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Improve your British English Pronunciation: The / dʒ / Sound in Jam
17 Views · 5 years ago

In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sound / dʒ /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / dʒ / sound.
We will look at lots of words which have the / dʒ / sound in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the / dʒ / sound correctly.

Improve your British English Pronunciation: The / k / Sound in Key.
18 Views · 5 years ago

In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sound / k /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / k / sound.
We will look at lots of words which have the / k / sound in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the / k / sound correctly.

Improve your British English Pronunciation: The / g / Sound in Gun.
28 Views · 5 years ago

In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sound / g /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / g / sound.
We will look at lots of words which have the / g / sound in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the / g / sound correctly.

Improve Your British English Pronunciation - The / f / in Fan and the / v / in Van
15 Views · 5 years ago

The / f / in Fan and the
/ v / in Van
Pronunciation Activation Pack – 30
Fan / f / Van / v /
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sounds / f / and / v /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / f / and / v / sounds.
We will look at lots of words which have the / f / and / v / sounds in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the / f / and
/ v / sounds correctly.
The / f / and the / v / sound are labiodental fricatives made by disrupting the air flow through a narrow channel formed by the lips and teeth and thereby causing turbulence.
The / f / sound on the chart is shown in blue, which means it is unvoiced, while the / v / sound is shown in green, which means that it is voiced.
Letter Combinations for / f /
This unvoiced labiodental fricative has these combinations:
F, FF,
PH, and GH.
Letter Combinations for / v /
This voiced labiodental fricative is only heard with the letter V.
I fear we’ll veer off the road.
/ ˈaɪ fɪə wil vɪər ɒf ðə rəʊd /
It’s your fault the vault is empty.
/ ɪts jɔː fɔːlt ðə vɔːlt ɪs ˈemp.ti /
The fan in this van is faulty.
/ ðə fæn ɪn ðɪs væn ɪz ˈfɔːl.ti /
Is a phial a vial?
/ ɪz ə ˈfaɪəl ə ˈvaɪəl /
It’s a relief to relieve my cough.
/ ɪts ə rɪ.ˈliːf tə rɪ.ˈliːv maɪ kɒf /
Problems for Students
The biggest problem posed by the / f / and
/ v / sounds comes from the fact that the only difference between the sounds is that of voicing.
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at a set of minimal pairs which differ only in the sounds / f / or / v /.
Resources and Activators
As with all of my English Activation Packs, this Activation Pack has valuable resources to help you activate the language in this lesson.
Download the resources from the link at the top left.
You will also find the Activators at the end of the Pack.
These will give you plenty of exercises to help you make the language in this lesson part of your active vocabulary.
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Improve Your British English Pronunciation - The / θ / in Thumb and the / ð / in Feather
10 Views · 5 years ago

Pronunciation Activation Pack – 31
/ θ / Thumb / ð / Feather
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sounds / θ / and / ð /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / θ / and / ð / sounds.
We will look at lots of words which have the / θ / and / ð / sounds in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the / θ / and
/ ð / sounds correctly.

Improve Your British English Pronunciation - The / s / in Snake and the / z / in Zoo
21 Views · 5 years ago

The / s / in Snake and the
/ z / in Zoo
Pronunciation Activation Pack – 32 / s / Snake / z / Zoo
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sounds / s / and / z /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / s / and / z / sounds.
We will look at lots of words which have the / s / and / z / sounds in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the / s / and
/ z / sounds correctly.

