channels matter most to your business (B2B or B2C)
2. Benefits of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
3. What makes content irrestibly sharable

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Content-Platform-z3CEHPsxkwQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Content Marketing and other Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Content-Platform-z3CEHPsxkwQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate #ContentMarketing

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

PPC Tutorial For Beginners | Introduction To Pay Per Click
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Pay Per Click (PPC) Foundations – Introduction to PPC
This video will help you learn, what is PPC often known as Pay per click or paid search even SEM.
With PPC, advertisers can reach the audience they want, and often at the budget they want. It’s one of the most efficient forms of digital marketing, and this video will give the clear explanation of the basics behind this extraordinary channel.

So here are the basic things taught in this lesson:
• How PPC can drive valuable and measurable traffic without wasting valuable advertising spend
• What is paid search or PPC advertising
• Distinguishing the paid search results and organic search results
• Learn how display advertising can complement paid search advertising
• List situation when PPC could benefit a digital marketing strategy
• What is PPC cycle and the multiple steps involved in the PPC cycle
• PPC Use cases
• Advantages of PPC
• Three Rs of PPC

Pay Per Click (PPC) Foundation Course: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/foundation-course-on-pay-per-click-ppc-training?utm_campaign=PPC-foundation-intro-5q341mozB-s&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To PPC Certification Training | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video, Brad Geddes provides an introduction to pay per click (PPC) advertising. Pay-Per-Click advertising enables marketers to target exactly the types of audiences who are interested in their products and services.

At the end of this video you will be able to:
Define the three R's of PPC advertising
Name the e goals of PPC campaigns
Explain the definition of PPC advertising
Benefit from PPC advertising

Advanced Pay Per Click (PPC) Certification Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/pay-per-click-ppc-certification-training?utm_campaign=What-is-Pay-Per-Click-hNDktpZKtLk&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Google Analytics Tutorial For Beginners | Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

This Google Analytics Tutorial will help you in creating a new Google Analytics account following with steps to set up a web tracking code. Google Analytics is a fantastic source of data on website traffic, but proper analysis of Google Analytics can tell you so much more than simply how much traffic your site is getting.

This Google Analytics Tutorial will explain the topics listed below:
1. How to set up a Google Analytics account
2. How to set up a property in Google Analytics account
3. How to set up a web tracking code in Google Analytics account

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Google-Analytics-OJ7D66gUACU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Google Analytics and other Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Google-Analytics-OJ7D66gUACU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Introduction To Web Analytics Certification Training | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

Advanced Web Analytics Certification Training: http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/web-analytics-certification-training?utm_campaign=Web-Analytics-BuEYkI2_b5I&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

Welcome to the web analytics course!! Simplilearn is very excited to cover the basics, when it comes to web analytics in the very first one perhaps is, why you need to do analytics if you're doing anything on the web. In the past, we operated based on assumptions and faith, not on hard data.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Social Media Marketing Strategy | Social Media Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This Social Media Marketing Tutorial will give an overview of pros and cons that you face in executing youe Socoal Media Strategy. This video is designed for absolute Digital Marketing Beginners to help them start a successful Digital Marketing Career.

This Digital Marketing Tutorial will explain the topics listed below:
1. Potential dangers of spreading your social content too thin across multiple channels
2. Pitfalls of isolating content on a single third-party social channel
3. New apprach to social posting that utilizes a blog or a home base
4. Opportunities for more streamlined conversino experiences in existing social campaigns

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Strategy-qbH8jH1gg-g&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Social Media Marketing and other Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Strategy-qbH8jH1gg-g&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Social Media Marketing Tutorial | What is Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This Social Media marketing tutorial is all about how to increase traffic, promote brand and protect online reputation with techniques, strategies on social media sites and some case studies. Below listed topics are explained in this Social Media Marketing Tutorial:

-( 0:41 ) Why is Social Media Marketing
-( 04:28 ) Impact of E-commerce and Social Media
-( 06:43 ) Leveraging Social Media to Meet Needs

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Social Media Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Digital Marketing Articles - https://www.simplilearn.com/resources/digital-marketing?utm_campaign=Social-Media-Marketing-Tutorial-A-XFqDLVA3o&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

To gain in-depth knowledge of Social Media Marketing and other Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Social-Media-Marketing-Tutorial-A-XFqDLVA3o&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO Backlinks Tutorial | SEO Link Building Tutorial | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Backlinks, also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links, are incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Backlinks-SEO-6McePZz4XZM&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #seotutorial #seotraining #seotips #seobacklinkstutorial #seolinkbuildingtutorial

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO Tutorial for Beginners | What Is SEO | SEO Introduction | Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique that helps in increasing the visibility, rankings and relevance of webpages in search engine results.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training (DMCA): https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=DMCA-SEO-5qEbCaEWju0&utm_medium=SC&utm_source=youtube

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #seotutorial #seotraining #seotips

The training will help participants improve the visibility of websites and improve website traffic with proper use of the relevant keywords and other SEO techniques. The course also helps participants stay abreast of the latest best practices in SEO.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

Our courses are tailor-made for a practical learning where the participants can get hands-on experience in the latest and the best of Digital Marketing tools. Additionally, our Digital Marketing course will prepare the learners for the most sought-after certification exams like OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

What are the course objectives?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), Website Conversion Rate Optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.
5. Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.
7. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Content Marketing Strategy | Content Marketing Examples | Content Marketing 2019 | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video, we’ll discuss a few important strategies for content marketing that every marketer should know. Some of the strategies discussed in the video are knowing your audience, creating high-quality content, consistently running a/b tests, conducting a competitor analysis, choosing a suitable content format, choosing a content management system, targeting your audience using emails, using native ads and measuring your content performance. Content marketing is a pull marketing technique of creating and sharing valuable content (such as blogs, videos, articles, etc.) to the target audience. A valuable content solves a problem of the target audience, holds their attention by adding value to their lives and results in converting their interest into purchase. So, let's get started with content marketing strategies.

Below are the topics we'll be discussing in the video:
1. Know your audience
2. Create high-quality content
3. Consistently run A/B tests
4. Conduct a competitor analysis
5. Choose a suitable content format
6. Choose a content management system
7. Target your audience using emails
8. Use native ads
9. Measure your content performance

Subscribe to our channel for more content marketing tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on content Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa9xfuSWdu4&list=PLEiEAq2VkUUKL2lhRWUHiLIlAGcNPiSqD

#ContentMarketingStrategy #ContentMarketingTutorial #ContentMarketing2019 #ContentMarketing #SimplilearnContentMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

What’s the focus of this course?
Content Marketing is aimed at building authority, amplifying the message, acquiring, and retaining the intended audience. Well written Marketing Content helps build the reputation of a trusted advisor.
This Advanced Content Marketing Course trains participants to produce compelling and impressive Marketing Content, concentrating on the vital strategies, tactics, and best practices that a writer needs to create and enhance content marketing efforts. This course also helps participants learn various aspects of planning and executing Content Marketing strategies with greater efficiency and impact, guiding participants to harness the power of words to disseminate information and create impressive marketing content.

What are the course objectives?
- The learning objectives of this Advanced Content Marketing Course are:
- Create interesting and compelling Marketing Content
- Identify Prospects and create an effective Content Marketing Strategy
- Create messaging and appropriate content guidelines
- Learn how to find industry influencers and identify promotional opportunities
- Learn content marketing strategies, tactics, and best practices to produce effective content
- Learn how to develop appropriate content for each type of audience segment
- Create best practices for content across media types, including social media, images, etc.

This course will be of particular interest to professionals in these fields:
- Digital marketing
- Online content planning or writing
- Business development
- Social media and search marketing
- Public relations
- Organizational communication
- Branding

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/content-marketing-certification-training?utm_campaign=Content-Marketing-Strategy-6Oj6GoYrF-s&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Setup Event Tracking In Google Analytics | Event Tracking In Google Analytics | Simplilearn
12 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Google analytics tutorial, we will be learning how to setup event tracking in Google analytics. Event tracking is one of the most important features of Google Analytics. With event tracking, every individual can monitor and record interactions with elements of your website by setting up triggers. In simple words, event tracking can be helpful to measure user engagement on your website. Now let's get started and understand the concept in depth.

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#EventTrackingGoogleAnalytics #HowToSetupEventTrackingInGoogleAnalytics #GoogleAnalyticsTutorial #GoogleAnalyticsSetup #GoogleAnalyticsTrackingSetup #GoogleAnalytics #DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Setup-Event-Tracking-In-Google-Analytics-oQNA8itUXOk&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What Is Digital Marketing? | Introduction To Digital Marketing | Digital Marketing | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This Digital Marketing tutorial video will help you learn why Digital Marketing is important, what is Digital Marketing, what are the different types of Digital Marketing and customer lifecycle in Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is the act of promoting products or services with the help of digital devices or technology. In digital marketing, marketers can promote their campaigns on search engines, social media platforms, emails, mobile apps, etc. Now let's get started and learn digital marketing in details on how can someone use these channels to promote their products.

Below are the topics we will be discussing in the video:
1. Why is Digital Marketing important?
2. What is Digital Marketing?
3. Types of Digital Marketing
4. Customer lifecycle in Digital Marketing

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/what-is-dig

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#WhatIsDigitalMarketing #IntroductionToDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingTutorialForBeginners #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=What-Is-Digital-Marketing-ZVuHLPl69mM&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Set Up Goals In Google Analytics 2019 | Google Analytics Advanced | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This video on how to set up goals in google analytics explains how to collect data to measure business goals in Google Analytics. Understand the process of setting up and configure Google Analytics goals in order to track necessary actions on your site. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that measures and tracks data about your audience and their behavior on your website. With Google Analytics, every individual can set their goals in order to track your website conversions. Now, let us watch the video and gain in-depth knowledge of Google analytics.

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#GoogleAnalyticsGoalsSetUp #HowToSetUpGoalsInGoogleAnalytics #GoogleAnalyticsGoalSetup #DigitalMarketingTutorialForBeginners #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Set-Up-Goals-In-Google-Analytics-2019-BwMcrzP7cPU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Career, Jobs, Resume, Salary, Skills, Roles & Responsibilities | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

In this Digital Marketing video, we'll be covering the different types of careers you can pursue in the field of Digital Marketing. This video will also talk about the responsibilities, skills required and average salaries for each of these job roles. This video also focuses on what the resume of someone who is looking for a role in digital marketing should look like. Let's get started with talking about the different Digital Marketing careers, jobs and resume.

The following roles are explained in the video:
1) Digital Marketing Manager
2) Content Strategist
3) SEO Strategist
4) SEM Specialist
5) Social Media Marketer
6) Email Marketer

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/digital-mar

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#DigitalMarketingCareer #DigitalMarketingJobs #DigitalMarketingResume #DigitalMarketingTutorialForBeginners #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Career-xxH34j9sri0&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Best Digital Marketing Tools | Digital Marketing Tools 2019 | Digital Marketing | Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

In this digital world, there are plenty of online marketing tools that can be used for various business purpose. Each tool requires a contribution of your time and money, and choosing an incorrect tool now and switching to another later can be a hassle. So why not choose the right tool for your business which can help you to increase the growth of your organization. Below are a few essential digital marketing channels and the tools used to drive them:
1. SEO tools
2. Paid marketing tools
3. Email marketing tools
4. Web analytics tools
5. Affiliate marketing tools
6. Social media marketing tools
7. Competitor spying tools

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/best-digita

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#DigitalMarketingTools #DigitalMarketingTools2019 #DigitalMarketingTutorialForBeginners #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Best-Digital-Marketing-Tools-44trTB16YV4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Affiliate Marketing | Affiliate Marketing For Beginners | What Is Affiliate Marketing? | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

This Affiliate Marketing Tutorial will go into the details about what is affiliate marketing, the different components involved in the process, the process of affiliate marketing, some tips for success in affiliate marketing and a live demo using the affiliate network Conversion Junction (also known as CJ). The tutorial also goes into detail about the role of each of the components of the affiliate marketing process. The live demo focuses on how CJ helps the user make the most of the insights, data and the options it provides. Now, let’s get started with understanding Affiliate Marketing:

The below topics are explained in this Affiliate Marketing tutorial:
1) What is Affiliate Marketing?
2) What is the process of Affiliate Marketing?
3) What are the tips for success in Affiliate Marketing?

