
12. LCR Circuits—DC Voltage

3 Vues· 02 Sep 2019
5 subscribers

For more information about Professor Shankar's book based on the lectures from this course, Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics, visit

Fundamentals of Physics, II (PHYS 201)

Like capacitors, inductors act as energy storage devices in circuits. The relationship between voltage, inductance and current in a variety of circuits with DC voltages is described.

00:00 - Chapter 1. Review of Inductors
04:46 - Chapter 2. Inductive Circuits
54:18 - Chapter 3. LCR Circuits driven by an Alternating Source

Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:

This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

For more information about Professor Shankar's book based on the lectures from this course, Fundamentals of Physics: Mechanics, Relativity, and Thermodynamics, visit

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