
7. Resistance

6 Vues· 02 Sep 2019
5 subscribers

For more information about Professor Shankar's book based on the lectures from this course, Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics, visit

Fundamentals of Physics, II (PHYS 201)

Lecture begins with a discussion of electric potential distribution in conductors. Image charges are introduced and exploited. Capacitance is explained in greater detail and illustrated using the parallel plate capacitor. The energy stored in the electric field is derived. The forces acting on an electric current flowing through a conducting wire are examined. The RC circuits and its energetics are discussed. The EMF due to a battery is explained.

00:00 - Chapter 1. Review of Image Charges
28:45 - Chapter 2. The Parellel Plate Capacitor
42:46 - Chapter 3. The Concept of Resistance

Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:

This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

For more information about Professor Shankar's book based on the lectures from this course, Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics, visit

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