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/affiliate-m

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#AffiliateMarketing #AffiliateMarketingTutorialForBeginners #WhatIsAffiliateMarketing #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Affiliate-Marketing-x6EbMfFICQU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Become A Digital Marketer | How To Start Career In Digital Marketing In 2019 | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This video on "how to become a digital marketer" will help you understand who is a digital marketer, how to become a digital marketer, salary of a digital marketer and 5 best digital marketing certifications. A digital marketer is responsible for developing and managing marketing campaigns in order to achieve company goals, and he/she also utilizes web analytics tools to measure and optimize campaigns. After watching this video, every individual will be able to understand the concept of becoming a digital marketer.

Below are 7 essential skills that we will be discussing in the video:
1. Who is a digital marketer? (00:20)
2. How to become a digital marketer(1:09)
3. Digital marketer salary (10:41)
4. Digital marketing certification (10:56)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#HowToBecomeADigitalMarketer #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingSalary #DigitalMarketingCareer #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Become-A-Digital-Marketer-8ZOfPh4OwOQ&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Google Display Network Tutorial | Google Display Ads | Google Ads | Digital Marketing | Simplilearn
10 vistas · 5 años hace

This Google Display Network tutorial talks about what the Google Display Network is, how the Google Display Network and the Google Search Network are different from each other, the ad formats provided by the Google Display Network, how you can set up an advertisement and the advantages of using the Google Display Network. This tutorial is designed to emphasize on Google's Display Network and how it can be of assistance to achieve specific marketing goals like remarketing and increasing brand awareness. We also show a practical example that can help understand these concepts better. Now, let's get started with understanding the Google Display Network.

The below topics are explained in this Google Display Network tutorial:
1) What is the Google Display Network? (00:58)
2) Google Display Network vs. Google Search Network (06:51)
3) Google Display Network ad formats (11:19)
4) How to set up an ad on Google Display Network (13:07)
5) Advantages of GDN (30:53)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/google-disp

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#GoogleDisplayNetworkTutorial #GoogleDisplayAds #GoogleAds #RemarketingAdwordsTutorial #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Google-Display-Network-Tutorial-gvOL5zk7q4A&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Mailchimp Tutorial 2019 | Mailchimp Email Marketing | How To Use Mailchimp For Beginner |Simplilearn
8 vistas · 5 años hace

This Mailchimp tutorial will help you understand the basics of using Mailchimp for email marketing. Mailchimp is an email marketing automation software which allows you to develop and manage newsletters, marketing campaigns, customer lists, templates, and many more. It is one of the best email marketing tools in the market. Primarily, it is used extensively by bloggers and small business people as it provides free service up to 2000 subscribers. This tool integrates with WordPress and helps you create HTML templates without the need for coding. Now let us get started with Mailchimp and understand how an email marketing tool works.

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#Mailchimp #MailchimpTutorial2019 #EmailMarketing #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=MailChimp-Tutorial-2019-rSQSvKlZLF4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

YouTube Ads | YouTube Advertising | How To Run YouTube Ads 2019 | YouTube Ads Tutorial | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

This YouTube Ads tutorial explains why YouTube is considered as one of the best places to advertise, what are the different ad formats available for the users, some of the essential metrics you need to know, how you can create your own YouTube advertisement, how you can optimize your ads to make sure they are able to satisfy your marketing goals. This tutorial expands into how users can use Google Ads to create advertisements for YouTube with a practical example. It also talks about the success story of the clothing brand, Superdry, that took advantage of YouTube advertising to create an ad that brought remarkable success to their brand. Now, let’s get started with how you can make the most out of YouTube advertising!

Below topics are explained in this YouTube Ads tutorial:
1. Why is advertising on YouTube a good idea. (01:13)
2. What are the types of YouTube Ads. (06:58)
3. Importance metrics on YouTube. (30:04)
4. How to create a YouTube Ad. (34:55)
5. How can you optimize YouTube Ads. (40:07)
6. Superdry: A YouTube success story. (46:11)

Subscribe to our channel for more tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/youtube-ads

#YouTubeAds #YouTubeAdvertising #HowToRunYouTubeAds #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=YouTube-Ads-mHnN_dhCVt4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=YouTube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Create A YouTube Channel 2019 | How To Start A YouTube Channel For Beginners | Simplilearn
18 vistas · 5 años hace

This video on "How to create a YouTube channel" will help beginners get started with setting up their own YouTube channel. With several YouTube channels being created every day, it is possible for newcomers to have their channels get lost in an endless sea of several others. This video can help prevent that. We’ll walk you through each step of creating a new YouTube channel, how you can upload your first video, how you can customize your channel and much more. We’ll also provide a demo of the YouTube studio dashboard. Now, let’s get started and understand everything you need to know about creating a YouTube channel in 2019.

Below topics are explained in this "How to create a YouTube channel" video:
1. Requirements to create a YouTube channel
2. How to create a new YouTube channel
3. Customizing your YouTube channel
4. How to change channel art and channel icon of your YouTube channel
5. How to upload the first video on to your channel
6. How to change the title, tags, description and thumbnail of the video
7. Demo on YouTube studio dashboard

#HowToCreateAYouTubeChannel #YouTubeChannelTutorial #CreateYouTubeChannel #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-crea

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Create-A-YouTube-Channel-2019-A8GPpETfNuE&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=YouTube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Google Ads | Google Ads Tutorial 2019 | Google AdWords Tutorial 2019 | PPC Advertising | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

This Google Ads tutorial (formerly Google AdWords) talks about what Google Ads actually is, the various formats it provides, where Google shows your ads, how you can create an advertisement through Google Ads, the important metrics you need to track and how you can optimize your ads to ensure they accomplish your marketing goals. This Google Ads tutorial is designed for beginners who want to get started with advertising through Google Ads which is a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) platform. It goes into the details of the many ways Google offers to show your ads, the ease with which you can set up an advertisement and the various ways you can optimize your advertisements so that you can give yourself an upper hand over your competition and so much more. Now, let’s get started with understanding how you can make proper use of Google Ads.

The below topics are explained in this Google Ads tutorial:
1) What are Google Ads? (00:44)
2) What are the various formats in Google Ads? (11:47)
3) Where is Google showing your ads? (20:05)
4) How can you create a Google ad? (33:12)
5) Important metrics to track (43:41)
6) Optimizing your advertisements (53:05)

#GoogleAds #GoogleAdWords #GoogleAdwordsTutorial2019 #GoogleAdsTutorial #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/google-ads-

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email, and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Google-Ads-YkDXgJLpLVI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Google Analytics | Google Analytics Tutorial For Beginners | Google Analytics Setup | Simplilearn
9 vistas · 5 años hace

This Google Analytics tutorial for beginners will help you understand what is Google Analytics, how Google Analytics works, how to set up Google Analytics, how to create a new Google Analytics account, how to set up a property in Google Analytics account, how to set up a reporting view and how to install a tracking code in Google Analytics account for search engine optimization and advertisement purposes. It is a free tool which helps you to analyze the user behavior on your website. It is one the most extensively used web analytics tool which is utilized by marketers to track the activity of users (such as pages per session, session duration, bounce rate, page views, etc.). After watching this video, you will also know how to analyze audience report, acquisition report, and behavior report. Now, let's get started and understand Google Analytics in detail.

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/google-anal

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#GoogleAnalytics #GoogleAnalyticsTutorialForBeginners #GoogleAnalyticsSetUp #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCourse #SimplilearnDMCA #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Google-Analytics-jrNhpd2_auI&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Google Tag Manager | Google Tag Manager Tutorial 2019 | Google Tag Manager Setup | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

This Google Tag Manager tutorial will help you learn what is Google Tag Manager, benefits of Google Tag Manager, how Google Tag Manager works, and finally a demo on how to get started with Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager is a free tool offered by Google that helps every marketer to deploy and track tags on your website. With Google Tag Manager all tags are managed in one place allowing an individual to install tags without manually editing their website code. In short, it is an effective and efficient way to manage our website tracking code with less effort.

Below topics are explained in this Google Tag Manager tutorial:
1. What is Google Tag Manager? (05:22)
2. Benefits of Google Tag Manager (06:19)
3. How Google Tag Manager works (10:07)
4. How to get started with Google Tag Manager (21:38)

#googletagmanager #whatisgoogletagmanager #googletagmanager2019 #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

To access the slides, click this link: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/google-tag-

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Google-Tag-Manager-4PMlwLmSKNU&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Increase Twitter Followers | 20 Tips On How To Get Followers On Twitter 2019 | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This video on "how to increase twitter followers" will take you through 20 tips on how you can gain an upper hand over your competition. The process of increasing your followers isn't a very easy one. You'll need to have an engrossing profile, stay engaged with other famous influencers, stay active with retweets, use relevant hashtags, use relevant images and videos, run contests and giveaways and so much more. If you're unsure about how to grow your presence and followers on Twitter, this is just the video for you!

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-incr

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#howtoincreasetwitterfollowers #twitterfollowers #twitterfollowersfree #increasetwitterfollowers #twitter #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Increase-Twitter-Followers-kLKXnpMLJj4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Course | Digital Marketing Training | Digtial Marketing For Beginners |Simplilearn
9 vistas · 5 años hace

This video on Digital Marketing will give you a brief introduction on "Digital marketing certified associate" course offered by Simplilearn. The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing. Now, let us get started and understand the course offering and how one get benefited from this.

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingforbeginners #learndigitalmarketing #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Course-wUtqAOgfP6c&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Increase Followers On Instagram | 20 Tips To Increase Instagram Followers 2019 | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This tutorial on "how to increase followers on Instagram" will help you understand the top 20 tips used for increasing Instagram followers. However, getting noticed and growing an engaged audience on Instagram is not an easy task. Gaining likes and followers on Instagram help to spread brand awareness and reach potential customers. But, if you are among those marketers who want to know "How to get followers on Instagram?", this video is the best choice for you.

Below are few important tips for your Instagram captions, hashtags, profile, and more, that help you on what to post on Instagram in order to gain more followers and way more visibility in a short period of time.
1: Take advantage of your bio (03:25)
2: Use relevant hashtags for your content (04:57)
3: Post your content at the right time (06:53)
4: Steal followers from your competitors (08:50)
5: Pay for sponsored posts and product reviews (10:24)
6: Use geotags for easier discoverability (11:38)
7: Use Instagram stories to attract followers and grow your
userbase (12:20)
8: Highlight important stories (14:59)
9: Ask for followers (15:51)
10: Take on latest trends to get more followers (17:05)
11: Run contests and giveaways (18:34)
12: Stay consistent with your posts (20:04)
13: Keep track of your Instagram following (21:42)
14: Use Instagram ads (23:41)
15: Create visually attractive and eye-catching advertisements (25:42)
16: Take advantage of Instagram tools (28:19)
17: Develop your own signature style (31:02)
18: Use user engagement to your advantage (32:03)
19: Use high quality images and videos (33:16)
20: Promote your Instagram page on other social media channels (35:08)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

You can access the slides by clicking here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-incr

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#instagramfollowers #instagramfollowersfree #increaseinstagramfollowers #instagram #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-to-Increase-Followers-on-Instagram-ZXgfGnVUwnk&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Start Social Media Marketing | Social Media Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

This social media marketing tutorial will help you learn what social media marketing is, why do we need social media marketing, what are the channels used for SMM and how can you use them, what are the tools for social media marketing and few important tips to become a good social media marketer. Social media was introduced as an easier way to connect with our closed ones. But, now it has turned out to be an affordable and important marketing strategy for businesses of all types. Social media marketing involves increasing website traffic, engagement, brand awareness, and other marketing goals by creating various forms of content for different social media platforms. After watching this video, it will become easier for you to get started with social media marketing.

