The Civil War and Reconstructi.. - YaleCourses

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27. Legacies of the Civil War

13. Terrible Swift Sword: The Period of Confederate Ascendency, 1861-1862

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The Civil War and Reconstruction (HIST 119)

Professor Blight discusses the expectations, advantages, and disadvantages with which North and South entered the Civil War. Both sides, he argues, expected and desired a short, contained conflict. The northern advantages enumerated in this lecture include industrial capability, governmental stability, and a strong navy. Confederate advantages included geography and the ability to fight a defensive war. Professor Blight concludes the lecture with the Battle of Bull Run, the first major engagement of the war.

00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: Alcott's Hospital Sketches and Burns's The Civil War
09:28 - Chapter 2. Expectations on War and the West Point Graduates
20:38 - Chapter 3. Advantages of the Union Military
28:31 - Chapter 4. Tactical Advantages and Political Weaknesses of the South
39:35 - Chapter 5. Battle Strategies and Recruitment for the Two Militaries
46:25 - Chapter 6. The Battle of Bull Run and Conclusion

Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:

This course was recorded in Spring 2008.

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