Angry Birds - Lecture 6 - CS50's Introduction to Game Development

Harvard University
Harvard University
5 subscribers

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:02:28 - Lecture Demo
00:05:45 - Sprites
00:08:38 - The World
00:11:32 - Bodies
00:13:13 - Fixtures
00:16:18 - Body Types
00:17:46 - static
00:23:11 - dynamic
00:23:42 - ground
00:28:07 - kinematic
00:35:07 - ballpit
00:38:14 - Mouse Input
00:42:08 - StartState
00:43:51 - Alien
00:50:43 - Obstacle
00:55:43 - Collision Callbacks
00:59:28 - Level
01:13:32 - AlienLaunchMarker
01:29:25 - In Conclusion

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