Also, below are the topics covered in the video:
1. What is social media marketing? (02:17)
2. Why do social media marketing? (03:28)
3. What are the channels used for SMM and how can you use them? (06:13)
4. What are the tools for social media marketing? (43:50)
5. Tips to be a good social media marketer (47:08)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-star

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediamarketingcourse #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Start-Social-Media-Marketing-KEirK5QWgrA&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Increase YouTube Subscribers | How To Get YouTube Subscribers Fast 2019 | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial will help you learn a few important factors that help to increase Youtube subscribers to your channel. In this video, we will discuss how to create an engaging and informative content, how to publish videos frequently on Youtube, easy ways to create and optimize high quality YouTube videos, how to add a subscriber watermark to your videos, few easy ways to engage with your audience and finally some of the important ways to promote videos on different platforms. Now let's look in detail at the top 8 important factors to increase YouTube subscribers for 2019.

Below topics are explained in this YouTube marketing tutorial:
1. Create an engaging and informative content (02:53)
2. Create and publish videos frequently (09:10)
3. Optimize your YouTube videos (11:46)
4. Optimize your YouTube channel (17:49)
5. Create high-quality videos (25:58)
6. Add a subscriber watermark to your videos (31:33)
7. Engage with your audience (32:51)
8. Promote your videos on different platforms (38:40)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-incr

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#HowtoIncreaseYouTubeSubscribers #YouTube #YouTubeSubscribers #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Increase-YouTube-Subscribers-9HJTvh3XAt8&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Rank YouTube Videos | How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast In 2019 | YouTube SEO Tips |Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial will help you learn a few important factors that help your videos to rank #1 on YouTube. In this video, we will discuss how to do YouTube keyword research, how to create high quality videos, the importance of user engagement, how to promote your video content, and a checklist that every individual can use to rank their videos on the first page of video results. If you want your videos to rank high on YouTube, this video is the best choice. Now let's look in detail at the top 4 ranking factors of Youtube for 2019.

Below topics are explained in this YouTube SEO tutorial:
1. YouTube keyword research (02:30)
2. Create high quality videos (23:36)
3. Importance of user engagement (38:38)
4. Promote your content (43:06)
5. Checklist (49:49)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-rank

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#YouTubeSEOTips #YouTubeSEO #seo #seotutorialforbeginners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-To-Rank-YouTube-Videos-NBXC6-9dYfc&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Facebook Ads Tutorial 2019 | How To Run Facebook Ads | Facebook Ads Manager 2019 | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This Facebook ads tutorial will help you understand what are Facebook ads, how to advertise on Facebook, the types of ads that Facebook offers, steps involved in creating a Facebook ad campaign and some do's and dont's of Facebook advertising. This tutorial is designed for beginners who want to get started with Facebook paid marketing. It goes into detail about the various ways Facebook ensures that your advertisement reaches the appropriate audience along with practical examples for the same. You will understand how these marketing features work along with strategizing and managing digital campaigns on Facebook. Now, let us get started and understand each step in the process of Facebook advertising.

Below topics are explained in this Facebook ads tutorial:
1. What are Facebook ads (01:10)
2. Why advertise on Facebook (02:06)
3. What are the types of Facebook ads (06:26)
4. What are the steps to creating a Facebook ad (12:31)
5. The Do's and Don'ts of Facebook Advertising (55:44)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To get access to the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/facebook-ad

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#facebookadvertising #facebookadsmanager #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Facebook-Ads-Tutorial-mMvoA1k_qHA&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Keyword Research | Keyword Research For SEO 2019 | SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
6 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial will explain some of the important ways of finding the right primary and secondary keywords for your website. First, you'll understand why keyword research is important. Second, you'll learn types of keyword research in SEO and a few important ways to do keyword research. Then, you'll come across the Keyword clustering process and finally, you'll learn some of the easiest ways of keyword research using different keyword research tools. Now, let us get started and understand how to do keyword research for SEO.

Below topics are explained in this keyword research tutorial:
1. Why keyword research? (00:33)
2. Types of keyword research (02:52)
3. How to do keyword research (09:24)
4. Alternative suggestions to keyword research (24:21)
5. Keyword clustering (35:46)
6. Tools for keyword research (38:19)

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/keyword-res

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Keyword-Research-RRPuWPtT7YY&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

7 SEO Tips And Tricks - That Actually Work | SEO Tips 2019 | SEO Tutorial For Beginners |Simplilearn
3 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial will explain 7 best SEO tips which can help you to improve your website ranking. This video explains important keyword research tips, on page optimization techniques, strategies to improve your website’s architecture, link building tactics and page speed optimization tricks that anyone can use in order to grow their organic traffic through SEO. If you want your website to rank high on Google, this video is the best choice. Now, let us understand these SEO tips and tricks in detail.

Below topics are explained in this "SEO tips and tricks" video:
1. Opt for smarter ways to do keyword research (00:11)
2. Publish high quality content to get more traffic to your website (11:29)
3. Analyze your meta tags and URL to improve CTR (21:27)
4. Add rich snippets to improve your website’s visibility on SERPs (29:28)
5. Optimize your site structure for a great user experience (33:43)
6. Improve your page speed and reduce the bounce rate (42:17)
7. Build quality links and increase the domain authority of your website (47:37)

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To get access to the slides. click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/7-seo-tips-

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#seo #seotipsandtricks #seotutorialforbeginners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=SEO-Tips-And-Tricks-ZMVVWfiojd4&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

How To Rank #1 On Google | How To Improve Google Ranking | SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial will help you understand the various factors that help you rank #1 on Google which includes keyword research, creating high-quality content, how to optimize the content using on-page elements and website level factors which influence Google ranking and we will also discuss off-site engagement. Everyone wants their website to rank No.1 on Google which will get more traffic to your their website and eventually more sales. But, ranking on Google is not easy. There are a lot of factors that influence this. Now, let us get started and understand the major factors influencing Google ranking in the year 2019.

Below topics are explained in this SEO tutorial:
1. Keyword research (0:03:36)
2. High-quality content (0:18:29)
3. Optimize on-page elements and website factors (0:36:10)
4. Off-site engagement (01:00:49)

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To access the slides, check this link: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/how-to-rank

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills, and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=How-to-Rank-#1-on-Google-atIdSVitWTg&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Learn SEO Step By Step | SEO Tutorial | Advanced SEO 2019 | Simplilearn
5 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial video will help you understand what is SEO, why we need SEO, what is keyword research, how does a search engine work, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, Google algorithms, types of SEO, what is an ideal website architecture, what is local SEO, how to measure your SEO performance, and at the end there will be a short quiz to test your understanding on SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the work that we do to make our websites more prominent in the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The more prominent our web pages are in the search engines, the more visitors and searchers will be exposed to our business information. To some businesses, this is the primary channel for gaining new customers. The ultimate goal is for your company's web pages to appear at the top of the rankings when people search for terms related to your business. It has become a fundamental part of online business prospects and there are several experts and gurus in the field. Now, let us get a deep dive into this video and understand the various concepts of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Below topics are explained in this SEO tutorial:
1. Why SEO? (0:55)
2. What is SEO? (05:35)
3. What is keyword research? (07:24)
4. How does a search engine work? (15:11)
5. On-page SEO (17:56)
6. Off-page SEO (01:05:30)
7. What are Google algorithms? (01:33:00)
8. Types of SEO (01:40:49)
9. Website architecture (01:44:39)
10. Local SEO (01:52:02)
11. How to measure your SEO performance (01:59:42)
12. Quiz (02:16:31)

Subscribe to our channel for more Machine Learning Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

To get access to the slides, click here: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/seo-tutoria

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=SEO-Tutorial-For-Beginners-Qs0_Qu22v4M&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What Is SEO? | What Is SEO And How Does It Work? | SEO Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
16 vistas · 5 años hace

This SEO tutorial video will help you understand what is SEO, why we need SEO, how does Google rank websites, what are the types in SEO and some of the important do's and don'ts in SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique that helps in increasing the visibility, rankings and relevance of web pages in search engine results. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the work that we do to make our websites more prominent in the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The more prominent our web pages are in the search engines, the more visitors and searchers will be exposed to our business information. To some businesses, this is the primary channel for gaining new customers. The ultimate goal is for your company's web pages to appear at the top of the rankings when people search for terms related to your business. However, there is limited real estate on those search engine results pages and a lot of competition for those top spots. Therefore it is very important to ensure your web pages are optimized to maximize your chances to claim those top spots. There are various tools and techniques used to optimize a website which we will be discussing in this video. Now, let us get started and understand what is SEO and why is it so important.

Below topics are explained in this SEO tutorial:
1. Why SEO? (00:54)
2. What is SEO? (04:41)
3. How does Google rank websites? (06:57)
4. Types in SEO (36:02)
5. Do's and Don'ts of SEO (43:41)

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

You can access the slides by clicking this link: https://www.slideshare.net/Sim....plilearn/what-is-seo

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_yMYN19ug&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULa5aOQmO_al2VVmhC-eqeI

#seo #seotutorialforbeginners #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingcourse #digitalmarketingcourse #simplilearndmca #Simplilearndigitalmarketing #simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills, and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation, and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=What-is-SEO-HeeUHugrG5U&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

Digital Marketing Training | Digital Marketing Course | Digital Marketing Tutorial | Simplilearn
7 vistas · 5 años hace

This Digital Marketing Tutorial will give an introduction to Simplilearn Digital Marketing Certified Associate course along with basic concepts of Digital Marketing which will help Digital Marketing beginners to start a successful Digital Marketing career.

Subscribe to Simplilearn channel for more Digital Marketing Tutorials - https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

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To gain in-depth knowledge of Digital Marketing tools and techniques, check our Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training Course : http://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Training-xA_yMYN19ug&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

#DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingCertification #DigitalMarketingCertifiedAssociate

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What are the Digital Marketing Certitied Associate Course objectives?

Whether you’re looking for a new career in digital marketing or just wish to add digital to your existing skillset, the DMCA course will prepare you to become a complete digital marketer and make you industry ready on day one. You will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable you to launch and execute your own digital marketing campaigns. The Digital Marketing course will prepare you for the most sought-after certification exams such as OMCA (OMCP), Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, and Twitter Marketing.

Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) is a course designed by the industry experts to help you get a complete 360-degree knowledge in the digital marketing domain. This course not only ensures that the learners become complete digital marketer but also makes sure that they are industry ready and well-qualified for their next big career move. After taking this course, the learners will acquire the right skills through extensive hands-on practice on a wide range of simulations and projects that will enable them to launch and execute their own Digital Marketing campaigns.

This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
4. Become an expert in Twitter advertising—we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter
5. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

What are the projects and tools included in this Digital Marketing course?

Digital marketing training is incomplete without practical learning. In this course, you will work on four live projects of 10 hours each that will provide you hands-on digital marketing experience. The projects will put you in charge of a website, and you’ll use various digital marketing tools to execute your digital marketing strategy.

Project 1: Google Analytics & SEO: You will set up your business website, ensure proper SEO, and enable Google Analytics to analyze its performance.

Project 2: Google AdWords: You will design a Google AdWords campaign to increase relevant paid search traffic to your website.

Project 3: Facebook Marketing: You will run a Facebook marketing campaign for your website and maintain the Facebook page to ensure brand visibility and engagement.

Project 4: YouTube and Video Marketing: You will run a YouTube marketing campaign for your website and maintain your YouTube channel.