Improve Your British English Pronunciation -The / ʃ / in Ship and the / ʒ / in Genre
33 Views · 5 years ago

The / ʃ / in Ship and the / ʒ / in Genre
Pronunciation Activation Pack – 33
/ ʃ / Ship / ʒ / Genre
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the consonant sounds / ʃ / and / ʒ /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / ʃ / and / ʒ / sounds.
We will look at lots of words which have the / ʃ / and / ʒ / sounds in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the
/ ʃ / and / ʒ / sounds correctly.
The / ʃ / and / ʒ / sounds are palato-alveolar fricatives made by disrupting the air flow by bunching up the tongue against the roof of the mouth.
The / ʃ / sound on the chart is shown in blue, which means it is unvoiced, while the / ʒ / sound is shown in green, which means that it is voiced.
Letter Combinations for / ʃ /
This unvoiced palato-alveolar fricative can have these letter combinations:
TI, SS, SI, SH, SU, SC, CI, CE, CH, and rarely X.
Letter Combinations for / ʒ /
This voiced palato-alveolar fricative can have these letter combinations:
SI, S, SU, ZU, G, GE, and GI.
Schedule a special sabotage mission.
/ ˈʃed.juːl ə ˈspeʃ.l̩ ˈsæ.bə.tɑːʒ ˈmɪʃ.n̩ /
I assure you sheep have a measurable consciousness.
/ ˈaɪ ə.ˈʃɔː ju ʃiːp həv ə ˈme.ʒə.rəb.l̩ ˈkɒn.ʃə.snəs /
I shun chef’s sugary pleasures like blancmange.
/ ˈaɪ ʃʌn ʃefs ˈʃʊ.ɡə.ri ˈple.ʒəz ˈlaɪk blə.ˈmɒnʒ /
A fuchsia is not an allusion to bourgeois luxury.
/ ə ˈfjuː.ʃə ɪz nɒt ən ə.ˈluːʒ.n̩ tə ˈbʊəʒ.wɑː ˈlʌk.ʃə.ri /
The creation of the nation’s first station.
/ ðə kriː.ˈeɪʃ.n̩ əv ðə ˈneɪ.ʃənz ˈfɜːst ˈsteɪʃ.n̩ /
Problems for Students
There are very few words, six in fact, which differ only in the / ʃ / and / ʒ / sounds and, as these are unlikely to cause a problem, we need not concern ourselves with these here.
The main problem is between the two sounds / ʃ / and / tʃ / in words like chip / tʃɪp / and ship / ʃɪp /, and cash / kæʃ / and catch / kætʃ /.
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at minimal pairs differing only in the / ʃ / and / tʃ / sounds.
Resources and Activators
As with all of my English Activation Packs, this Activation Pack has valuable resources to help you activate the language in this lesson.
Download the resources from the link at the top left.
You will also find the Activators at the end of the Pack.
These will give you plenty of exercises to help you make the language in this lesson part of your active vocabulary.
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Improve Your British English Pronunciation - The Nasal Consonants / m n ŋ /
40 Views · 5 years ago