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For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

مصطلحات التسويق الالكتروني | Content Strategy
4 vistas · 5 años hace

مصطلحات التسويق الالكتروني التى نتعامل معها بشكل دائم لا يعرف الكثير معناها و الى ماذا تشير . سنتحدث عن الكثير من هذه المصطلحات التى نراها كثيرآ ولكن لا نعرف ماذا تعنى .

متنسوش تعملوا Subscribe و Share للفيديو

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KPI | مصطلحات التسويق الالكتروني
5 vistas · 5 años hace

مصطلحات التسويق الالكتروني التى نتعامل معها بشكل دائم لا يعرف الكثير معناها و الى ماذا تشير . سنتحدث عن الكثير من هذه المصطلحات التى نراها كثيرآ ولكن لا نعرف ماذا تعنى .

متنسوش تعملوا Subscribe و Share للفيديو

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اتعلم دوت كوم

ادارة حملات الاعلان على الفيس بوك
6 vistas · 5 años hace

الفيسبوك هو أكبر شبكة اجتماعية، مع أكثر من 1.35 بليون مستخدم نشط شهريا. الجميع تقريبا الذي لديه الوصول إلى الإنترنت ويعرف كيفية تشغيل الكمبيوتر لديه حساب الفيسبوك.

و مع التطور المستمر في التحكم في الإعلانات علي الفيسبوك اصبح يقدم مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات الإعلانية التي تتراوح من الإعلان عن موقع الويب الخاص بك إلى صفحتك الفيسبوك، وربما أي نوع من الهدف يمكن أن تتحقق مع الخيارات المختلفة التي يتم تقديمها في الفيسبوك الإعلان و مع خيارات كثيرة تمكنك من انشاء إعلانات أكثر ارتباطًا باهتماماتهم

و كيفية استخدامه في انشاء الحملات الاعلانية و كيفية انشاء جمهور مخصص Power Editor يبدا محمد الشريف بتوضيح انواع الاعلانات علي فيسبوك و كيفية انشاء حملات اعلانية و الخطوات المطلوبة وشرح ال

Mohamed Elsherif explains how to create a new Facebook ad Campaign and how to use the Powereditor and how to create a custom audience.


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et3alem.com | التسويق الأليكترونى .. مقدمة
3 vistas · 5 años hace

في كورس التسويق الإلكتروني توضح شرين بدر مبادئ التسويق الإلكتروني و تساعد كل من يريد أن يبدأ في النجاح في التسويق الإلكتروني.

انضم الان:
الفيس بوك:http://www.facebook.com/et3alemdotcom

et3alem.com | التسويق الأليكترونى .. العوامل المؤثرة فى الـ SEO
3 vistas · 5 años hace

في كورس التسويق الإلكتروني توضح شرين بدر مبادئ التسويق الإلكتروني و تساعد كل من يريد أن يبدأ في النجاح في التسويق الإلكتروني.

انضم الان:
الفيس بوك:http://www.facebook.com/et3alemdotcom

8 vistas · 5 años hace

bulan Agustus 2019
klik http://bit.ly/BONGABN
Like&Follow Facebook FP Bong Affand
Follow Instagram @bong_affand
Ini adalah salah satu cara saya bermain FACEBOOK ADS dengan konsep funneling,
dengan cara ini saya cuma iklan di fb ads sedikit tapi bisa dapat omset ratusan juta rupiah..
Semoga dengan Chanel Bong Affand ini kita bisa bersama-sama Belajar Bisnis Online dengan benar, karna di era digital marketing ini kita harus bisa mengikutinya dan jangan sampai tertinggal, ayo kita biasakan diri untuk kerja online mumpung masih ada kesempatan.

Easy Way To Make $200 A Day With Facebook Ads (Beginner Friendly)
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Video 33 In The 100 Day Challenge : Subscribe for new daily videos DAILY at 8am ➜ https://goo.gl/tnfc02 I
INSTAGRAM = AlexBeckertech1

My Entire Story/What I Do: ➜ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dMUwDCDngo&t=74s

Belajar Facebook Ads Rasa Lokal Hingga Dapat Ratusan Juta Perbulan
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Webinar Belajar Facebook Ads Rasa Lokal. Gabung ke Grup Facebook di http://bit.ly/bisnisforum

The QUICKEST Way to Scale Your Facebook Ads to 6-7 Figures
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Apply For Next Gen Ninjas: https://nextgenninjas.com/apply

Responding to all questions in the comments for the next day!

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE! ► http://bit.ly/tpsubscription

Turning $110.54 into $1,214.57 w/ Facebook Ads - Shopify Dropshipping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc6zTIxEiNg&t=32s

How To Create A Successful Drop-shipping Store in 2019: https://youtu.be/DdHMpZMGi3Q

How I Made $20k In A Day Dropshipping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WGCedr1ed8&t=13s

How To Analyze Your Campaign Data: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzU8U0xvOHQ

Need Quick, Quality, Custom Video Ads?
Go Here ✅ http://bit.ly/dropshipvids

Tools I Use To Build My Businesses:
Own A PowerPixel ►http://bit.ly/tpconnectio
Build Sales Funnels ► http://bit.ly/tpclickfunnels
Start Backend Marketing ► http://bit.ly/tpactivecampaign
Find Winning Products ► http://bit.ly/tpdropshipspy

Message Me Here:
My INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tannerplanes/
My TWITTER: https://twitter.com/tannerplanes
My FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/thetanplan/
My SNAPCHAT: @BOOM .. yes, boom is my username

Disclaimer: Results listed within any of my materials are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors. I am not a lawyer nor accountant so take my advice as you'd like. I cannot guarantee you any results or success, but what I can do is provide with you my experiences to help you minimize your risk and put you on track to becoming your best.

Facebook Ads Beginner to Expert in 1 Video | How to Create Facebook Ads in 2019
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Doubt I can take you from a Facebook Ads Beginner to Expert in 1 Video? Watch Me.

FB Ads are the #1 Way to Grow your Business in 2019.

The Downside? They’re getting EXTREMELY competitive.

In this Video I’ll show you how to create Facebook ads in 2018, and take you from Beginner to Expert while showing you how to destroy the competition with ad strategies I have yet to see anyone use.

What's Next? Follow the steps Below.

1. Subscribe with Notifications On (Or You’ll Likely Miss Out on New Facebook Ad Hacks)

2. Download My Facebook Ad Creation Template: https://docs.google.com/docume....nt/d/1EK6OwkrJKRidev

3. Join the Paid Ads Into Dollars Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/353403668448391

4. See If One of The Following Would Benefit You...

Free 6 Figure Facebook Ads Agency Training: https://www.billywillson.com/yt-free-training

Want Me to Bring Your Business More Customers? Book a Demo Here: https://willsonmedia.co/

Free Demo of My Mentorship Program 6 Figure Agency: https://youtu.be/YeePUSmwjW8

Download My 2-Step Local Business Funnel: https://app.clickfunnels.com/f....unnels/4804023/share

Real Estate Agent/ Agency Owner Running Your Own Ads? I’ll let you steal Mine. Now only available for people that purchase my 6 Figure Agency program which you can get at a discount at the end of this training here: https://www.billywillson.com/yt-free-training

Gym, Studio, or Agency Owner Running Your Ads for Fitness? I’ll let you steal Mine. Now only available for people that purchase my 6 Figure Agency program which you can get at a discount at the end of this training here: https://www.billywillson.com/yt-free-training


Facebook Ads in 2018 | Go From Facebook Ads Beginner to Expert in ONE VIDEO!

Learn to harness the power of Facebook Advertising in 2018 – Go from a COMPLETE BEGINNER to a Facebook Ads EXPERT within a single video!

Facebook Ads for beginners in 2018 – learn from this Facebook Ads tutorial from the basics of Campaigns, Ad Sets, and Ads, to Detailed Targeting and Audience insights for the most detailed targeting!

We learn how to install your pixel, and how to use Pixel events to retarget your audiences based on their actions!

We talk about how to create custom audiences, and lookalike audiences to truly harness the power of Facebook Advertsing to make more Facebook Ads conversion to get more low cost sales for more PROFIT!

How To Use Facebook Ads for Beginners (2019) - Tagalog Tutorial
4 vistas · 5 años hace

FREE Webinar: How To Effectively Sell Your Business Much Faster To Get Unlimited Sales that Doesn't Require Too Much Time and Effort and Being Pushy: http://bit.ly/MySecretsWebinar

The Secret Sponsoring Ebook: http://bit.ly/Sponsoring-Secrets-Book

Over the past 5 years, Ken Baysa mastered the secrets on the internet marketing after experiencing countless failures, frustrations, and rejections on his journey.

His DREAMS is to inspire and help anyone who is serious about becoming an entrepreneur and achieve the impossible.

Join in his mission to uplift the lives of aspiring entrepreneurs and become self-made millionaires regardless of your experience and educational degree.


FREE Registration on our Online Classroom Here: http://bit.ly/OpenmindPH-Register

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/KenBaysa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/kenbaysa
FB: https://www.facebook.com/kenbaysa


GRAB A COPY OF MY SPONSORING SECRETS BOOK HERE: http://bit.ly/Sponsoring-Secrets-Book

[FREE REPORT] - The 20 Common Killer Mistakes in Posting Ads: http://bit.ly/20KillerMistakes

DOTCOM SECRETS Book: http://bit.ly/DotComSecrets-FREEBook

EXPERT SECRETS Book: http://bit.ly/ExpertSecrets-FREEBook

NETWORK MARKETING SECRETS Book: http://bit.ly/NMS-SecretsBook

#KenBaysa #FacebookMarketing #FbAds

From $0 to $10,000/Month w/ Facebook Ads in 30 Days (w/ an Online Store) w/ Adrian Morrison
25 vistas · 5 años hace

Sarah & Adrian reveal 5 Facebook ad scaling tactics - including how Adrian went from $0 to $10k in less than 30 days in his ecom Facebook ad campaign!
►► FREE $10,000/Month ebook: http://wholesaleted.com/4-step
►► From $0 to $100k In 90 Days Registration: [FINISHED & CLOSED - SORRY!]

►► 10 Psychological Buying Triggers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDdgZbQJ1mA


►► How To Make $1 Million In A Year With A Flex Store: https://youtu.be/BXmSOnp5Cvg
►► The 5 Best Businesses To Start in 2019: https://youtu.be/kyOCh1m88UY
►► Secrets To Making $2 Million/Year With Facebook & Dropshipping: https://youtu.be/x3m8cGu-EBk
►► Top 5 Traffic Sources To MAKE SALES: https://youtu.be/imw7RCSuT-4

Adrian Morrison is our special guest, founder of Ecom Success Academy.

►► Follow Sarah's Adventures on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahchrispy/
►► Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wholesaleted/

Hey there - it's me Sarah. Y'know, lots of people say to me, "Sarah - I want to quit my job, I want to be a millionaire too. How can I do that?"

Well, my answer is always the same. You have 3 ways to do that:

1) You can get lucky and win the lottery.
2) You can get lucky, and be born into a wealthy family.
3) You can make your OWN luck, and build a successful business.

Here on this channel, that is what we're dedicated to helping you do. Our videos are packed with actionable advice on how you can start, grow and scale your own successful online business. Subscribe today and start YOUR journey!

How to Create Facebook Ads That WORK in 2019
4 vistas · 5 años hace

In this video I show you how to create Facebook ads that WORK in 2019 and show you how to fix your Facebook Ads all within this 1 video.

Facebook ads are getting more competitive every day so it's important to know how to be the best and stay ahead of your competition and stay as profitable as possible.
Free 6 Figure Social Media Marketing Agency Training: https://www.billywillson.com/yt-free-training
Free Demo of My Mentorship Program 6 Figure Agency: https://youtu.be/YeePUSmwjW8
Want Me to Bring Your Business More Customers? Visit https://WillsonMedia.co
Follow Me On Instagram for More High-Value Content! @BillyWillson

Facebook Ads 2019 Tutorial For Beginners - Create Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaigns
2 vistas · 5 años hace

Check out our Facebook Ads Tutorial 2019. Our Facebook Ads Tutorial For Beginners will show you how to create a Facebook Advertising campaign. When it comes to your Facebook Ads 2019 strategy, you want to make sure you are testing different targeting, different audiences, and reaching the best people who will interact with your business, convert on your website, purchase your products, and become leads for your business. We go over how to install the Facebook Pixel, regardless of the website platform you use. In addition, we cover Facebook Ads Conversion Tracking so you can get the most out of your Facebook Advertising campaigns. Our Facebook Ads Guide is geared towards beginners, so you shouldn't have too much trouble setting up campaigns.

We have some helpful URLs below if you want some additional information. Because of the vast amount of Advertising options that are offered through Facebook Ads Manager, you will have to learn from other sources as well as this video.

Facebook Ads Tutorials Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLCKZKQoSq6y

Create Your Facebook Business Manager: https://www.facebook.com/busin....ess/help/17100773792

Google Tag Manager: https://tagmanager.google.com/

Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/

Video Description:

We get started in our Facebook Business Manager account. You can easily create your business manager by clicking on the URL above. You will need a Facebook Page and a Facebook Ad Account in order to start advertising.

From there, you want to open your Facebook Ads Account and go into Ads Manager. We will show you some methods for installing the Facebook Pixel on your website so you can track conversions and create Retargeting audiences.

When we come back into Facebook Ads Manager, we are going to click on Create to Create a new campaign. I generally create campaigns to drive Conversions for my business. There are plenty of Campaign Objectives you can choose from, including traffic, engagement, video views, and more. Whether you want to get views on a video, App installations, drive sales for an e-commerce website, or simply increase traffic to your website, Facebook can give you an option for your Facebook Ads Campaign.

After you name your campaign, you can set a schedule for when it will run. You can also choose an option for delivery if you want it to be Accelerated. After that, you will start setting up your Ad Sets. You want to first set the proper conversion for your campaign. That is the conversion that Facebook will be optimizing for. Whether you are driving leads or sales, you need to set-up Facebook Ads Conversion Tracking.

We will be using Dynamic Creative for our campaign. It's popular to use different forms of creative, and Facebook allows you to upload multiple images at once and multiple headlines, descriptions, and text so they can dynamically create multiple advertisements. Next, your Facebook Ads Targeting strategy is vital. You can target custom audiences, lookalike audiences, saved audiences, interests, behaviors, demographics, age, gender, location, and more. In addition, you can include or exclude any audience you want, including your Page Connections. There are so many Facebook Ads Targeting options and the only way to know what works for your business is testing.

Some of the questions we answer with our video:

How does FB ads work? How can I use Facebook ads? How do Beginners advertise on Facebook? How do I Master Facebook Marketing?

You need to learn Facebook Advertising slowly over time and test for your brand. It's impossible to learn everything at once, so keep setting up campaigns and trying to drive the most conversions within your budget. You will succeed over time as you create more Facebook Ads campaigns and learning from Facebook Ads Tutorials.

Thanks for checking out our Facebook Ads 2019 Tutorial For Beginners, where we cover targeting, strategy, conversion tracking, and best practices. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section.

I Spent $300 on Facebook Ads to Become Locally Famous. This is What Happened.
4 vistas · 5 años hace

My Name's Billy Willson. I'm a Facebook Ads expert and I spent $300 on Facebook Ads to try and become locally famous. This is what happened.

Inspired by Scott Hilse LOCAL FAME From 1 Facebook Ad: How I Did It: https://youtu.be/C9U1v3wQFFU
Free Demo of My Mentorship Program 6 Figure Agency: https://youtu.be/YeePUSmwjW8
Free 6 Figure Social Media Marketing Agency Training: https://www.billywillson.com/yt-free-training
Want Me to Bring Your Business More Customers? Visit https://WillsonMedia.co
Follow Me On Instagram for More High-Value Content! @BillyWillson

Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work (and How to Make Them Profitable)
4 vistas · 5 años hace

You have amazing product. You have amazing service. You go out there, you run some ads on Facebook because that's what everyone is doing, but you find yourself just spending all this money. No one cares about your ads. They're not clicking on it. And if you do get some clicks, none of them convert into customers. Why could this be? Today I'm going to share with you why your Facebook ads don't work and how you can make them profitable.

6 Facebook Ads Tools and Strategies to Beat Your Competition in 2019 [video]: https://youtu.be/Qt5aL_MBS7A

3 Lessons Learned From Spending Over $400k on Facebook Ads [video]: https://youtu.be/4WJXohHyRT8

There's a few things that you need to do to ensure that your Facebook ads are going to work and they're going to be profitable.

Number one. Make sure you're not just sending traffic to cold audiences.

See, a lot of people want to go out there and just be like, "Let me go find random people based on some interests and target them and get them to buy."

I'm not saying you can't make that work. It is hard.

But what you should just start off with is let me re-market all my existing audience and get them to buy. Let me show my ad on Facebook, bring them back to my site, get them to buy.

Let me do things that create a lookalike audience and find all the other people who are relevant, very relevant, right?

Because you could do lookalike audience on Facebook. You want to ideally pick 1%. And then find all the other people that you should be targeting because those buyers are similar to the ones that are like your audience, and Facebook will figure that out for you.

If you're targeting those people, it'll help you generate more sales.

Here's the next tip. You need to spend enough when you're testing things out.

When you start off with Facebook ads, spend $100, and you can't make things work.

And this is why I ask you how much do you spend on Facebook ads? Well, if you're not spending enough to get the ball rolling, you're not really going to get ROI.

And on the flip side, you could be like it used to work, but now that we scaled up our campaigns to 10, 20, $30,000, it's not working.

Well, when it comes to budgets in Facebook, it's all about spending the right amount. You got to spend enough to test to figure out the audiences that work, the messaging, the ads.

For that reason, you got to gradually increase what you're spending.

The next thing you got to do is you need to re-market all the people that almost bought or almost signed up. And here's what I mean by this. You got a checkout page. Someone has all these products to their checkout page, but they don't buy.

Well, you should show on what it's like to be a customer through a video re-marketing ad, not just on Facebook, you should also do that on YouTube.

That converts extremely well. Another thing that you'll find is hey, your copy may not be doing well.

Why is that? Well, your copy, your ads, f you just create it, you can't always just expect it to randomly do well.

You have to see what's working on for other people. Facebook has an Ad library. Check out their library.

It shows you all the other ads in your space. If you can see that people are spending a lot on ads that are competitors, they have specific messaging, you know it's working really well for them, and there's a good shot that if you do something similar, it may work for you as well.

You can use tools like ClickFunnels. You can end up looking at your competitors' funnels because through Facebook's library, you can see all their ads.

Click over to their landing pages, see what their funnel looks like, and if you see two or three of your competitors using a specific funnel, specific sequences, with upsells, downsells, specific type of copy, you now know that, hey, this is the stuff that works really well in my space.

Now, before we end this video, I do want to give you one final tip.

I found through all my testing, video ads tend to perform better than text-based and image-based ads. Use videos. Don't just optimize for a click.

If someone spends time watching a video like two, three, four minutes, and then you get them, you make it fewer people to your site, but more of those people will end up converting.

So don't just optimize for a click, optimize for a sale. That sale should be at the end of your funnel, right?

You're looking at tracking revenue. How much are you spending? How much money you're making? It shouldn't be hey, I spent all this money, how many clicks I'm getting?

Clicks don't matter. Sales matter. You optimize for revenue or leads.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#FacebookAds #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

The Power of Facebook Advertising Explained for 2019
2 vistas · 5 años hace

Ever heard of Wish? The shopping app?

Wish is an app started by engineers who worked at Google on the AdWords product.

They’re doing billions of dollars in sales … and I genuinely believe they’re the only conceivable threat to Amazon today.

How’d they do it?

They spent nearly 100% of their money on Facebook and Instagram advertising.

In this video, I talk more about how to run ads on social, building brand, and the bigger mistakes most companies are making on Facebook.

In my full keynote, I talk about Facebook advertising strategies companies can use to win in a 2019 world: https://garyvee.com/facebookkeynotefull

What’s one brand that you think is really crushing it on social? Leave your answers in the comments below.

If you haven't joined my #FirstInLine community, you need to jump on it ASAP! By joining #FirstInLine, my messaging program, you get details on exclusive giveaways that I'm doing, updates regarding my keynotes/conferences, and more ;) You can join here:

Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with the daily videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ ;).

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Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the company’s 4 locations.

In addition to VaynerMedia, VaynerX also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men's lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy.

Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

Gary is a highly sought after public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, as well as a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.

Gary is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world, as well the host of The GaryVee Audio Experience, a top 100 global podcast, and host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show which can be found on both YouTube and Facebook.

Gary also appeared as judge in Apple’s first original series “Planet of the Apps” alongside Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba and Will.i.am.

Check out my Alexa skill!:

Follow Me Online Here:

2nd YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/askgaryvee
Instagram: http://instagram.com/garyvee
Facebook: http://facebook.com/gary
Facebook Watch: http://facebook.com/garyvee
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garyvaynerchuk/
Snapchat: http://snapchat.com/add/garyvee
Website: http://garyvaynerchuk.com
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/garyvee/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/garyvee
Medium: http://medium.com/@garyvee
Podcast: http://garyvaynerchuk.com/podcast
Wine Library: http://winelibrary.com
Official Merchandise: http://garyveeshop.com

Subscribe to my VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and weekly giveaways here: http://garyvee.com/GARYVIP

How To Create A Facebook AD 2019 - From Start To Finish
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Learn more: https://www.theundergroundsecrets.com/
In this video, I cover exactly how to create a Facebook ad in 2018. With no prior experience required, you can easily get your sponsored message up and running without being a professional marketer.

An up to date video covering a lot more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_UYR6MWL6c&t=1295s

Consider subscribing: https://www.youtube.com/user/MegaGangChucks

Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/develomark/

Creating a Facebook AD has it's three stages:

- The Facebook business manager set up
- Hyper-targeting your audience
- Facebook ads content

Facebook's business manager:

Head over to business.facebook.com and register for your free business manager account. From here, you should be able to advertise with your fan pages under your brand.

This is extremely important to note as you may be an agency (like myself) managing multiple client accounts.

Targeting your audience:

Once your account is created, you're going to create an ad with the following objectives in the business manager. These objectives are:

- traffic
- engagement
- video views
- lead form

And much more. These are the commonly used ones. Although this is dependent on your goal, choose one that suits your marketing objectives.

Once you choose your objective, you should now choose exactly what targeting you want. You can target users based on:

- behaviors
- Interests
- Demographics

These are generally the options you'll have when targeting. Once you have your audience targeted properly, you'll then have the ability to display a photo or a video to your audience.