The Nasals / m n ŋ /
Pronunciation Activation Pack – 34
/ m n ŋ /
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at the nasal consonant sounds / m n ŋ /.
We will look at the letter combinations that give the / m n ŋ / sounds.
We will look at lots of words which have the / m n ŋ / sounds in them.
Finally, we will activate your ability to hear and produce the
/ m n ŋ / sounds correctly.
The / m n ŋ / sounds are nasals which means that they resonate sound through the nose when speaking. These sounds are hard to make when your nose is blocked.
The / m n ŋ / each use a different way of obstructing the airflow.
The / m / sound uses both lips.
The / n / sound pushes the tip of the tongue against the hard palate.
The / ŋ / sound bunches the tongue up against the soft palate.
The / m n ŋ / sounds on the chart are shown in green, which means that they are all voiced.
Letter Combinations for / m /
This voiced bilabial nasal can have these letter combinations:
M, and MM.
Letter Combinations for / n /
This voiced alveolar nasal can have these letter combinations:
N, and NN.
Silent N
In a few words, the letter N is not sounded and is known as the Silent N.
The Silent N is usually found in the letter combination MN at the end of words.
Where the M and N are in different syllables, we do say the / n / sound.
Letter Combinations for / ŋ /
This voiced velar nasal is often heard when the letter N is followed by a / k / or / g / sound.
A mantis has no nose nor fingers.
/ ə ˈmæn.tɪs həz nəʊ nəʊz nɔː ˈfɪŋ.ɡəz /
I enjoy sunny summer not solemn autumn.
/ ˈaɪ ɪn.ˈdʒɔɪ ˈsʌ.ni ˈsʌ.mə nɒt ˈsɒ.ləm ˈɔː.təm /
My uncle was penning an English hymn.
/ maɪ ˈʌŋk.l̩ wəz ˈpen.ɪŋ ən ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ hɪm /
I know Norman signs a distinct signature.
/ ˈaɪ nəʊ ˈnɔː.mən saɪnz ə dɪ.ˈstɪŋkt ˈsɪɡ.nə.tʃə /
Your tongue will anxiously feel for plum stones.
/ jə tʌŋ wl̩ ˈæŋk.ʃə.sli fiːl fə plʌm stəʊnz /
Problems for Students
The biggest problem concerning the nasals / m n ŋ / is the contrast between the alveolar nasal consonant / n / and the velar nasal consonant / ŋ /, particular for speakers of languages which do not have this distinction.
In this Pronunciation Activation Pack we will be looking at minimal pairs differing only in the / n / and / ŋ / sounds.
Resources and Activators
As with all of my English Activation Packs, this Activation Pack has valuable resources to help you activate the language in this lesson.
Download the resources from the link at the top left.
You will also find the Activators at the end of the Pack.
These will give you plenty of exercises to help you make the language in this lesson part of your active vocabulary.
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They are all learning the ton of free English language learning material they got when they became a Britlisher at
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Learn 17 homophone pairs in English: be/bee, know/no, hear/here…
61 Views · 5 years ago

Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but completely different meanings. For example, “be” and “bee” sound exactly the same, but the first is a verb, and the second is the name of an insect. Because the pronunciation is identical, we rely on context and spelling to understand the word. The best way to remember homophones is to practice them. You’ve come to the right place! In this lesson, I will teach you 17 pairs of homophones. Each pair will have a verb, like “hear”, “be”, “wait”, “chews”, “bare”, “hire”. And for each verb, there will be a homophone that means something completely different. Together, we will try to make funny word games, which we call “puns” or “dad jokes”. Watch the video and then share your best puns and dad jokes in the comments!

Take the quiz for this video at

When & when NOT to use “MAKE” in English
7 Views · 5 years ago

Some verbs are used in different contexts in English. For example, the verb “make” can be used in many contexts, such as when you create something, when you choose something or come to a decision, and even when you kiss someone! With all these usages, it may be confusing for you to understand when and when not to use the verb “make”. In this lesson, I will teach you exactly when you can and cannot use the verb “make”, so that you get it right every time. After watching, solidify your knowledge by doing the quiz at Yes, solidify!

How to Use Have and Get in English - Improve English Grammar
17 Views · 5 years ago

In this lesson, you can learn about the verbs ‘have’ and ‘get’. Do you know any other common meanings of ‘have’ or ‘get’? If you can, post the meaning and an example in the comments.
You’ll see ten different meanings of ‘have’, and ten different meanings of ‘get’. You’ll also see examples, so you can learn to use the verbs ‘have’ and ‘get’ in English in different ways.

See the full version of this lesson on our website:

1. Part 1 - 1:11
2. Part 2 - 3:37
3. Part 3 - 7:15
4. Part 4 - 9:28
5. Part 5 - 12:04

This lesson will help you:
- Understand how you can use 'get' and 'have' in real English conversation.
- See phrases with 'have' and phrases with 'get' which you can use in many different situations.
- Learn how to use 'have' to talk about taking part in something, and 'get' for transportation.
- See how 'have' can be used as an auxiliary verb.
- Learn how you can use the word 'get' to mean 'receive'.
- Get examples on how you can use 'have' to discuss eating and drinking.
- Understand how you can use 'have' and 'get' to discuss illnesses.
- Use 'have' and 'get' to describe understanding or finishing certain tasks.

See more free English lessons like this on our website:

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