I hope this guide has helped you tremendously, here are some other videos regarding Facebook that may help you:


أساسيات التسويق الرقمي: يعني إيه تسويق رقمي Digital Marketing
3 vistas · 5 años hace

تقدر تشوف الدبلومة الكاملة في التسويق الرقمي (12 كورس في 1) من هنا:

الدورات التدريبية متاحة للمشاهدة بشكل دائم الآن على موقع Udemy

بنقدم لكم دبلومة متكاملة في #التسويق الرقمي Digital Marketing (أونلاين)

= تفاصيل الدبلومة:

- أكتر من 30 ساعة تدريبية مقسمة على 12 كورسات أونلاين

- بنشرح في الدبلومة التقنيات والأدوات الرئيسية لأي مسوق رقمي:

أساسيات التسويق الرقمي Digital Marketing Foundation

دراسة وبحث السوق على الإنترنت Online Market Research

الخطة التسويقية على الإنترنت Online Marketing Planning

تصميم وتطوير مواقع الإنترنت للمسوقين Web Design & Development for Marketers

تسويق وتهيئة محركات البحث SEO / SEM

تسويق مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي Social Media Marketing

التسويق بالبريد الإلكتروني Email Marketing

التسويق بالهاتف المحمول Mobile Marketing

صناعة وتسويق المحتوى الرقمي Content Marketing

الإعلانات على الإنترنت Online Advertising

إدارة المجتمع الرقمي Community Management

تحليل البيانات وقياس النتائج على الإنترنت Web Analytics

- بيكون عندنا جروب على #فيسبوك وواتس آب عشان لو حد عنده أي تساؤل

للتواصل: +201066709959

لا تنسى متابعة تقني على فيسبوك وانستجرام

#تقني | #معلومة_مفيدة_وقت_قليل

حل الاختبار النهائي لشهادة جوجل في اساسيات التسويق الرقمي Digital Marketing
18 vistas · 5 años hace

يتناول هذا الفيديو شرح كيفية حل الاختبار النهائي لشهادة جوجل في اساسيات التسويق الرقمي Digital Marketing certification للحصول على اعلي الدرجات
رابط امتحانات شهادة جوجل في اسياسيات التسويق الرقمي Google Digital Marketing Certifications
رابط جوجل للتدريب و الاختبارات

أول شاب سوري يحصل على شهادة التسويق الرقمي من جوجل | و كيف تحصل عليها أنت بالمجان!
16 vistas · 5 años hace

أحببت أن أشارككم في هذه الحلقة فرحتي في الحصول على شهادة التسويق الرقمي من جوجل كوني أعتبر أول شاب في سوريا يحصل على هذه الشهادة من جوجل.

للولوج إلى الموقع و باقي المعلومات: http://tech10-short.blogspot.c....om/p/go.html?url=aHR

لا تنسوا وضع اللايك و الإشتراك في القناة ^_^


صفحتنا على الفيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/technical10.net
صفحتي الرسمية: https://www.facebook.com/subhi.dory
حسابي الشخصي: https://www.facebook.com/Subhi.Dory.15
قناتنا على التيليجرام: https://telegram.me/technical10net
حسابنا على تويتر: https://twitter.com/Subhi_Dory
موقعنا الإلكتروني: http://www.technical10.net

كيف تضع خطة تسويق الكتروني| أساسيات التسويق الرقمي | ماتريكس219
1 vistas · 5 años hace

كيف تضع خطة تسويق الكتروني | منذ أيام كنت أتواصل مع أحد المؤسسات للحصول علي فرصة عمل كمسوق الكتروني. ولكني فوجئت بأن المهمه المطلوبة هي تسويق بالعمولة وليست خطة تسويقية. ومن هنا جائتني فكرة هذا الفيديو لتوضيح أساسيات التسويق الالكتروني والفرق بين خطة التسويق والتسويق بالعمولة.
يمكنك قراءة المقال كاملا من خلال الرابط : http://wp.me/p6OaPN-13w
رابط الفيديو السابق | التسويق الالكتروني وعلاقته بالهندسة الاجتماعية:
أساسيات التسويق الالكتروني :
» تنبيه: كل ما يتم نشره في القناة هو بهدف نشر الوعي التقني ويُحظر استخدامه بأي شكل من الأشكال في أعمال غير قانونية أو غير مشروعه. وأحيانآ في الحلقات يتم استخدام كلمة "انا" المقصود بها هنا هو تقمص دور الهاكر او التقني لايصال المعلومة ولا يعني أبدآ قيام منشئ المحتوي بممارسة أي عمل أو نشاط مرتبط بمحتوي الحلقة.

» تابعوا نا من خلال الاشتراك في القناة | https://goo.gl/4x79VU

» تابعونا على :-
• موقعنا الالكتروني | http://www.matrix219.com
• المدونة الالكترونية | http://www.matrix219.com/eg
• صفحة الفيس بوك | https://www.facebook.com/Matrix219
• تويتر | https://twitter.com/matrix219ts
• جوجل بلس | http://goo.gl/3c6hsD
• Pinterest | https://www.pinterest.com/Matrix219

• شارك برأيك في التعليقات، ولو عجبك الفيديو ماتنساش اللايك والشير ? ? ?
شكرا لمتابعتكم
» ماتريكس .. معآ نستطيع أن نصنع التغيير.
أول قناة مصرية تقنية متخصصة في أمن المعلومات والكشف عن أسرار الهاكرز والهندسة الاجتماعية.

أرشيف الحلقات السابقة :
ازاي تكون هاكر حقيقي :
للمبتدئين: كيف تحصل علي حساب أدسنس وتجني أرباحك من اليوتيوب وبلوجر :
حتشتغل أيه بعد ما تتخرج :
الابتزاز الالكتروني من خلال الاغراء الجنسي في الفيس بوك :
خدعة فيس بوك والربح من سوني :
أهم 14 نصيحة للنجاح في اليوتيوب :
ابدأ مشروعك الآن واربح من الانترنت:
أسرار الربح من اليوتيوب :
عرض لنموذج اختراق استراتيجي :
خدعة فيس بوك والر[ح من سوني :
خدعة أدسنس والربح من الانترنت :
اختبار اختراق سيمو لايف للمرة الثانية :
الفيديو الأخير عن سيمو لايف :
تهيئة محركات البحث | أون بيج سيو :
حكايتي مع سيمو لايف | مذكرات هكر :
أساليب التسويق الالكتروني :
كيف تضع خطة تسويق الكتروني :
الهندسة الاجتماعية للاختراق :
خفايا وأسرار البحث في جوجل :
كيفية عمل ايميل علي جوجل واختيار كلمة سر غير قابلة للسرقة :
طريقة تفعيل حساب أدسنس وتأكيد العنوان :
اختبار اختراق لمجموعة سمايا القابضة :
اختبار اختراق لموقع صحاري نت :
اختبار اختراق لشركة هيونداي :

Les 3 piliers d'une stratégie de marketing digital (#2 #BeMagnetic)
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Quels sont les piliers d'une stratégie marketing digital réussie ? Et dans quel ordre faut-il mettre en place les différentes actions ?

Ce 2ème épisode de la série #BeMagnetic animé par Hervé Schluraff de Magnetic Way vous donne les clés pour mieux maîtriser les tactiques du digital :

01:15 : Comment attirer vos prospects ?
03:55 : Comment convertir vos visiteurs en prospects ?
06:50 : Comment augmenter votre audience ?

Pour télécharger le guide pour perfectionner votre plan marketing : https://www.magneticway.com/lp....-guide-pratique-plan

Pour en savoir plus sur l'agence Magnetic Way, c'est par ici :

Web : https://www.magneticway.com/
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/magneticway
Twitter : https://twitter.com/magneticway

أقوي  10 شهادات في التسويق الرقمي عالمياً على الانترنت مجانا ًDigital Marketing Certifications
17 vistas · 5 años hace

يتناول هذا الفيديو شرح اهم شهادات عالمية في التسويق الرقمي يمكن الحصول عليها مجانا و لاول مرة من خلال الروابط التالية :-
1- شهادة جوجل في اسياسيات التسويق الرقمي Google Digital Marketing Certifications
رابط جوجل للتدريب و الاختبارات


2- شهادة جوجل ادووردز Google AdWords Certification


3- شهادة التحليل الرقمي Google Analytics Certification


4- شهادة التسويق في الفيسبوك Facebook Blueprint


5- شهادة تويتر للتسويق Twitter Flight School


6- شهادة اعلانات بينج Bing Ads Certification


7- شهادة المحتوي التسويقي Hubspot Content Marketing Certification


8- شهادة Hubspot Inbound Marketing


9- شهادة التسويق بالبريد الالكتروني Email Marketing Certification


10- شهادة اسياسيات السيو SEO Fundamentals



جلسة نقاش يوم التسويق الرقمي | حاتم الكاملي، معتز حجاج، سعود الهواوي، عبدالرحمن سعود | #ملتقى_تقنية
17 vistas · 5 años hace

جلسة نقاش ثرية بالمعلومات والتجارب والإجابات على التساؤلات المتعلقة بالتسويق الرقمي في المنطقة، شارك بها الضيوف:
- حاتم الكاملي / مؤسس iClick ومستشار التسويق والتحليل الرقمي
- معتز حجاج / الرئيس التنفيذي في Chess Tag
- سعود الهواوي / مؤسس موقع عالم التقنية
- عبدالرحمن سعود / الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات في بصمات
وقام بإدارتها:
- خالد العريفي / مدير القطاع الرقمي في صلة الرياضية

(أخر تحديث 16/12/2018) اجابة الاختبار النهائي ( أساسيات التسويق الرقمي ) من مهارات من جوجل
16 vistas · 5 años hace

اذا تريد المساعدة تواصل معي من خلال الايميل :

شارك بودكاست I أسرار التسويق الرقمي مع حاتم الكاملي - مؤسس العديد من الشركات التقنية
6 vistas · 5 años hace

في ثاني حلقات شارك بودكاست استضفنا أ.حاتم الكاملي مؤسس عدد من الشركات والمشاريع الرقمية حديث متنوع عن التسويق الرقمي وأهميته في تسويق المنتجات والخدمات في السوق المحلي والعالمي*
للاشتراك في البودكاست :
- اليوتيوب :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDkg...
- الساوندكلاود : https://soundcloud.com/sharikhub

* ماهو شارك بودكاست ؟
هو سلسلة حلقات تستعرض تجارب أبرز المشاريع الناشئة ونتحدث معهم حول أبرز العقبات والتحديات وكيفية تجاوزها، وعن قصص النجاحات والفشل وأسبابها.
البودكاست يأتيكم كأحد منتجات مساحة شارك هب التابعة لشركة سمت، وهي مساحة عمل مشتركة بمدينة الخبر.
تويتر : https://twitter.com/sharikhub
انستقرام : https://www.instagram.com/sharikhub/
تليجرام :https://t.me/sharikhub
الموقع الالكتروني : http://sharik-hub.com
"شارك بودكاست " من اعداد وتقديم عويّد السبيعي
تويتر : https://twitter.com/owaid_subaei
انستقرام: https://www.instagram.com/owaid_subaei/
تليجرام : https://t.me/owaid_subaei

Digital Marketing workshop Part#1
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Course Outline:

Introduction to digital marketing
Evolution of web
Importance of digital marketing nowadays
Content marketing strategy and tactics
Digital strategy building blocks
Introduction to digital marketing tools:
Google Analytics
Google Adwords- (hands-on practice)
Search Engine Optimization
Email Marketing- (hands-on practice)
Facebook Advertising- (hands-on practice)

1/4 التسويق الرقمي | مدخل ومصطلحات
21 vistas · 5 años hace

الجزء الأول من سلسلة مدخل إلى التسويق الرقمي، شاهد جميع الفيديوهات على الرابط

بيبرس أوغرلي، مدرب ومختص في مجال التسويق الرقمي، تعرف على سيرته الذاتية على

التسويق الرقمي لغة العصر - المنتور.نت | Digital The New Marketing Era - almentor.net
13 vistas · 5 años hace

ستتعلم مقدمة لأسس التسويق الرقمي. اكتشف كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته، من تاريخ التسويق الرقمي، ومدى تأثيره اليوم، وكيف سيتطور في المستقبل.تعلم الآن على

You will learn an introduction to the basis of digital marketing. Discover all that you need to know, from the history of digital marketing, where does it stand today, and how will it develop in the future.
Learn now on [a]www.almentor.net[/a]

التسويق الرقمي للمشروعات الصغيرة (الحلقة ١)
3 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق بشكل عام و التسويق الرقمي بشكل خاص يعتبر من أهم مقومات النجاح للمشروع او حتى للعمل المستقل.
في هذه السلسلة سنتعرف على كل ما هو جديد و حديث في التسويق لمساعدتك في التسويق لمنتجاتك او خدماتك او حتى افكارك.

عبد الرحمن سليم ومحمد طحان يتحدثان عن خطة التسويق الرقمي
4 vistas · 5 años hace

تحدث عبد الرحمن سليم - مدير التدريب في شركة أكاديمية فنون التسويق الرقمي ومحمد طحان - المدير الاقليمي لمكتب عمّان خلال برنامج دنيا يا دنيا عن خطة التسويق الرقمي وكيفية اعدادها لتحقيق نتائج أفضل للشركات.

قناة رؤيا الفضائية تجدونها على التردد 12398 عامودي
Nilesat frequency 12398 vertical

تخصص التسويق الرقمي
19 vistas · 5 años hace

تعلم أفضل الممارسات والأدوات لتحقيق التواجد الصحيح عبر الانترنت.

تخصص التسويق الرقمي يحتوي على ٣ دورات هي:
التحسين لمحركات البحث SEO
التحليل الرقمي
التواجد الرقمي الصحيح
سجل مجاناً الآن: http://bit.ly/31rdYza

Tutoriel marketing digital / Cours marketing digital (web marketing tuto)
9 vistas · 5 años hace

Ce tutoriel marketing digital vous donne les étapes clés du webmarketing.

Dans ce cours de marketing digital gratuit, vous découvrirez :

- Tuto Marketing Digital
- La stratégie du marketing internet (aussi nommé webmarketing)
- Tutoriel référencement organique (SEO)
- Le Marketing de contenu
- Le trafic ciblé
- Le Marketing par email
- Les médias sociaux (réseaux sociaux)
- Le Reciblage Marketing ou retargeting

Ce tutoriel webmarketing gratuit (tuto webmarketing) vous donne, en moins de 20 minutes, l'essentiel de tout ce que vous devez savoir en marketing internet aujourd'hui. C'est une véritable formation gratuite au marketing digital.

Abonnez-vous à cette chaîne Youtube ici: https://goo.gl/7G9mVQ

Découvrez plus de 1000 astuces marketing ici : http://www.StrategeMarketing.com
Sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/StrategeMarketingCom/

كورس السوشيال ميديا | خطة التسويق الالكترونى - Digital marketing plan
3 vistas · 5 años hace

كورس السوشيال ميديا اونلاين على اليوتيوب
كورس بنشرح فيه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى
محاضرة بتتكلم عن خطة التسويق الالكترونى digital marketing plan سواء للـ social media او للـ SEO

لينك موقع تحليل صفحات الـ FACEBOOK

مواقع تحليل المواقع لتحليل مواقع المنافسين


لينك اداة موقع MOZ لتحليل الدومين والصفحه الرئيسيه للموقع

للتواصل مباشرة مع المدرب محمد عبد الفتاح عن طريق الفيسبوك https://www.facebook.com/mohamed.elahlawy.10

الصفحه الرسميه للمدرب محمد عبدالفتاح

التسويق الالكتروني
كلام بزنس l التسويق الرقمي أقل تكلفة لتحقيق مبيعات أكثر
6 vistas · 5 años hace

– تقديم عادل بارباع

ضيف الحلقة / نهى مرشد

خبيرة تسويق رقمي

أساسيات التسويق الالكتروني SMM | Matrix219
6 vistas · 5 años hace

في هذه الماده ناقشت اساسيات التسويق الالكتروني في قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي
Social Media Marketing
وقد ناقشت في هذا الفيديو التعريفات والمصطلحات الأساسية في التسويق من خلال قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي :
وكذلك علاقة التسويق الالكتروني بعلم النفس وعلم الاجتماع وأساليب الهندسة الاجتماعية في الاختراق.
» تنبيه: كل ما يتم نشره في القناة هو بهدف نشر الوعي التقني ويُحظر استخدامه بأي شكل من الأشكال في أعمال غير قانونية أو غير مشروعه. وأحيانآ في الحلقات يتم استخدام كلمة "انا" المقصود بها هنا هو تقمص دور الهاكر او التقني لايصال المعلومة ولا يعني أبدآ قيام منشئ المحتوي بممارسة أي عمل أو نشاط مرتبط بمحتوي الحلقة.

» تابعوا نا من خلال الاشتراك في القناة | https://goo.gl/4x79VU

» تابعونا على :-
• موقعنا الالكتروني | http://www.matrix219.com
• المدونة الالكترونية | http://www.matrix219.com/eg
• صفحة الفيس بوك | https://www.facebook.com/Matrix219
• تويتر | https://twitter.com/matrix219ts
• جوجل بلس | http://goo.gl/3c6hsD
• Pinterest | https://www.pinterest.com/Matrix219

• شارك برأيك في التعليقات، ولو عجبك الفيديو ماتنساش اللايك والشير ? ? ?
شكرا لمتابعتكم
» ماتريكس .. معآ نستطيع أن نصنع التغيير.
أول قناة مصرية تقنية متخصصة في أمن المعلومات والكشف عن أسرار الهاكرز والهندسة الاجتماعية.

أرشيف الحلقات السابقة :
ازاي تكون هاكر حقيقي :
للمبتدئين: كيف تحصل علي حساب أدسنس وتجني أرباحك من اليوتيوب وبلوجر :
حتشتغل أيه بعد ما تتخرج :
الابتزاز الالكتروني من خلال الاغراء الجنسي في الفيس بوك :
خدعة فيس بوك والربح من سوني :
أهم 14 نصيحة للنجاح في اليوتيوب :
ابدأ مشروعك الآن واربح من الانترنت:
أسرار الربح من اليوتيوب :
عرض لنموذج اختراق استراتيجي :
خدعة فيس بوك والر[ح من سوني :
خدعة أدسنس والربح من الانترنت :
اختبار اختراق سيمو لايف للمرة الثانية :
الفيديو الأخير عن سيمو لايف :
تهيئة محركات البحث | أون بيج سيو :
حكايتي مع سيمو لايف | مذكرات هكر :
أساليب التسويق الالكتروني :
كيف تضع خطة تسويق الكتروني :
الهندسة الاجتماعية للاختراق :
خفايا وأسرار البحث في جوجل :
كيفية عمل ايميل علي جوجل واختيار كلمة سر غير قابلة للسرقة :
طريقة تفعيل حساب أدسنس وتأكيد العنوان :
اختبار اختراق لمجموعة سمايا القابضة :
اختبار اختراق لموقع صحاري نت :
اختبار اختراق لشركة هيونداي :

المحاضرة الثانية -التسويق الرقمي والتسويق التقليدي -تعلم ديجيتال ماركتنج من الألف للياء مع محمد عزيز
5 vistas · 5 años hace

محتوى الفيديو:
مقارنة مهمة جداً لتوضيح الفروق بين التسويق التقليدي و التسويق الرقمي و كيفية الربط بينهما و استفادة كل منهما من الآخر
الدورة التدريبية كاملة في الديجيتال ماركتينج، تبدأ معك بتعلم قواعد التسويق التقليدي مروراً بتفاصيل التسويق الإلكتروني الحديثة حتى تصل للمستوى المؤهل لسوق العمل
المُحاضر: محمد عزيز
مُحاضر معتمد قدَم محاضرات لدى العديد من الجامعات الدولية بفروعها بالوطن العربي
لديه خبرة أكثر من ١٢ عام بمجال الجرافيكس
قام بإنشاء و إدارة قسم التسويق الرقمي لشركة كيا للسيارات بإحدى دول الخليج العربي
له عدد من الدورات التدريبية المسجلة على يوتيوب و فيسبوك تحت عنوان #بدون_تعقيد
يعمل حالياً كمُحاضر للتسويق الرقمي (ديچيتال ماركتينج) متنقلاً بين دول الخليج العربي

محتوى الدورة التدريبية
1. Traditional VS Digital Marketing
2. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marketing Generations
3. Marketing MIX
4. AIDA Theory
5. Buyer Persona
6. Golden Circle
7. Content Creation key concepts
8. Goals vs Objectives
9. Strategies vs Tactics
10. Unique Selling Proposition
11. Content marketing
12. Social Media marketing
13. e-mail marketing
14. Mobile marketing
15. affiliate marketing
16. Search Engine marketing
17. Search Engine optimization
18. Display Advertising
19. Analytics

تابعوني على فيسبوك

Vlog 157: ماهو الفرق بين التسويق الرقمي والشبكات الاجتماعية؟
4 vistas · 5 años hace

لاجابة التساؤل الذي ينتاب الكثير ولا يسألونه للخوف من انه بديهي
ماهو الفرق بين التسويق الالكتروني والشبكات الاجتماعية ؟
ماهو الفرق بين B2B و B2C ?
مامعنى B2B ؟
مامعنى B2C ؟
هل كل شركات التسويق تقدم خدمة تسويق الكتروني او رقمي ؟

يعنى ايه تسويق رقمي؟ | What's Digital Marketing
9 vistas · 5 años hace

التسويق الرقمى للمجال الطبى - التسويق الطبى

Digital Marketing 101: A Beginner's Guide
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Digital marketing - it really doesn’t have to be that complicated. We’ll go over what digital marketing is (and what it isn’t) and the six main elements that you can learn to master the power of a great digital marketing strategy.

Get access to your free digital marketing resource here → https://livingtoroam.com/digital-marketing-freebie


In this video you’ll learn:
- The three main problems with traditional marketing and how digital marketing solves them all.
- The 6 main elements of digital marketing: Search Engine Optimisation, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Email Marketing. We’ll be diving in deeper into each of these concepts
- Finally, we’ll talk about quantity over quality - What’s more important and why?

1:55 - Is traditional marketing really dead?
5:08 - The 6 sides of our digital marketing Rubik's cube
5:26 - SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
8:35 - SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
10:35 - Content Marketing
12:08 - SMM (Social Media Marketing)
13:22 - Affiliate Marketing
15:48 - Email Marketing
17:50 - Quality vs. Quantity?

Finished watching?

Tell me in the comments below, what questions do you have about using digital marketing to grow your business?

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पार्ट टाइम जॉब के लिए बेस्ट फ्री Digital Marketing Course | free of cost course with certificate.
4 vistas · 5 años hace

Best part-time course for 15+ part-time jobs, learn Digital marketing for free of cost any time at home and free of cost.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Social Media Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Email Marketing
Content Marketing
Mobile marketing
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Thanks for watching this video friend


Digital Marketing Course | Digital Marketing Tutorial For Beginners | Digital Marketing |Simplilearn
4 vistas · 5 años hace

This Digital Marketing course video will go through all the major methods available to market your content. This video covers the different forms of digital marketing available to you, like search engine optimization, content marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, native advertising, email marketing and online PR. This video also focuses on how each of these marketing types work along with some of the popular tools that are used for Digital Marketing with the help of examples and practical demos. So, let's get started and step into the world of Digital Marketing.

Subscribe to our channel for more Digital Marketing tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/S....implilearn?sub_confi

Watch more videos on Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JhjINPwfYQ&list=PLEiEAq2VkUULYYgj13YHUWmRePqiu8Ddy

#DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingForBeginners #DigitalMarketingTools #WhatIsDigitalMarketing #IntroductionToDigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #DigitalMarketingTutorialForBeginners #DigitalMarketing #SimplilearnDMCA #Simplilearn

About Simplilearn Digital Marketing course:
The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed to help you master the essential disciplines in digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, email and mobile marketing. Digital marketing is one of the world’s fastest growing disciplines, and this certification will raise your value in the marketplace and prepare you for a career in digital marketing.

Why learn Digital Marketing?
Businesses and recruiters prefer marketing professionals with genuine knowledge, skills and experience verified by a certification that is accepted across industries. Continuous learning for any working professional is not only important for keeping themselves up to date with the current market trends, but it also helps them expand their array of skill set and become more flexible in the workplace.

What skills will you learn from this Digital Marketing course?
This course will enable you to:
1. Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), website conversion rate optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy
2. Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing
3. Become a virtual digital marketing manager for an e-commerce company with Mimic Pro simulations included in our course. Practice SEO, SEM, Website Conversion Rate Optimization, email marketing and more.
4. Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing
5 Create the right marketing messages tailored for the right audiences
6. Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications

Who should take this Digital Marketing course?
Anyone who is looking to further his or her career in digital marketing should take this course, especially those seeking leadership positions. Any of these roles can benefit from the Digital Marketing Specialist training:
1. Marketing Managers
2. Digital Marketing Specialists
3. Marketing or Sales Professionals
4. Management, Engineering, Business, or Communication Graduates
5. Entrepreneurs or Business Owners
6. Marketing Consultant

Learn more at: https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-certified-associate-training?utm_campaign=Digital-Marketing-Course-kpgerCE095A&utm_medium=Tutorials&utm_source=youtube

For more updates on courses and tips follow us on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Simplilearn
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplilearn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/simplilearn
- Website: https://www.simplilearn.com

Get the Android app: http://bit.ly/1WlVo4u
Get the iOS app: http://apple.co/1HIO5J0

What Is Digital Marketing? And How Does It Work?
10 vistas · 5 años hace

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Digital marketing is one of those terms that’s shrouded in confusion and seems to mean something different to everyone. It’s also been made to seem way more complicated than it actually is, which is a shame really, as it’s really pretty straightforward.

So what is digital marketing? Well, as simple as this is gonna sound, digital marketing is just marketing, using digital tools. And marketing is nothing more than communicating value to your customers. So, digital marketing is therefore communicating value to your customers using digital tools. That’s it.

Traditional VS Digital Marketing

The first thing to do is understand the difference between traditional, and digital marketing. Traditional marketing relies on tools and mediums like the newspaper, radio, TV, magazine, billboards, direct mail, and any form of print really.

Digital on the other hand is made up of tools like search engine marketing, social media, content marketing like blogging, articles, or video creation, email marketing, and online pay per clicks advertising.

When you’re talking about traditional versus digital marketing, you’re talking about the tools more than the strategy behind them. And more accurately, you’re talking about which form of media you’re going to use to communicate your message on, a traditional one, or a digital one?

The Future Of Digital Marketing

As consumer media consumption trends continue to shift dramatically away from traditional and towards more and more digital content, there will be a time in the near future where we no longer refer to it as digital marketing and simply call it what it is. Marketing.

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Snapchat: snapadamerhart

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019 | Neil Patel
5 vistas · 5 años hace

How digital marketing will change in 2019 and what you need to do to strive and succeed in 2019. So, let’s talk about digital marketing. Digital Marketing is going to change in 2019. What’s been working for the last few years is not anymore. These 7 digital marketing tips will ensure you’re on top of your game next year!

Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide:

Read more Digital Marketing tips on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

Tip #1. Omnichannel Approach

Digital Marketing is moving into Omnichannel approach and if you don’t use all of the channels, you’re not going to do as well

Tip #2. Voice Search

If you want to do well in 2019, you need to be leveraging the voice search.

Tip #3. Conversion Optimization

The only way you’re going to stay ahead and compete is through conversion optimization. The more you optimize your landing page, the better off you’re going to be.

Tip #4. Leverage Funnels

Whether you have a physical product, digital product or you’re doing lead generation, you need to track everything from a visitor all the way to a conversion point.

Tip #5. Content Marketing

Content marketing won’t work as easily to get links or shares unless you’re creating amazing content that people haven’t seen before.

Tip #6. Video Content

Video content is the future. People want to engage through video, so you need to leverage video in 2019.

Tip #7. Podcasting

Podcasting is taking over. Podcasting is making it easy for people to listen to your content on the go, on their mobile devices.

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/
Read more on my blog: https://neilpatel.com/blog

#NeilPatel #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing

Is Digital Marketing Oversaturated in 2019?
6 vistas · 5 años hace

Darcy is from GenM, a platform that connects business owners with digital marketing apprentice.
If you want to get a free apprenticeship in digital marketing, sign-up here: http://genm.co/scholarship?utm_campaign=PP&fpr=matthew63

If you want to hire a digital marketing apprentice for $50 per month, sign-up here: https://genm.grsm.io/matttran7578

Join the conversation in the Engineered Truth FB Group: https://Facebook.com/groups/engineeredTruth/

Engineered Truth Apparel:

The Difference Between Digital Marketing and Traditional Advertising
7 vistas · 5 años hace

Nobody, including myself, Is putting out enough content to take full advantage of social media marketing. If you are a business that spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on just one add that you push to everybody on the internet, you are going to lose. Businesses need to start making ads in a much greater volume that are designed for different demographics and even sub-demographics that can relate to a specific ad, instead of one extremely broad message that nobody really connects with.

If you haven't joined my #FirstInLine community, you need to jump on it ASAP! By joining #FirstInLine, my messaging program, you get details on exclusive giveaways that I'm doing, updates regarding my keynotes/conferences, and more ;) You can join here:

Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with the daily videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ ;).

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Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the company’s 4 locations.

In addition to VaynerMedia, VaynerX also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men's lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy.

Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water.

Gary is a highly sought after public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, as well as a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.

Gary is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world, as well the host of The GaryVee Audio Experience, a top 100 global podcast, and host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show which can be found on both YouTube and Facebook.

Gary also appeared as judge in Apple’s first original series “Planet of the Apps” alongside Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba and Will.i.am.

Check out my Alexa skill!:

Follow Me Online Here:

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Official Merchandise: http://garyveeshop.com

Subscribe to my VIP Newsletter for exclusive content and weekly giveaways here: http://garyvee.com/GARYVIP

Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work
13 vistas · 5 años hace

New to the world of digital marketing? Learn 7 digital marketing strategies that actually work to get you more traffic.
Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/AhrefsCom?sub...

Additional Digital Marketing Tutorials and Resources

SEO For Beginners: A Basic Search Engine Optimization Tutorial for Higher Google Rankings

Keyword Research Tutorial

How to Write a Blog Post That Actually Gets Traffic ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kOT39l0omU

YouTube SEO: How to Rank Your Videos #1 ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY3y0V9UDwM


SEO. Blogging. Social media marketing. Content marketing. Email marketing. Video marketing. PPC advertising. And the list goes on...

There are dozens of ways to do online marketing in 2019 that can get you more traffic to your website.

But where do you even start? And which strategy works best for you?

In this digital marketing tutorial, Sam Oh lays out the 7 key strategies that he has personally tried and gotten results with.

These will help you cut through all the noise and focus on the ones that will produce the best results for your website.

An important mindset to adopt while watching this tutorial, is that people are looking for information before they decide to make a purchase.

Being in the mentality to help people solve problems through valuable content will get more people to stop and listen to the message you are bringing across.

The 7 strategies covered in this training include:

1. Blogging with SEO in mind
2. Invest in video content (hint: YouTube)
3. Social media marketing
4. Paid advertising
5. Podcasting
6. Email marketing
7. Forums and community boards

While it may be tempting to do all 7 at once, we encourage you to focus on ONE digital marketing channel before trying the next.

Reap the benefits of marketing on the internet and grow traffic to your business.

Be sure to subscribe for more actionable marketing and SEO tutorials.

Ahrefs ► https://ahrefs.com/
YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/Ahrefs....Com?sub_confirmation
Facebook ►https://www.facebook.com/Ahrefs
Twitter ►https://twitter.com/ahrefs

#digitalmarketing #internetmarketing #onlinemarketing

How to Start A Career in Digital Marketing in 2019 | Digital Marketing Training by Neil Patel
2 vistas · 5 años hace

Today I'm going to share with you how you can start your career in digital marketing in 2019. Digital marketing is exploding. Google makes over 100 billion a year through ads. Facebook's generating over 40 billion a year through ads. If you want to learn digital marketing and jumpstart your career, now is the perfect moment to do so.

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Subscribers: https://subscribers.com/

CrazyEgg: https://www.crazyegg.com/

Here's what the first thing I want you to do: I want you to start your own website.

You need to go out there, create a WordPress blog, or any type of site, I prefer WordPress, but you need to start a site. If it's e-commerce related, start a Shopify site.

The best way to learn marketing is to start your own website.

Step two, take all the competitors you have, if you don't know what they are, you already created that website, and it should be a site that you're passionate about, the industry that you're in. If you don't know any competitors, take those keywords, whatever industry you're in, like astrology, marketing, Google them and you'll find URLs.

Pop them into a tool called UberSuggest. These are all the URLs that are ranking for these keywords you're going after.

This will show you how much traffic your competition is getting per region. It'll also show you the top pages that your competition is getting traffic from, and it shows you all the keywords that are driving traffic to your competition.

Now that you've seen this, the next thing you need to do is click on the top pages report.

The top pages report will show you all the top pages for all your competitors, how many visits are getting to each of those pages, how many social shares do they have, how many backlinks do they have.

And here's what I want you to do next now that you have this data.

Go look at those top pages, figure out which key terms are driving the traffic, have high volume, high cost per click, and a low search difficulty, because these are the ones that are the easiest to go after first, and have the most valuable traffic.

Go look at those pages, then write a better version of that page. Don't just create something that's similar, one up them.

When you've done that, then the next step for you is to promote your content.

So you want to take all the people that linked to your competitors, you've seen that from UberSuggest, it shows you a laundry list of all the people that linked to your competitors, what you want to do is reach out to all those people following the email template I share on this video.

Next I want you to go to Twitter search, type in that URL of your competition, and it'll show you all the people who share that content on Twitter.

Hit them all up, ask them to share your content using the template I'm sharing in this video.

You did that with links, you're now doing that with emails, you're going to get more traffic, as you get more traffic, you'll start getting results.

The next thing I want you to do is to start collecting emails.

It's not just about getting people to your site, it's about building a brand.

You can't build a brand without collecting emails. You can use free tools like Hello Bar, limits sliders, pop-ups, I do that on neilpatel.com, it's a great way to collect more email address, so then when you get people to come back to your site you'll start building a brand.

The next thing I want you to do is to install a free tool called https://subscribers.com/

This leverages push notification. What Subscribers allows you to do is have people subscribe to your site with just one click, and that way you can just keep getting them back to your site
through the browser notifications, has amazing results, especially when you combine that with email.

The last thing I want you to do is to start selling something, whether it's a physical product, a service, doesn't matter, you can do lead generation, you can sell products through affiliate marketing, I just want you to sell something because when you learn to sell, you're learning the full suite of marketing.

It's not just about driving traffic, you need to convert those visitors into customers.

And if you want a bonus tip, this is all you guys who are overachievers, run an AB test. There's a lot of solutions out there like https://www.crazyegg.com/ that allow you to do this, but you can run an AB test to maximize your conversion rate.

Once you've done that, you'll jump start your career into digital marketing.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

►Subscribe: https://goo.gl/ScRTwc to learn more secret SEO tips.
►Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilkpatel/

#NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing

understanding online marketing basics and fundamentals
7 vistas · 5 años hace

understanding online marketing basics and fundamentals. Online marketing moves at the speed of light. To keep up, you need a strong foundation with the judgment to think critically, act independently, and be relentlessly creative.

That’s why we wrote this guide — to empower you with the mental building blocks to stay ahead in an aggressive industry.

There are plenty of guides to marketing. From textbooks to online video tutorials, you can really take your pick. But, we felt that there was something missing — a guide that really starts at the beginning to equip already-intelligent professionals with a healthy balance of strategic and tactical advice. The Beginner’s Guide to Online Marketing closes that gap.